Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 373 The Wizard Planet

Chapter 373 The Wizard Planet

The stairs on the left lead to the normal second floor, and the stairs on the right seem to lead to an abnormal world.

Thorn paused and said, Of course it could be the other way around.

The so-called normal world is only relative to the entire Four Seasons Forest.

The reason why it wasn't all dead ends, of course, was because the diary didn't stop him from entering the palace.

But when Sol stood in front of the two stairs and prepared to go up, the diary did not issue a reminder.

Isn't the danger on the surface?

Sol first chose the strange-shaped staircase that ended up sinking into the wall on the right.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Sol did not use witchcraft to climb up, but chose to climb directly. Anyway, the lift of the entire hall is only five or six meters.

Agu, who was unable to move, stayed where he was.

Although Sol has not learned how to climb, his physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people, and his arm strength is stronger. He planned to go to a place where he needed to be parallel to the ground or even stand on his head, so he directly used his strong arms to pull himself there.

However, when Sol stepped up the strangely shaped stairs, he found that as he walked, the direction of gravity he felt changed with the plane of the stairs.

Before Sol entered the next floor, he was completely upside down relative to the room.

He raised his head, just in time to look at Agu who was standing below who was also looking up.

Sol nodded to Agu, then stepped into the next floor.

When Sol stepped into the next floor, Agu immediately lost his presence.

It seemed that Sol didn't enter the next level, but entered another space.

Agu stood there silently, waiting for Saul to come back, or calling him to enter.

However, something hit the bend of his leg suddenly, and then a chair appeared behind him, forcing him to sit on it.

Agu was startled, and just about to stand up, another step stool flew over to support his legs, and then the tassels on the chair cover wrapped around Agu's hands and feet, trying to drag him up and take him away.

Agu tried to struggle first, but found that these chairs and tassels were very strong, and he couldn't break free with his current strength alone.

Just when Agu decided to take the risk of performing witchcraft, his movements froze suddenly, and then the whole person fell silent, slightly surprised but helplessly sitting on the chair.

Let a chair and a stool move him away.

After entering the next room on Sol's side, it was as if he had entered a world with abnormal gravity.

The shape of everything here is abnormal and unreasonable.

Some of the tables and chairs here are standing on the wall, and some are floating in the air, and the stairs under Sol's feet have not been cut off, and have been extended to the next room.

And the next room is above, which is normal to somewhat abnormal.

Scanning the entire room, Sol's mental power gave him feedback that everything was normal - mental power can also be used here, and there is no need to worry about the shock being unable to calm down.

He didn't stop here, and quickly walked into the next room.

If the second room is just objects in the wrong orientation, the third room is even more bizarre.

Nothing here is what it used to be. Furnishings, decorations, etc. are all here and there. It was as if the whole room had been turned into a jigsaw puzzle, which was randomly put together.

The backs of the chairs protrude from the walls, the rugs are on the left and the right, and the lampstands and candles are not in the same place.

Even the flame of the candle was divided into upper and lower halves.

Only the stairs under Sol's feet still maintain their original appearance.

The fourth room is under the third room.

Sol stepped on the stairs in the air, turned around, and then entered the next room.

In this way he went all the way to the ninth room.

And when he entered the sixth room, Sol had already closed his eyes.

He can no longer look directly at things in the room, and he doesn't even know if he is walking in the room. Staring at those abnormal existences for a long time made his mental body start to vibrate irregularly.

In order to explore more areas, Sol closed his eyes.

Although the darkness is also disturbing, but staring at the diary in the spirit body, Sol's spirit gradually stabilized.

During this period, he has been carefully sweeping around his body with mental power, so as not to notice any abnormal fluctuations.

When he entered the ninth room, the steps under his feet disappeared, as did the log railing.

Sol probed with his feet, and there was a flat ground in front of him. Judging from the feedback of the soles, it seemed that there was still a carpet.

He slowly opened his eyes, the diary did not warn.

There is indeed a red carpet at his feet leading straight ahead. At the end of the red carpet is a white throne. The back of the throne is covered with flowers and thorns, and in the middle of the back of the chair, there is a small weaving painting.

Other than that, there's nothing here.

There are no rooms around, just a blank white light.

The white light is not dazzling, but when Sol looks at the white light, his thinking will become sluggish. He has no doubt that if he looks at it for too long, the whole person will enter a state of stupidity and cannot break free.

Sol quickly turned his gaze back to the throne at the end of the red carpet, and there seemed to be a call in his ear.

He frowned and walked over.

The red carpet under my feet was very stable, as if it was really laid on some flat surface.

Thor gradually approached the white throne, and the voice from above became clearer.


I couldn't understand the words inside, but Saul inexplicably felt that it was an invitation for Saul to sit on it.

It seems that as long as you sit on it, all problems can be solved.

Thor reached out and rested lightly on a half-scented white flower.



The voice from the white throne became weaker, but Thor still surrounded him without stopping.

There was a strange sense of staring behind him, and Sol suddenly turned his head, and was surprised to see that the red carpet behind him had disappeared.

He stepped on the white base of the white throne, and below it was a starry sky.

The starry sky is very common, as long as he leaves the Wizard Tower, Sol can see it every night.

But the starry sky in front of me is different.

Directly opposite Sol, or the throne, there is a planet composed of black, white and gray.

Like a sketch, but a solid planet that is slowly rotating.

It is very similar to the planet Sol saw on TV in his previous life, except that the distribution of continents and oceans is different.

However, Thor saw one of the large land plates, which was very similar to the entire landmass of the western continent that he had seen in the wizard's basic knowledge of all things.

The Western Continent is entirely located in the west of a larger continental plate, which has many names, such as Stater, Bin Sining and so on.

However, people in the western continent still call it the State Land.

The State Continent is also divided into the Northern Continent and the Eastern Continent.

But these three continents are separated by a huge area in the center, which ordinary people cannot pass through. It can only go around the coastline to other continents by air or sea.

That huge area, on the black and white planet here and now, appears black.

Thor knew that it was called No Man's Land.

It is also nicknamed the burial place of wizards.

As for why it is called the land of no man, Thor can't know it now.

There are two continents on the planet besides the State Continent.

Their names are mentioned in the basic cognition book.

Neferet Continent and Iscapper Continent.

It turns out that our world looks like this. Sol was as shocked as an astronaut who went to space for the first time.

The northernmost part of the State Continent is actually a huge continuous mountain range. It's so high! It can be clearly seen from this perspective.

Hey, why is the end of the mountain so neat? It's like tofu cut by a knife. Outside the mountain, it seems to be sea water.

This row of mountains looks like a high wall... Could it be the 'End of the North, the Wall of Sighs' written in the book?

Further north of the mountain range, there is no land. There are no Arctic continents or icebergs on the sea, only boundless sea water.

The white water stretched as far as Thor could see, flowing toward the back of the planet he couldn't see.

Thor: What a beautiful world!

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