"So..." "

This is the [dendrotic nest] you made?"

Yuno touched his chin and looked up and down at the behemoth in front of him, when he named this core in the design blueprint, the focus actually fell on the word [worm nest].

But he didn't expect that Mo Mingqi actually focused on "tree"!

This extraordinary building in front of him, he meowed really a giant tree!

Since this building was born out of the [mother nest] of the Zerg, there is no doubt that the [tree nest] is also a biological building.

Half an hour ago, Yuye's side had just received a report of bloodshed in the territory, and there was good news from Mo Mingqi's side, saying that the [Tree Worm Nest] that had been studying had finally made progress, and even the [Light Fungus Blanket] had made a certain breakthrough.

Yuno immediately put down the matter under his hand, rushed to the area of the [research institute], and saw the tall gray-green giant tree in the distance.

The skin of the giant tree is wrapped in layers of scale armor, and the scale armor is covered with layers of gray-green natural aura spirit patterns, and the fleshy branches are waving in the wind, like crazy whips protecting an obviously shrunken [mother nest] hanging under the tree.

Insects that are a little miniature in the [Mother Nest] are going back and forth at the entrance, and both the appearance of [Red Beetle] and [Purple-bellied Ring Worm] is very different from the original.

But unsurprisingly, these bugs all have a natural smell on their bodies.

Yuye's eyes lit up, this architectural style is the core of "Chao Shengde"!

Mo Mingqi rubbed his small hands, pushed his black-framed glasses a little nervously, and looked at Yuye with some apprehension, not knowing whether his boss would agree with his creation.

He began to explain his creative ideas: "Boss, you mentioned in the blueprint that [Tree Worm Nest] will take a completely different path from the Worm Pie Druid. "

The so-called 'treeization' in [the tree nest] is actually to use the natural breath to completely turn the [worm nest] into a druid thing, instead of turning the druid into a bug, and then controlling the bug in the form of a bug."

"It's two completely different ways."

"You also mentioned in the blueprint that the common point between the Zerg and the druids is - life matter!"

"The Zerg need to use a large amount of life matter to explode, but the druids use the breath of nature to generate a large amount of life matter..." Yuno

nodded slightly appreciatively as he looked at the meaning of his architectural blueprint, he was a [architect] and an extraordinary lord at the same time.

Although he very much wants to take all the work alone, his strength alone is obviously limited.

At this time, the role of various talents and helpers in the territory is reflected. Mu Zhong can act as a big butler to manage the trivia of the territory, and each building NPC manages its own piece of responsibility, such as Dave in charge of Lingzhi and Bob in charge of the tavern. Ikuno has never pointed fingers at their control of their extraordinary buildings, but has completely delegated power.

Well, the reason for laziness should account for less than one percent (probably) of it!

The same is true of architectural design, his design ideas of "Chaoshende 9 cores" are all there, and having an assistant to help him build it can bring him a lot of help and shorten his stay on the first level.

That's right, Ikuno intends to use the "9 Core Buildings of Chaoshengde" to help him break through the bottleneck and achieve the foundation of the second order.

Each class has a different way to break through, for example, a druid needs to personally cultivate a Tier 1 spirit plant to Tier 2 to be able to break through.

This is the so-called "ascending task", which is a [law] recognized by the "will of the plane" and must be completed by every transcendent being.

And [the architect's] breakthrough is closely related to extraordinary architecture, and when Ikuno learned that [Fairy Birthstone] could successfully hatch goblins, he vaguely felt that he could break through that bottleneck.

But the reason why Ikuno has been holding back is because he is very ambitious!

He wants to make a breakthrough with the construction of an entire genre of "Super Shengde 9 Cores"! I just don't know what kind of reward the "plane will" will give him for breaking through in such a way?

Ikuno is full of anticipation.

If Yuye is allowed to make it himself, the 9 core blueprints are here, he can naturally do it as long as he spends a little more time, and it is certainly a good thing to have someone to help speed up the progress.

In particular, "Chao Shengde" is to provide the development of extraordinary territory, and with the improvement of the territory, the upgrading method of these buildings in the future, the increase of core buildings, etc., it is impossible for Yuye to maintain and support it all the time.

Because if he continues to study deeply, he will make his [architect] and [druid] star force system more and more entangled, leading to the same problems as Guy Elvis in the future.

So after Ikuno finished making the "Super Virtue 9 Cores", he was ready to let go of the genre.

A complete and mature genre cannot only have a first-order extraordinary building, so the subsequent work of the promotion method of the super-Shengde building, the improvement of the building system, etc., Yuye intends to hand it all over to Mo Mingqi.

He himself can retire and hide behind the scenes to be a low-key "big guy".

This is not a dumping pot, but a new opportunity!

According to Yuno's previous reasoning, the top layer of various extraordinary genres is to seize the anchor, so the new genre creator is opening up a path that no one has ever traveled, and the forerunner of this road is the biggest dividend beneficiary.

Although it is difficult to open up the extraordinary road, once it is passed, it is the ancestor of a faction, and its extraordinary road from the Holy Domain to the legendary has basically been set!

This kind of cultivation, unlike many geniuses of star power cultivation, has advanced by leaps and bounds at the beginning, and the completion of the promotion task is fast, and when it comes to condensing the mysteries, it begins to waver and cannot choose, and it is completely unaware of how to take his extraordinary path.

The boundless plane is different from the system in many online articles, and the completely different innate abilities and the rules of the boundless plane make everyone's extraordinary path inevitably not the same.

The path of others can only be learned.

From the beginning, it is necessary to make a career choice, and then immediately after the genre selection of the profession, the transcendent before the 9th order (coronal level) can also follow the old path of the predecessors step by step, from the mysterious step after the more and more differentiation, more and more no fellow travelers, people without clear goals, the progress of cultivation is like a snail climbing, and even may go the wrong "road", and the strength is damaged!

The creator of the genre has directly locked the goal, as long as my goal is correct, it doesn't matter if the early stage is slow, as long as the road does not go off-track!

And the road created by this mature genre must not be the credit of one person, often need many people to work together to support each other, like [Secret Word Holy Scripture Dai Zerell] such a person to perfect a road of the demon is a minority after all, then the fruits after the final success will also be divided by the pioneers of the road.

Mo Mingqi, who was still talking in front of him, had no idea what kind of great opportunity Yuye would deliver to him!

This is an extraordinary road that no one has yet set foot on! Even if it is still small and full of thorns, it can make countless druids hungry!

It was also through the creation of the genre that Ikuno finally understood why so many genius architects in history fell into the pit.

As the ancestor of the extraordinary genre, they obviously feel that continuing to walk is a good road and the future is infinitely bright, but in fact it is a "sweet trap".

Because that is the way of [druids], if [architects] mistakenly think that they can also go through because of the existence of [extraordinary resonance], then the final outcome will naturally end bleakly.

“...... Therefore, I thought of using the 3rd order natural spell [Rotten Root] to corrupt the entire [Mother Nest] with natural breath, so that the entire [Mother Nest] was completely saturated with natural breath, which also gave the druid direct control of the bug with a prerequisite - the druid can control the bug by manipulating the natural star power in the corrupted bug. "

After that, I thought that boss, your [Spirit Planting Seeder] is a dual-form building, so I also wanted to build one, and then I found the more fierce [Snake Willow] seed in the first-order Spirit Plant, and carried out [Life Connection] with the naturally corrupted [Mother Nest]..."

Mo Mingqi spread his hands, and after describing it, he looked at Yuye with some apprehension.

I don't know what my boss will say about my "work".

Yuye did not dare to tell the other side, when he explained his train of thought, he was distracted half of the time, but he puffed out his palms very loudly and praised one after another.

Either way, the boast is over!

In fact, Mo Minci's entire handling process is very much in line with his druid style. After all, he is not an [architect], and there is no way to directly reconstruct the fragments of the druid's star circuit with the architect's star circuit into a new rune group.

Then, in order to achieve this goal, it is quite reasonable to resort to high-level spells.

Very reasonable?!

Until this time, Ikuno asked from the back of his mind: "Wait a minute!" Aren't you only Tier 2? How can you use the 3rd order [Root of Rot] and the 4th order [Life Connection]? By the way, what about the seeds of [snake willow]? And where does this come from?

In the face of Yu Ye's repeated questions, Mo Mingqi didn't know when, he had already silently retreated several steps, and shouted like a mosquito: "Didn't you say that our [research institute] can have scientific research funds?!" Then I took the funds to find Mr. Guy's Dawn permission to buy the finished scroll. "

There's no way not to find Teacher Guy, his Mo Mingqi Dawn permission is not enough for him to buy 3rd and 4th order scrolls!"

Yuno looked at the gray-black willow tree again with an expressionless face, even if he had always spent money lavishly, his heart couldn't help but start dripping blood.

Is this in front of you [Snake Willow]?

This is obviously [Swallowing Gold Tree]!

Tier 3 and Tier 4 scrolls cost hundreds of thousands of gold coins at every turn, and some rare scrolls even cost more than a million!

And if you want to cultivate such a small thing, you have to experiment, right? How many finished scrolls will it cost to actually produce the finished product?

Yu Ye could already anticipate Mu Zhong's sad face after he was unsealed.

His territory, even with the output of "Amber Tears", began to have economic pressure!

No wonder that scientific research burns money, this thing is not false at all!

Looking at Mo Mingqi, who was shivering in the corner, Yuye stroked his forehead and sighed.

Fortunately, [Tree Worm Nest] has been made, although several high-level spells have been used, the cost is very high, but as long as the effect is good, then the money will be spent!

But the real "super virtue" naturally cannot be in order to build a Tier 1 extraordinary building, and it will cost Tier 3 and Tier 4 scrolls to do so.

If you want to reduce costs, you still have to go out of the way, study the [Tree Worm Nest] in front of you, disassemble the excessive useless star power circuits attached to it by high-level spells, and get the most efficient and streamlined rune group, which is the core of the operation of [Tree Worm Nest]!

At that time, there will be no need to bother like Mo Mingqi to get a [tree worm nest].

Directly use [Snake Willow] and [Mother Nest], which are building materials, to [Shaping Building Materials] and then attach the rune group of [Tree Worm Nest] that has been streamlined and efficient, and the cost is not known how much it has been reduced!

In fact, the [tree-insect nest] was able to be studied so quickly, mainly because it was stained with the light of the [mother's nest].

Yuno and Mo Mingqi themselves did not make major changes to the function of the [mother nest], but simply changed the properties of these bugs, plus a mutated [snake willow] to protect the [tree nest].

This change is actually not good or bad, it can only be said that the bugs that burst out of the [tree worm nest] are all natural star power.

This also means that these bugs have basically lost the ability of [gene tree], one of the strongest talents of the zerg, which is a certain price paid by the druids for mastering these zergs.

"So what about the effect of the building? How does it work? "

Yuye asked the question again, this [tree worm nest] still sells quite well.

I'm afraid it's a good thing, especially these miniature bugs, Yuye can't tell what use they are at present.

Mo Mingqi scratched his head: "I think [Tree Worm Nest] and [Mother Nest] of the same type can be benchmarked, and compare from various dimensions such as explosive speed." "

Since the explosive ability of the [mother nest] is inseparable from the [gray matter blanket], I think it is more reasonable to build our [light fungus blanket] together and then compare."

Yu Ye nodded slightly when he heard this, and Mo Mingqi said it was not unreasonable.

[Light fungus blanket] and [tree worm nest] should be bound relationship, and even the spirit plant [sunflower] must be a binding relationship!

[Sunflower] is not good, but it can drop a lot of [solar energy]! It can be used as a solar charging treasure of spiritual plants, charging the fungus blanket under you anytime, anywhere.

The transformation of [Photofungus Blanket] is much simpler than [Dendrochemical Worm Nest], as long as the way [Gray Matter Blanket] absorbs life matter, a slight change can be made, so that it draws life energy from corpses, excrement, humus and other things, and changes to purely light energy to synthesize life energy.

This kind of transformation is simply a good show for the druids, and Mo Mingqi did it early.

Can [Tree Worm Nest] plus [Light Fungi Blanket] be hit, the effect is not outstanding, isn't there just an object to test the water right now?

That group of beasts that are raging in the 1~5 rings!

It depends on whether you can add food tonight!

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