Earth Source Dragon Realm, Rognus Underground Palace.

Governor Leia had a gloomy face, pacing back and forth in the palace of His Highness Nineteen with his back to his back, and the dragon attendants on the side looked at each other, and did not dare to take a breath.

Every now and then he glanced up at the crystal ball on the table.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it had been a full thirty minutes longer than the time when the goods were on the shelves, but there was still no movement in the crystal ball.

In the past month, the fine wine called "Amber Tears" will be put on the shelves of the surface store at this time, waiting for the buyers of the nearby 5 time and space nodes to make an offer, and then start trading.

The whole transaction time is very short, there are still many competitors, and the hand speed is not fast and you can't grab it at all.

But Leia was always the first to buy this wine.

As a dragon who is keen to store treasures, Leia does not even need to use the reserves of the underground palace, and can easily buy it with only 1% of the size of his own fingernails.

At the beginning, he couldn't figure out the specific value of this wine, and he was always preempted by other buyers when he made a price, but the more times he auctioned, he gradually grasped the psychological price of the bidder, coupled with his amazing hand speed, he could basically win the "Tears of Amber" steadily.

That's right, Leia is the mysterious buyer of Ikuno, who comes to check in "3,358,000" every day.

Recently, Leia felt deeply tired, only because "Amber Tears" was paid attention to by more and more planes, and many people wanted to take it down, and some of the customers who offered it were real-named, and there were even some Leia who were surprised by it.

And at this point, even if Leia does not know what "Amber Tears" really is, he knows that this thing must be a good thing, and in order to grab it, he naturally has to raise the price.


His Highness Nineteen is simple (stupid), but his vision is not bad!

Some guests with heads and faces have already asked who the brewer is in the big planes, but more often they ask who is the person who grabbed the wine!

For such a long time, anyone with a little identity background knows that it is the same buyer who bought the wine, and this buyer still buys it at a lot of premium every time, which can't help but make people itch their teeth.

What does it mean that all are wrapped up?

It's not that these buyers can't afford a higher price, but just for a little appetite, buying such a small dose is really a loss! And those with strong strength are generally very high-spirited, and they can't afford to lose a little.

So many people in the plane store left messages to release cruel words, if there is a chance, you must teach this buyer a good lesson. Leia was really a little scared to see it, but he was still very decisive when it was time to make a move, and he would increase the price when it was time to raise the price.

Leia's fear is not that the price of the wine is too expensive, nor that it will be hated by other buyers, but that the seller of the wine will suddenly stop selling.

If that were the case, the last shred of news about His Highness Nineteen would have been lost.

Then if you want to find His Highness Nineteen, there is really little hope.


The worst he imagined seemed to have happened, and the mysterious plane suddenly stopped putting "Tears of Amber"!

What does this mean?

Did this person perceive something, or did he sell out of wine and not plan to brew it again?

Leia couldn't guess, his heart was in a mess, worried about the uncertain future of His Highness Nineteen, worried and worried, he glanced at the crystal ball, which had accumulated a small half of the altar of "Amber Tears", and licked his lips involuntarily.

At first, it was just an ordinary small glass, the wine was dark yellow, it seemed to be a little turbid, there was no breath at all, at that time Leia still took a small sip, did not dare to drink more, but how to say, the taste was plain like buying a fake.

Therefore, after that, Leia only carried out the snap shooting in order to interact with the plane more information and with the idea of strengthening the connection.

But after accumulating into a small altar, the originally ordinary wine suddenly emitted a strange aroma from when, and the originally turbid water body gradually became clear, but it was very textured, and the liquid wine was calm in the wine altar as if it was really a whole piece of crystal clear and flawless amber.

Under the temptation of this tempting taste, Leia even forgot his original intention of buying.

No wonder so many people want to snap it!

Just smelling this wine is worth it!

In addition to gold coins, another well-known hobby of dragons is naturally - wine!

Governor Leia is now often worried that there will be a dragon attendant who cannot bear the temptation, and sneaks into the dormitory of His Highness Nineteen and drinks this small half of the altar "Tears of Amber".

And the reason why Leia does not drink it is not only because the wine gets older and more fragrant, but also because this

wine also serves as a medium for casting spells!

It is not easy to find an unknown plane from the vast plane, even if it is as strong as the dragon clan.

Leia also didn't think of borrowing the spectacle [astral disk] to locate the plane where His Highness was teleported over, but that spectacle was too far away from the [Earth Source Dragon Realm], and there were six peak races fighting there all the time, would the dragon clan really mess with the six major races at the same time for a pure-blood descendant?

Even if the negotiation method is adopted, how many resources will it cost? Dragons are representatives of personal greatness in the boundless plane, and this phenomenon naturally leads to a weak sense of the group, even in the Dragon Country [Eichvid], it is rare to see dragons in groups.

Only when something really happens will the dragons get together.

For example, the "Dragon Eater Worm War", on the surface, it seems that because of the death of three pure-blooded dragon cubs, the dragon fought back, but in fact, the root cause was because of the birth of the "Dragon Eater Worm"!

This terrifying bug that restrains the dragon is the real reason why the dragon launched this battle! The pure-blood dragon cub was killed by other races not once or twice, although there were also dragon clans who retaliated, but have other circumstances seen such a big battle of the dragon clan?

The reason why the momentum is so huge is precisely because of the existence of "dragon eating insects", which threatens the dragon clan.

But even if the dragon destroys the three Zerg masters in this battle, the birth of the dragon-eating insect is irreversible.

It is difficult to say who won and who lost in this game between the two communities.

But it can be seen from this incident that although the dragon clan is short and domineering, it is just a matter of thinking about such an irrational thing for a pure-blooded dragon to kill the six clans alone in the Kratama war zone.

Therefore, Leia chose another more feasible way - to find the legendary Space-Time Dragon.

"Hasn't Bassarrod arrived yet?"

Leia suddenly turned his head and asked the dragon attendant behind him, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

The dragon attendant shook his head and said in a low voice: "Lord Basarold said that he will arrive today, but you also know the habits of space-time dragons, and they may get lost in the space tunnel if they are not careful. "

It's normal to be late."

Bassarrod is the second option Leia can think of.

Although Leia is only a butler, his strength is rare and ordinary among dragons, but he has lived for a long time and has a wide network, and it took several hands to contact the rare number of legendary space-time dragons Bassarrod.

This kind of connection is really about strength, but on Leia's body, it is not obtrusive at all, after all, he has been in the underground palace since the legendary dragon Rognus was a baby.

As a long-lived emerald dragon, he was much rarer than a wood-attribute dragon like the green dragon.

And longevity is the capital of the emerald dragon.

"Who said that the Space-Time Dragon will be late?"

"I don't agree."

The clear young man's voice suddenly resounded in the middle of the palace, and a faint ripple of time and space came out, quickly opening a one-way whirlpool door.

A miniature dragon jumped out of the door and quickly transformed into a handsome-looking teenager.

The faces of the dragon attendants present all changed wildly, just because the young man appeared in the underground palace so swaggeringly, but the defense mechanism of the underground palace did not even sound for half a minute, if this was the enemy, they did not even have the qualifications to detect the young man, if the other party wanted to, these people present would have already become a corpse.

But then, they immediately reacted to who was coming, knelt down together in unison, made a big salute, and said in unison: "Meet Lord Bardros!"

Leia also bowed slightly to the young man, although his strength is not as good as the other side, but he has a long life, speaking of the elders of the teenager in front of him who does not know how many generations, there is no need to salute Bardros.

The handsome boy-like Space-Time Dragon Bardros waved his hand, and then put his eyes on the wine altar on the table, and suddenly chuckled.

"This is my casting medium? That 'Tears of Amber' sold by unknown planes? "

Before coming, Barcelona had already understood the whole thing in its entirety and almost didn't laugh.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a dragon clan who loves to drink, and the little dragon cubs who are only three months old are greedy and sell themselves. If this kind of anecdote were not for the face of Rognus, Bassard would have said it to [Eichvid].

Of course, the "hush money" given by Leia is also very moving.

After seeing Leia nodding, Basarrod did not talk nonsense, beckoned to move the wine altar over, ready to cast a spell.

As for the price of inviting him to work, Leia has already paid it, if he is not very satisfied with the price, don't expect a space-time dragon to continuously shuttle through the space tunnel in the void for a month, across an unknown amount of time and space distance to rush over in the first time.

Leia also specially asked someone to tell Bassarrod that regardless of success or not, the reward this time does not have to be returned.

With this assurance, Basarrod rushed over from [Eichvid] non-stop, sighing while hurrying.

Sure enough, the dragon who has lived for a long time has money, and he can casually get something that makes the legend move.

In contrast, his new dragon legend seems shy.

Basarode shook his head to remove the distractions, focused on the "medium" in front of him, and did not see how he operated, the wine was wrapped in invisible forces, slowly floating from the wine altar, forming a "water ball" condensed by the wine.

Familiar ripples of time and space rippled from the surface of the "water ball" and rippled towards the periphery.

Unfortunately, Barcelona's operation did not do anything.

Time and space rippled, but the plane that produced the wine could not be found at all.

What's even weirder is that this is not a simple positioning failure, because if it fails directly, Basarode's space-time technique will be directly interrupted.

Now his positioning calligraphy seems to be artificially disturbed, as if in a huge maze, there is an invisible hand constantly guiding Basarode's positioning spell to a dead end, walking back and feeling that the next time you will find the exit, you hit a dead end head-on.

Either the space-time curve is pumping, and the tides of space-time with the spectacle of power appear....

Either the opposite territory also has masters who control the power of time and space, and has imposed obstruction!

Basarrod sighed, originally it was difficult to find a plane in the disordered space-time curve, if there were masters on the opposite side to prevent space-time positioning, how to play?

"I can't do it."

Basarode terminated the spell, and the amber liquor fell back into the wine altar.

"What's wrong? Is it because the interaction of information is not enough, and the medium of space-time magic is not enough?

Leia asked anxiously, "But that territory suddenly closed today and no longer has this kind of amber tears!" This

means that the interaction of information ends here, and the medium gradually loses contact.

"If he doesn't list in the future, won't he never find His Highness Nineteen?"

Basarold pondered for a while, and finally gave his opinion: "In such a situation, I can only think of two possibilities, the first is that the other party's plane is only close to the [Earth Source Dragon Realm] in this time period, and the space-time distance between the two is less than 5 space-time nodes, so you can connect." "

With the change of the space-time curve, the current space-time distance from the [Earth Source Dragon Realm] has become farther, much larger than 5 space-time nodes, so at this moment you can't accept the information of 'Amber Tears' on the other side."

Leia was silent, of course, he had thought about this possibility, but in this case, the effectiveness of the medium was limited, and now it could not be located to the opposite side, and the hope for the future was even more remote.

But he still asked, "What about the second one?"

"The second is that there are also legendary level space-time mages on the opposite side who have applied protection, and under such protection, even if you use the [Star Boundary], there is a high probability that something will go wrong!"

"So I really can't do it, sorry!"

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