In the narrow and damp tunnel, crisp leather boots step on the wet fleshy ground, and then the owner of the shoes stands in front of a plain fleshy cavity wall.

He stretched out a pair of white gloves wearing silk embellishments and pressed them against the wall of the cavity in front of him.

The dark blue star power circuit spread out from the palm in large quantities, and the scarlet cavity wall that was originally tightly shielded suddenly contracted inward, revealing a channel hidden in the cavity.

In the room, complex bands of insect insects shuttled through the air, quickly exchanging information and then gathering in a huge dark blue [Nian Li Ball] in the center of the empty hall.

The owner, wearing white silk gloves, ignored the hall, bypassing the high-level zergs who were sitting on his workbench and manipulating, and came straight to a majestic figure.

This figure is wearing a straight dark green military uniform, with a pair of transparent cicada wings hidden under his broad shoulders, and with his soft and handsome face, his identity is naturally not difficult to guess.

This is an extremely rare group in the Zerg - the cicada tribe, and it is the golden cicada in the cicada family.

And this young and handsome cicada tribe also has a very loud name in the Zerg, although it is not yet a household name, but it is also the leader of the new generation of the Zerg.

Lidal, that's his name.

His current status is a [Zerg Commander], driving the [Belhimo] of the U-Trinity Order to engage in protracted battles with the human O-Order lords on the main battlefield, and is responsible for directing a small area of the nearby battlefield for coordinated operations.

Since the beginning of the war, Lidal has annihilated 5 human lords of the same rank, and the [Belhimo] he piloted has been seriously injured and destroyed once, and Lidal as a commander has also almost died.

This is the cruelty of war.

The "infinite division of the battlefield" tactic used by the human dawn system is usually used by lords below the 9th rank.

There are probably two reasons for this.

First, the materials and energy consumed by the Zerg teleportation above the 9th order are too large, and it is okay to do it occasionally, and if it is regarded as a regular practice, then the Dawning System cannot afford it.

Second, when the lords of the Uyi Order come to war, in order to continue the development of their extraordinary territory, most of them will respond to the battle to join the main battlefield, and since they want to participate in the main battlefield, there is no need to teleport.

For those below the 9th level, this mode of teleportation defense has a 14-day interval rest after each resistance, allowing more lords to develop steadily.

After reaching the Uyi Order, the lord faces a super melee on the main battlefield, which belongs to a real fight from beginning to end, and cannot be stopped for a day.

This side is about to kill one of the enemy lords, and as long as the other lord of the enemy army is nearby, he will immediately rush to help.

This is not only the Zerg doing this, but also the Terrans, everyone understands the truth of cold lips.

Therefore, it is not easy to kill the existence of the same rank on the battlefield of the great chaos of the Uyi Order.

And in just over ten days, Lidal was able to kill five people in a row, and achieved such an impressive result, which naturally became one of the key targets of the Terrans.

Some time ago, the [Belhimo] he was driving was destroyed because the [Purifiers] of the Terrans did it.

Often nicknamed the "Insect Exterminator Team," the [Cleansers] are elite human teams dedicated to dealing with the most enthusiastic enemies on the battlefield.

The tragic experience last time made Lidal understand that now he has entered the list of [Clearers], and it is obviously an unwise choice to come out again during this time.

The name of [Clearer] is so loud in the Zerg, naturally because of the terrifying achievements it has achieved!

Even the parents and children of the "mother emperor" have been hunted! This made his desire to fight lessened, and he wanted to relax and avoid the limelight.

Lidal thought that he was not at that level, and the fact that he had already achieved a lot of merit in this war was enough for him to digest and precipitate for a while.

Therefore, he made the decision to rest for a while, and his departure naturally had to hand over [Belhimo] to the next controller.

"Good job!"

Lidal patted the shoulder of the person in front of him and handed over the authority to the newcomer, who glanced at the other party slightly.

The same youth, strong strength, there is still a faint trace of fanatical worship in his eyes....

Such an image Lidal has been seen in many high-level zergs, and the vast majority of these young insects are worshiped by [Blade Empress Kerrigan]!

But often such confident, impulsive insects do not live long!

Lidal sighed and was about to leave [Belhimo], but at the moment he was about to disembark, he received a bug wave message from his superior.


"Urgent tasks temporarily dispatched?"

When Lidal heard about the new mission, he instinctively frowned and wanted to refuse, he had already submitted the report of retreating to the rear, and it was logical that after handing over [Belhimo's] authority, he could pat his ass and leave.

Such an emergency task that was temporarily dispatched completely disrupted his future plans.

"This is a task that even Lord Kraken is concerned about."

At the end of this wormwave communication, the boss emphasized the name of Lord Kraken.

After hearing the name, Lidal hesitated, and finally chose to accept the task.

After all, this Lord Kraken is notoriously careful, and since he personally named himself, if Lidal forcefully chooses not to go, it is inevitable that he will wear small shoes in the future.

After Lidal chose to accept the task, he simply and neatly rushed all the way towards a certain cabin in [Belhimo].

Along the way, he also carefully understood the specific content of this urgent task.

Lidal also did not expect that this task was actually involved with the 1st order [mother nest]!

In the second round of defense this time, the unknown plane where a human lord was stationed was teleported into 13 Tier 1 [Mother Nests] by the Dawning System, and all of them fell inside without exception.

The method used by the lord of this plane to do this has attracted the attention of the relevant high-level zerg.

And the reason why he found Lidal is that he hopes that Lidal can use his talent [Golden Cicada Shelling

], let the body fall into a state of [suspended animation], metamorphose a first-order [fake body], and then as the "protector" of the first-order high-level zerg, through the teleportation of the dawning system,

sneak into that unknown plane for a detailed exploration.

In fact, Kraken is not only looking for Lidal alone, but also a series of zergs with special talents such as [Ghost Mayfly] and [Puppet Worm], all of which can fake their identities and realize the operation of infiltration.

As for why so many alternatives were chosen, it was naturally because the Dawning System's selection of the Tier 1 [Mother Nest] was random, and Kraken put together so many alternatives to ensure that the infiltration work was foolproof.

You know, each [mother nest] is a "legendary" quality building, and in terms of potential, it has the opportunity to become a "legend", converted into the realm of the zerg, which is "royal level".

Even if these potentials are just potentials, and there is no one out of ten thousand that can really be realized, it is impossible for the Zerg to allow such a big loss to occur.   If it is an example, Kraken can still accept it, but if this is a pilot of a new human genre, once the experiment is successful, it will be quickly promoted

, then in the low-level,

the Zerg vs. the Terran will instantly become a major disadvantage.

This is what Kraken cannot accept!

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