"You mean these goblins are all born when you were building a new genre?"

Guy touched his chin and looked thoughtfully at the gray stone in front of him, it was difficult to associate it with the "extraordinary building", and it was even more difficult to imagine that such a beautiful creature as a goblin was born from this!

Of course, when he thought that this was an extraordinary building made by Ukuno, Guy inexplicably felt that it was very reasonable, and accepted this fact without any psychological obstacles.

Goblins, an extremely rare high race.

They naturally master a lot of incredible natural techniques, and have always been the object of druids' keen pursuit, and the famous first-order "legendary" building [Lingzhen Cultivation Room] of druids has the participation of goblins in the construction, in order to create a different special environment that accommodates many precious spiritual flowers and spiritual plants in a small building.

In the [Lingzhen Cultivation Room], [Extreme Sun Flower], which grows deep in the lava, and [Xuanbing Grass], which grows in the tundra, can be shared in the same room, and the merit of the goblins is indispensable.

It's not that there are no druids who have thought about using goblins as a transcendent class, but unfortunately, the number of goblins has always been a key issue, making this idea impossible to achieve.

The goblins I see on weekdays are basically born and raised, and few people can take the initiative to cultivate them successfully, let alone raise several at once like Yuye.

"So what is the druid genre you're going to build? Leprechaun virtue?

"Even if you have the means to produce goblins, but if you make it an extraordinary class, the number is still less!"

Ikuno had planned to let his new teacher guide him to create an extraordinary building, so he told all his ideas.

"Tree people, spirit plants, goblins, and even bugs..." Guy

was so startled by Ukuno's bold idea that he couldn't speak, but soon he began to frown frequently.

No matter what kind of extraordinary class, the most mainstream construction ideas of the Human Alliance today are basically all focusing on an extraordinary class, and it is unheard of for a mix like Yuye.

After all, the same group, their star power will be more compatible, [architects] can also build extraordinary buildings in the same lineage, adhering to the same style and technique.

For example, if there is only one type of Tree Tree Man in the territory, then [Architect] can achieve a group buff by directly attaching the aura of "To all friendly tree people..." when creating a buff type extraordinary building.

But in other words, it is a transcendent territory with bugs, tree people, and even spirit plants and goblins....

Wouldn't it be necessary to have both the aura of buffing bugs, the aura of buffing tree people, and the aura of buffing spirit plants?

A transcendent building requires three different transcendent classes to add buffs at the same time, which is too difficult, right?

If the Extraordinary Building wants to select the friendly Treeman unit for buffs, then the rune group must add the section of the [Class] Star Power Circuit fragment that expresses the characteristics of the Treeman, which is equivalent to a screening mechanism.

According to Yuno's construction, if you want to identify the three classes, you have to repeat the screening three times, then this rune group will appear too cumbersome and complex, not only the architect's skills are very demanding, but also the finished product will not be good.

Of course, [Architect] can also split the buff class into three, one for each class, which can also achieve the buff effect.

It can be done....

What about the cost?

Could it be that every extraordinary building involving [class] fragments has to prepare three completely different sets?

How can a genre that costs so much more than other extraordinary territories carry out universal promotion?

Isn't this a contradiction?

Guy's question hit the nail on the head, pointing out a major problem that Ikuno hadn't noticed before, and if it wasn't solved, then Ukuno's "supernatural virtue" would be a joke.

After pondering for a long time, Ikuno suddenly raised his head and asked with a glare in his eyes: "But why does our buff building have to be attached to [troops]?" We can use the commonalities of these [classes] to make gains!

"For example, the ability to reproduce!"

"Let's just do nothing and strengthen all the buffs on the ability of [breeding], instead of blessing the screening of [troops], so that we can perfectly bypass the problem you mentioned!"

"This also has the advantage of bringing out the strongest and best place of our 'Super Shengde' to the extreme!"

"That's 'raw'!"

"Maybe the quality of our individual soldiers is not as good as the troops that others have added BUFF, but we can crush the enemy by quantity alone!"

After listening to Yuno's answer, Guy's eyes lit up.

That's right! A difficult problem in front of you cannot be solved, then this problem can be bypassed!

As Guy Elvis, who has created [Ghost Spell], he has much more experience in the creation genre than Ikuno!

Although he has not been involved in the creation of druid architecture in the past, the most important thing for the same [architect] is the "way of thinking", not the star power types of different professions.

The so-called universal access is this truth.

What Guy has to do is to check and fill in the gaps, update and improve, and put forward insights on the general idea of the Ukuno architecture, and change some common sense mistakes that Ikuno takes for granted in combination with the specific situation of the boundless plane.

Even though he is older now, Guy's experience and vision are still at a high level, and it is still easy to solve some simple problems.

An old man and a young man, separated by nearly a thousand years, came together because of a building and began to forget to eat and sleep.

Time passed minute by minute, under the guidance of such a famous master, the construction of Ikuno's "Super Shengde" began to improve, and the remaining puzzle sections, although Ikuno had not yet made it in practice, but also had a general outline, waiting to continue to fill in the details.

I don't know how long it took, a blueprint was roughly drawn, and Ikuno looked at these architectural ideas on the drawing with satisfaction, which would be the focus of his work in the next period!

There are a total of 9 types of core buildings initially involved in this blueprint, and there are more or less than ten types of extraordinary buildings of auxiliary types.

In the future, Yuye is bound to delete and supplement this sketch, but with his 9 core buildings, it can already support the foundation of an extraordinary genre. When the [Little Ghost Technique] was first launched a thousand years ago, there were only 13 core buildings.

Output Core

: [Spirit Planter] (Seed Spirit Plant), [Crystal Cave] (Star Stone

), [Light Blanket] (Combined Light Energy) Defense Core Class: [Natural Signal Tower] (Monitoring), [Hard Carapace

] (Protection) Class Core Class: [Fairy Birthstone] (Goblin), [Tree Man Totem] (Tree Man), [Tree Worm Nest] (Worm)



The 9 core buildings in the [Spring Rhythm] (Buff Reproduction)

blueprint are only the functions and directions preset by Ikuno, and it does not mean that the current Ukuno can be directly built.

For example, the technical difficulties of [Tree Worm Nest], one of the cores, are currently being overcome by Mo Mingqi, and there is still a certain distance from full realization.

If you want to really completely create these 9 cores, the subsequent workload is really not small!

Fortunately, today's Yuno is not alone, Mentor Guy and Mo Mingqi are his good assistants, which can greatly shorten this process.

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