Wood Stanley brewed a cup of Michel, added some crushed purple pear, cooled quickly, stirred some walnut rice kernels, and then took a beautiful sip, the cold mellow taste with a soft and crispy double base for a flavor.

Many years ago, he went to Klein to give a lecture and accidentally came across a unique local drink, Michael.

Since then, Wood Stanley has fallen madly in love with this unique and mellow drink that can be paired with almost any taste.

As a druid architect, he certainly would not let go of [Michael's] spiritual seeds, and after so many years, [Michael] has always had a place in his [Spiritual Cultivation Room].

That's right, Wood Stanley is the creator of the [Spirit Treasure Cultivation Room], although he can get his hands on this extraordinary building, although there is no druid school that will bring such an expensive one into his system, but he is also the creator of the "legendary" quality extraordinary building of the Eight Classics, and he still has a little prestige among the druid transcendents.

Wood Stanley took another sip of his carefully prepared drink to kill the evening's leisure.

"Mr. Wood, do you need me to come and talk to you about the next trip?"

The female secretary's voice popped out of the private window of the dawning system, and Wood closed his eyes as he listened to the rest of the itinerary while swinging his swivel chair to enjoy the soothing music playing in the small space.

"In the next week, you first need to go to the [Turquoise Sea], and Your Excellency [Star Fountain Stephanie] would like to ask you to make a batch of [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] for the laboratories of the Islands Academy in the sea area, in addition to this, you also need to give a lecture in the druid department of the Islands Academy."

The blue sea area, one of the seven major forces of mankind, this force is directly named after the ocean plane in which it is located.

Zhudao Academy is located in the blue sea, and is one of the three top universities in the alliance with Xin Ai Sali.

All of them are the forces of Dalai, and they are also the customers served by Wood Stanley.

This is what single-product architects look for when they build high-quality buildings.

Although the [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] looks like a chicken rib, it is not affordable for ordinary people, but it can become a "legendary" building, the function will definitely not be bad, and which one can use it, which one is either rich or expensive?

After Wood Stanney's strength reached the Uyi Level, no matter how he practiced, he began to focus on developing customers, and created his own studio to start a [Spirit Cultivation Room] business, especially for those high-level professionals of druids.

During this period, he also tried to create some new druid buildings, but the response was not very good, and the sales were pure losses, and finally Wood went around and finally focused on the cash cow [spiritual plant cultivation is].

Druids, but well-known producers, have always been the existence of not bad money, high-level druids, buying a building that reaches the quality of legends is not a problem.

Over time, it was really made a little famous by Wood Stanley.

Don't look at him, Wood is just Aoyi, but [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] is his unique skill, and if you want to, you can only find him!

"By the way, it is best to formulate a high-quality [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] that can quickly advance to the 'legendary level', and Your Excellency [Star Fountain Stephanie] should keep it for your own personal use."

Finally, the cold female voice specially instructed, but these words made Wood's brows frown slightly, and even the soothing music felt harsh.

Not only do you want a high-quality [Lingzhen cultivation room], but you also need to be able to quickly cultivate to the "legendary level"?

Her two mouths moved, and she said it easily!

Wood Stanley has received thousands of orders since he created the [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] for hundreds of years, but in the end, there are only three [Lingzhen Cultivation Rooms] that have really advanced to the "legendary level".

"Legendary" quality is just potential. If you want to truly become a "legendary", I don't know how much mental effort it takes, but also a certain amount of luck and chance! Many raw materials for upgrading cannot be made up without taking tens or hundreds of years!

If it is just to customize a batch of Tier 1 [Lingzhen Cultivation Room], Wood Stanley with his identity as a mysterious architect, plus [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] itself is his own famous work, this batch of orders from the blue sea, he does not say that it is easy.

But [Star Springs Stephanie's] request wasn't so easy.

If you want to get your hands on it without losing face, the "Holy Domain Level" [Spirit Planting Cultivation Room] is a bottom line, otherwise you can't hand over the goods!

Not knowing how many brain cells to die again, Wood sighed, he loved these high-ranking druids the most, because they had money, but his biggest headache was the same one, because his request was difficult.

He can't refuse, and his good connections are based on his needs.

Otherwise, the meaning is the mystery, the legend is the legend, even if it is a capable mystery, the two are separated by 108,000 li, and they can't pee in a pot at all.

Wait until hundreds of years later, your grave grass is high one after another, and it won't be long before the legend of the people, even if you die, it's like playing, and you want to be resurrected.

The price is only a period of "legend" and a period of weakness when it has just been resurrected and retreated.

"After the matter of the blue sea, you will also go to the Void Emperor Hall, and the statue enshrined in the natural temple has shone again, this time directly causing an unknown spirit flower to open outside the hall, and you need to participate in the tasting meeting."

Statues glow?

As the birthplace of priests, druids and other professions, the natural god naturally has its own exclusive worship temple, so that its believers such as forest rangers, druids, barbarians, and children of nature worship and sacrifice.

The statue of the Temple of Nature does not shine once or twice, but it is the first time that it can lead to the birth of an unknown spirit flower.

It is no wonder that the Void Temple invited him to taste, as the creator of the [Spirit Cultivation Room], studying various precious spiritual plants is a compulsory course for Wood Stanley, and his knowledge in this area is enough to be called extensive, and ordinary legendary druids may not be comparable to him.


message pop-up window suddenly popped up, Wood stopped his secretary, and before clicking on the pop-up message, he first saw the name of the person who sent the message, and was stunned.

Guy Elvis?

As a figure who appears in the history of architecture, every architect must be familiar with this name.

Wood was still decades ago, when he went to an academic exchange banquet at the Sin Esari School of Architecture, he cheekily asked Guy for the Dawn and asked for a friend, which was regarded as expanding his network resources.

The two only occasionally talked a few times on the Dawning for decades, and then there was no intersection at all, and they never even met a second time.

This big guy is not good at raising his academy every day, what will suddenly find himself?

Wood opened the pop-up window a little puzzled.

The information is only a simple sentence.

[Guy]: Are there any descendants of the druid masters who have not yet determined the path of transcendence?

Wood touched his chin and looked thoughtful.

This network, he really has!

It's just that favor debts are the hardest to pay, so why did Guy ask him for help? For thousands of years, he knew not a few architects of the Druid department!

After hesitating, before Wood's thought ended and replied, a message came from the other end of the message.

[Guy]: By the way, it's best to be a teenager who has a talent that is not bad and has ambition to hit the legend, and has a new gadget ready to find someone to try.

After Wood's words were seen, a firework exploded in his mind, and the red, purple, blue, and green in front of his eyes were mixed, and his vision was a little blurry.

As a person who has been in the architect industry for so many years, how can he not know what these two sentences asked by Guy implies.

This is to find a strong enough backstage as a foundation for yourself, win over a group of people, and then slowly start to launch a new genre! Those who are wooed are vested interests, and naturally they will die preserving the new genre!

If the prospects of the new genre are good, there are definitely many druid high-ranking powerhouses who follow the bet investment!

And the architect boss who Guy had already done a combination of [Ghost Spell] thousands of years ago, and released such a signal, obviously he would not fool people casually.

It's just that this old man is old, and he has been out of the academic circle for so many years, and now he suddenly makes such a show, and Wood has no bottom in his heart.

Moreover, isn't his old man a whole warlock? Why did you suddenly play druids?

Isn't this a bit bigger?!

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