Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 959 Looking for reinforcements

When he came out of the underground base, Agu had regained his composure.

It seems that after so many years of working in the wizard's tower taking care of the books, he has learned to deal with it calmly.

So you didn't recognize each other in the end?

Why bother to recognize each other? She hates faceless people, so why should I let her know that the person who has raised her for ten years is actually a faceless person?

Huh? Thor shook his head, Although from the perspective of a bystander, hiding it like this may cause a bigger misunderstanding.

He gave an example he had seen.

For example...how old was she when you pretended to be her father?

Five years old, five years and three months.

She was so young, and you took over her father's identity after her father died. And you left her when she was fifteen. She may not remember her original father, but she definitely remembers you. Maybe she thought you did it on purpose. Abandoned her.

Agu lowered his head, I really didn't have time to tell her the truth when I left.

Sol spread his hands, So it's not certain what the truth is. Nothing can be solved if you don't say anything. Even if you ask about her impression of her father?

Agu frowned in distress. When he saw Fiona's cold and mocking eyes, he couldn't remember the methods Thor said at all, and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Hey. Thor sighed, This kind of thing is probably more clear to the people watching. If you still want to talk to Fiona, I can go back to the hotel and wait for you.

No. Unexpectedly, Agu still refused. She will definitely not come out to see me now. It's better to wait until later. And after all, I am also... appearing suddenly now will not be of any help to her. Master, you still have to save her now. Byronic wizard, isn’t he?”

I respect your decision. Sol didn't force it, and touched his chin, Senior Byron was detained by them, and I don't know what situation he is in now. How can I really let them bully the senior?

The two of them were chatting and walking towards the Star Observation Tower, not looking in a hurry.

Master, how do you want to save people?

Sol raised his hand and snapped his fingers, Find a backer first!

An encrypted letter was urgently sent to the Glow family and presented to Chief Norton by Edgar.

Norton's white light engulfed the letter in Edgar's hand, turning it into ashes. But by this time Norton had completely deciphered the contents of the letter.

Then there was a long silence.

Edgar waited for a long time, but when Norton didn't speak, he couldn't help but wonder, Chief, have you encountered something difficult?

Norton then spoke, Edgar, how many more years can I survive?

Edgar said calmly, If you keep your mental body stable, four years should be no problem.

Yeah, there are only four years left. Do you think Thor knows about this?

Wizard Thor should also be able to tell.

Then why is he still looking for trouble for me?

Maybe...how about I go for you?

Will you go see Alik for me?

Then you better go.

The toddler in the white ball of light sighed.

Edgar thought for a moment, How about you write a letter and I will forward it to Speaker Alik for you?

Norton chuckled lightly, Forget it, I'll go there in person. I'm afraid it's useless to just send a letter, they are very good at pretending to be stupid. I think Alik won't do anything to me when he sees my old bones.

After finishing speaking, before Edgar could say anything, the white ball of light suddenly went out, and the originally dark room completely lost its light source.

Alas... Edgar sighed helplessly, lit the lantern in his hand, and then saw the light again.

He stared blankly at the bright wick, If the Stargate Council is willing to listen to the advice and stop the spread of red worms, how can you let most of the people return to the Glowing World to take refuge?

Do you think red worms will be transmitted to the Stat Continent along with airships or ships? Should we notify everyone of emergency evacuation?

Walking near the star observation tower, Thor looked up at the giant red worm on the tower. It had been two days since the last sighting of redworms. The other party seemed to have grown a little bigger at this time.

Although ordinary people couldn't detect that slight change, Thor could clearly feel the change in the size of the red worm.

Your worries are reasonable. Agu has also broken away from Fiona's blows these days, But haven't you already passed on the information?

Actually, if you think about it carefully, the Stargate Council would not intentionally transfer red worms to other continents. After all, other fourth-level wizards will not agree. Maybe the Stargate Council will become the target of public criticism, and the enemy will eventually destroy their plan. However, I'm still worried that those red worms will inadvertently land elsewhere.

Between sacrificing all and saving a few, one would rationally choose the latter, but who can accept that their relatives and friends are among the majority who are sacrificed?

And Thor doesn't think that staying in the wizarding world will necessarily lead to death.

Since Master Gorsa said that Abyss is a corpse, it means that Abyss is not invincible.

Thor also thought about whether he could seize the Star Gate and take his friends out of this dangerous world, but the Death Teller in the Symphony World and Floco, who had been out, both warned Thor that the outside world was really not safe.

Those below the fifth level cannot cross the world wall, which is actually a kind of protection of the world for its own indigenous people.

Therefore, even if Thor is confident that he can enter the fifth level, what about his friends?

So Thor has decided that even if he has to leave in the end, he will not give up until the end of the world truly breaks out and no one survives.

Thor looked down at the palm of his right hand, and another star eye popped out there. But Thor was careful not to let his starry eyes see the giant red worm on the observation tower.

Last time, the eyes eliminated a red worm, but the star eye itself was also damaged, otherwise the pain would not be reflected back to me. This is the first time I have seen something that can hurt the star eye. In other words, that The mental power of a small red worm is already quite powerful. If I fight against the red worm on the star observation tower, I don’t know how many star eyes will be consumed. Will the feedback damage directly kill me?

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly flashed through Sol's mind.

He suddenly stopped and while carefully pressing the star eyes in his palm, he raised his hand to look at the giant red worm in the distance.

The red worm has the power to fight against the Eye of the Star. So... can it deal with the Eye of the Abyss?

It was just an inspired thought. Thor currently doesn't even understand the characteristics of the red worm, let alone control the red worm to fight for him. But this is not an idea that can be tried to solve the problem of doomsday.

“Always make a bold assumption first!”

Thor looked at the red worm again, no longer completely regarding it as a pest.

There are always two sides to everything. Isn't a crisis a turning point?

Master, what are you talking about? Agu asked puzzledly.

Saul was not in a hurry to express his thoughts, and just said: Agu, how do you think we can make Speaker Alik change his mind about just escaping?

[If you want to make a proud and stubborn person let go of his obsession, the only way is to make him realize that he has no way out. 】

Beth wrote elegantly in her diary.

He is a fourth-level wizard. How can I make him have no way out? Should I find a fifth-level wizard... Hey, I seem to know a fifth-level wizard!

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