Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 89 The sacrifice begins?

Stone interior.

Listen! Do you hear anything?

Dr. Jones shouted.



Everyone heard a rumbling sound underground, like a huge stone rolling.

And this sound was mixed with the sound of boulders falling to the ground.

It should be those mercenaries who triggered the mechanism!

Assistant Liu listened for a moment and then said.

He had read many documents related to ancient tombs and knew that there were many kinds of mechanisms in ancient tombs.

Just like the ancient tomb in Jin Yong's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes, pressing a button will cause the stone door to fall or open.

Of course, these are all well-intentioned institutions.

There are also some mechanisms that, if triggered unintentionally, will attack intruders.

For example, in an ancient tomb in Chinese history, there was a huge round stone in the secret passage.

When someone triggers the mechanism, the boulder will roll, making the same rumbling sound just like muffled thunder.

The giant boulders rolled, getting faster and faster. The terrain in the secret passage of the tomb was so narrow that people couldn't even hide inside!

When a person is overtaken by a giant boulder, it will be completely crushed into a meat pie from head to toe!

At this moment, boom!

A huge sound sounded not far away.

not good!

exclaimed Dr. Jones.

The others were also shocked.

Because what was closed was the passage they passed through before.

Dr. Jones didn't give up and quickly ran to the stone path.

He discovered that a thick stone door had firmly sealed the stone passage he had entered before!

Did you bring any tools?

Dr. Jones asked as he looked at the people in the stone room.

At this time, a soldier took out a military thorn.

Dr. Jones, I only have this in my hand. I don't know if it will be useful!

Dr. Jones took it and said, Just use it for now!

As he spoke, he inserted the sharp sharp blade into the gap under the stone door.

Everyone was looking forward to it nervously.

If this stone door cannot be opened, then there is a high possibility that they will never be able to get out!

Dr. Jones lay on the ground, put his ear against the huge stone door, and then used his military thorn to pry it slightly.

Everyone was silent and looked attentively.

Dr. Jones tried for a while, then got up from the ground. He shook his head: This stone door weighs at least several thousand tons. Without a large crane, it is impossible to open it!

What should we do?

Sam panicked.

He immediately took out his communicator and tried to send a message to headquarters.

Then, Sam discovered that all signals seemed to be cut off in the stone room.

how so?

When Sam discovered this situation, his face turned pale.

We have to think of other ways to see if there are any clues on this wall!

Dr. Evan whispered.

As he spoke, he began to study the ancient writings on the wall.

Dr. Chen also said loudly: Everyone, take action! See if there are any institutions here!

Soon, half an hour passed, and everyone discovered that there was no clue at all in the stone room.

At this time, they were completely trapped in the stone chamber!

There must be a way!

Dr. Evan murmured.

Soon, he found a text on a stone pillar related to the mechanism, so he exclaimed: There is an explanation here!


Dr. Jones immediately walked over quickly.

Dr. Evan immediately began reading it softly.

They were some very weird syllables, and no one could understand a single sound.

Everyone waited quietly.

Soon, Dr. Evan said worriedly: It says that this stone door will only open after the sacrifice ceremony is completed!

Is the sacrificial ceremony completed?

After hearing this, everyone looked into the stone room with fear on their faces.

Before this, Dr. Evan had said that this stone chamber was a sacrificial tomb.

So, is the sacrificial ceremony about to begin at this time?

What is the sacrifice used for?

Could it be that the being who built this stone chamber wanted to sacrifice them?

The more everyone thought about it, the more frightened they became.

Because these are unknown dangers, and no one present can predict them!

While Dr. Jones and others were looking for a way out, the high priest of the temple returned to the ground with the mummified Pope.

At this time, the entire Sun Temple had been occupied by an army.

These people were wearing the uniforms of the Marine Corps of Country M, with hoods on their faces, with only two eyes exposed.

They were armed with submachine guns and had completely sealed off the entire Sun Temple.

Hearing the sound of the machine, Salman, an Indian rich man in a suit, turned around and said, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

You abominable robbers! You dare to desecrate even the residence of the gods! You will all go to hell!

The high priest saw Salman and immediately rebuked him loudly.

Really? I don't know if I can go to hell, but if you can't give me what I want, no one will live!

Salman said with a smile.

He smiled like a philanthropist.

However, the words he spoke were colder than the ice in the depths of winter!

Are these crawlers intruders?

At this moment, a voice sounded that sent chills throughout the body.

This sound was extremely weird, low and hoarse, as if it was the sound coming from a broken bellows!

Hearing this voice, Salman smiled and said: It's already this time, why are you still pretending to be mysterious?

Because, behind the high priest, he saw a figure with his head lowered and hunched over.

This man seemed to be very expensively dressed, as if he held a high position in the Sun Temple.

Lowly reptiles! Now, offer your flesh and blood to the great Lord of Creation!

At this time, the figure raised his head.

Revealing a shriveled face, his complexion was dark yellow, his pupils were gray and lifeless, and when he opened his mouth, his teeth were pitch black.

This, this is...

The Indian rich man Salman was shocked when he saw the true appearance of this figure.

Not only him, but the people in the Sirius mercenary group around Salman also felt their hearts skip a beat.

They traveled across the world and participated in countless missions between life and death.

But never seen anything so disgusting!

This one can no longer be a human being!

His whole body was shriveled up and he was just like a mummy!

Could it be that this is a mummy?

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat when they thought of Egypt's famous mummies.

What are you waiting for? Shoot me!

The leader of the Sirius mercenary organization shouted.

His men reacted immediately, picked up the submachine guns in their hands, and began shooting at the terrifying figure.

Da da da!

The scorching bullets shot towards the strange mummy.


The black shadow flashed, and the mummy quickly moved away.


A scream sounded from beside Sirius.

He turned around and saw that the mummy had appeared beside him.

One of his men's eyes turned white at this time.

Because, the mummy was holding his neck and chewing on it!

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