Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 353 Break it

Senior Byron, he has become stronger again!

Seeing that the eavesdropper was Byron, most of Sol's vigilance and anger dissipated in an instant.

At the same time, he also lamented that the other party was getting closer and closer to an official wizard.

Ke Li just walked past him, and she didn't notice it at all.

And judging from the changes that Byron can speak at will, the other party should be able to solve the problem of the spiritualization of the locator immediately.

Because he no longer needs the evil spirit to put pressure on himself.

Maybe in two months, there will be an official wizard in the wizard tower.

Saul was really happy for Byron.

It's customary for you to receive gifts on birthdays?

Senior Byron even expressed a feeling of being forced to receive gifts.

It was a habit when I was a child. In fact, Keli and I just sent each other to play and join in the fun.

Yeah. Byron nodded, then took out a thread-bound note from his pocket and handed it to Saul, Birthday gift for you.

Sol was stunned for a moment, and before he could ask anything, Byron lowered his head.

Well, it's not a birthday present. It's actually my research notes on gray matter. The credits owed to you before the deduction. This note is worth 300 credits in my opinion, so you owe me 17 credits now.

Byron paused and said, Then take these seventeen credits as a birthday present.

Sol shook his head and sighed, Your senior will always be your senior.

Saul was not polite to Byron either. He took the gray matter research notes that were clearly organized carefully and flipped through them roughly.

Gray matter is the mysterious substance that Sol and Byron picked up at the bottom of Blue Water Bay. This thing can emit a strange magic wave.

At that time, Byron wondered if it was the stone. This fluctuation caused the changes of the soul fragments, making them gather together to form the soul tide.

Afterwards, Saul and Byron each collected a part and brought them back for research. It's just because Thor mainly absorbed soul fragments in the past, and the research and learning tasks in his hands were too heavy, just like how he treated the nightmare butterfly back then, he put the gray matter on the shelf.

Unexpectedly, half a year later, Byron would hand over his research results directly to Saul.

Senior, could it be that your current changes are brought about by gray matter?

If the gray matter was an ordinary thing, then Byron would definitely not set it at 300 credits and send it to himself specially.


Sol also didn't expect that the accidental discovery at the beginning would just solve the problem of Senior Byron's promotion.

He quickly found the key points in the notes. It turns out that gray matter can simultaneously increase the upper limit of the dark attribute particles of the spiritual body and the physical body, and shield a certain degree of distracting thoughts.

Byron used gray matter as a material to make a potion.

And it is written at the end of the note: It can improve the spiritual power of the user to a certain extent, and it is helpful to break through the official wizard.

Seeing that Sol has quickly turned to the last page, Byron explained: My current mental power has reached the requirements of an official wizard. The magic value has already arrived. Only the spiritualization of the locator is still the last step. I guess Another six months to a year...

Byron didn't say the last word.

He was not the type to show off before doing things, so even though he was sure to become a formal wizard, he swallowed the second half of the sentence.

But Saul could already understand what he meant, and couldn't help being happy for Senior Byron again.

Take it back and take a look at it slowly. If you have any problems, you can go to the dormitory to find me. Before I get promoted, I should not go out again.

Okay. Saul replied with a smile.

After so many years, it was not easy for a third-level apprentice to be promoted to a full-time wizard. Presumably, the Tower Master and Mentor Katz will pay more attention to Senior Byron.

After finishing the business, Byron left.

Saul was in a good mood, and was still flipping through the notes in his hand on the way back to the second warehouse.

At that time, I guessed that the gray matter was not common, but I really didn't have time to study it. I didn't expect Senior Byron to get so much information from it.

If Sol wanted to use the gray matter, he could actually use the diary's early warning feature to create a potion similar to Byron's without knowing the composition and principle of the gray matter.

But ever since he entered the third-level apprenticeship, he kept admonishing himself, unless it was absolutely necessary, never to use the diary to make potions, construct magic circles, etc. again.

Otherwise, the basic knowledge is not solid, you can only rely on him, and it will be abolished sooner or later.

However, it can also be seen from Byron's notes that although he discovered the characteristics and uses of gray matter, he has not yet analyzed the cause of gray matter formation.

This is also the hardest step.

But Thor speculates that a lot of death must be needed.

What Sol didn't tell Byron was that his mental power had already reached the level of an official wizard, or even surpassed it. Just less magic.

However, the locator problem that caused the most headaches for a third-level apprentice, he had already solved it long before he was promoted to the third level.

According to his current progress, as long as there are no accidents, he can reach the minimum requirements for a formal wizard in about half a year.

The reason why he can improve so fast is actually thanks to the blessing of the blue water bay.

During the snowy winter, Thor made two trips to Bluewater Bay to collect soul fragments. I also entered the miraculous state of being surrounded by countless distracting thoughts twice, and saw the thin thread that can connect everything.

It's a pity that both times the diary filtered out all distracting thoughts before Sol touched the thin line, and pulled him back from the brink of being polluted by distracting thoughts.

But after experiencing these two invasions of distracting thoughts, Thor's magic power and spiritual power have improved again. It also greatly reduced the daily accumulation time he needed to be promoted to an official wizard.

The only thing that makes Sol regret, or feel strange, is that he did not encounter the Soul Tide in the two trips to Blue Water Bay.

Even when he asked the locals, he learned that the soul tide in Blue Water Bay hadn't appeared for more than half a year.

That is, from one month before Sol's departure until now, Blue Water Bay has regained its calmness that has not been seen in a century.

However, this is good news for locals.

When Sol went to Blue Water Bay for the second time, he saw the snail picking boy Banbu again.

Banbu's life seems to be getting better and better because of the concealment of Soul Tide. His clothes and shoes were obviously cleaner and stronger than when Thor first saw him.

Sol only watched the boy working hard from a distance, and didn't bother to come forward to say hello.

Ben is not a person from the same world, and Sol finally left silently.

After leaving Blue Water Bay for the second time, he didn't go there again.

The main reason is that he has almost absorbed all the luminous soul fragments.

There, too, the last reason to attract Saul was lost.

After the memory was over, Saul also came to the second warehouse holding the note.

Senior Byron developed gray matter into a potion and took it, which seems to have improved a lot of mental power. I can try to make this potion when I go to the Elven Valley in two days. If I can improve my mental power again Better.

Although Sol's mental power has surpassed most official wizards, who would dislike his own strength?

Such a happy birthday.

In this terrifying world of wizards, in the high-pressure wizard tower where his life is at stake, he still meets two simple people, two sincere friends... Really, it's incredible!

Saul's left hand stapled notes, right hand Alpha necklace.

He even hung on the chain with his index finger childishly, and twirled it in circles.

But after turning it around twice, he hooked his index finger and tightened it again.

This is not an ordinary necklace. The pendant is made of glass after all. It will be bad if it breaks.

Saul didn't want to test Keri himself.

But in the next second, Sol's footsteps stopped.

The ring finger of his right hand gently rotates the glass ball in his palm.


He slowed down and pushed open the warehouse door with his elbow.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Nick at the front of the group of corpses.

The opponent's body was still transmitting spiritual hints.

【Smash it... Smash it... Smash it...】

I'm in a hurry today, I don't have time to catch bugs, so I'll revise it tonight.

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