Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 71 Hostility from humans!

What? A mysterious monster is going to attack Hawaii?

The police on duty were shocked when they received an alarm call.

Can you tell me more about this?

I advise you to activate the emergency crisis warning immediately. The mysterious beast is swimming very fast in the sea, faster than a speedboat!

An anxious voice came from the phone.

How can we prove that your alarm information is true?

The police officer on duty continued to ask.

Mainly, the information given by the person who called the police was really shocking.

There is actually a sea beast bigger than a yacht and it is about to attack Hawaii.

What made the police on duty even more incredible was that the man who called the police also claimed that the yacht they had just been on had been attacked by this mysterious sea beast!

Are you being funny?

If you are attacked by such a big mysterious sea beast, can you still call the police?

The police on duty quickly determined that the call was a prank.

No need to prove it, just go out and see if there is a tsunami at sea!

After saying this, the other party hung up the phone directly!

Is there really a mysterious sea beast going to attack this island?

The policeman on duty stood up and looked out the window.

The next moment, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Because, on the sea, a tsunami of tens of meters was quickly sweeping towards the island!

Oh my God! There's really a tsunami!

The policeman on duty couldn't help but exclaimed.

He immediately shouted through the radio: Please pay attention to travelers on the beach! Please pay attention to travelers on the beach! A tsunami is coming! A tsunami is coming!

People on the street didn't believe what was said on the radio.

Because, if there is a tsunami, there will definitely be a warning several days in advance.

It looks sunny and sunny today, but where does it look like a tsunami is about to happen?

However, when a little girl looked into the sea, she couldn't help but exclaimed: Dad! Run! The tsunami is coming!

The little girl's father looked back and saw, sure enough, huge waves were sweeping towards the island!

He immediately leaned down, picked up the little girl, and ran away.

As he ran, he did not forget to shout loudly: The tsunami is really coming! Everyone, run for your lives!

Seeing the father and daughter so frightened, some tourists finally felt something was wrong.

They looked back and saw many sunbathing tourists running towards the beach.

Some who couldn't run were directly swallowed by the huge waves!

Oh my God! It's really a tsunami!

How could there be such a big tsunami in such weather!

Residents and tourists on the island were shocked.

Huge waves surged onto the beach and flooded the neighborhood!

This huge wave was as high as a person, and all the cars parked on the street were washed up by the huge wave, as if they were rowing on the water.

Oh! Oh my God!

Some people who were driving were knocked backwards by the huge waves.

Tourists fled.

People from the police station immediately mobilized to maintain law and order.

This small island is a large state of Country M, with troops stationed there.

Soon, the island garrison received the news.

What? A mysterious sea beast attacks the island?

The black colonel Wallaf, the garrison general, was shocked when he heard the news.

He immediately did not dare to neglect: Send out armed helicopters immediately and go to the location of the incident!

In addition to dispatching armed helicopters, ground troops also followed closely.

And Lin Feng, the initiator of all this, was also shocked.

I'll go! Didn't I just want to go ashore and see the scenery, but I actually made such a big noise?

Seeing the chaos on the island, Lin Feng, who had just swam ashore, swept his giant tail and returned to the sea. He changed his mind and refused to go ashore.

By this time, the troops stationed on the island had discovered Lin Feng.

Target found! Target found! Viper No. 1 requests an attack!

The pilot on an armed helicopter reported the situation to headquarters.

Permission to attack!

Colonel Wallaf shouted.


The propellers of the armed helicopter rotated rapidly and flew in the direction of Lin Feng.

Soon, the soldiers on the armed helicopter saw Lin Feng's true appearance.

He couldn't help but exclaimed: Oh my God! This looks like a giant crocodile. He has golden scales on his body, and his entire body is more than twenty meters long!

At this time, half of Lin Feng's body was hidden in the seawater, and the pilot on the helicopter couldn't see clearly.

Viper 1 is reporting the situation. The giant sea beast is escaping into the sea, requesting instructions!

Colonel Wallaf was also shocked when he saw the picture returned from the screen.

He loudly shouted: Launch an attack immediately! This mysterious sea beast must be destroyed! Giant beasts, without a good thing, it is impossible for them to coexist peacefully with humans!

Yes! Viper No. 1 received it!

The Viper 1 armed helicopter quickly chased Lin Feng.

It flew all the way above Lin Feng. The pilot pressed a button and the cannon began to aim at the target.

Then, a whining sound came from below the armed helicopter, and the cannon roared crazily!

Countless beams of light poured down from the sky!


The bullet hit Lin Feng's golden scales and could not penetrate at all!

Cannon attack is ineffective! Please use missiles!

The pilot on Viper 1 saw that the cannon was unable to cause damage to the mysterious sea beast below, and immediately reported loudly.

The destructive power of missiles is much greater than that of machine guns!

Missile attack permitted!

Colonel Wallaf shouted immediately.

Then, he looked expectantly at the images sent back by Viper 1.

He guessed that this mysterious sea beast chose to escape because it was afraid of the military power on the island.

Therefore, Volav concluded that the defense of this mysterious sea beast was not particularly high.


The missile hanging on the armed helicopter Viper 1 sprayed out a tongue of fire and quickly shot towards the mysterious sea beast in the sea!

In the sea water, Lin Feng's golden eyes flashed with anger.

He has chosen to leave, but the garrison on the island is still refusing to let him go.

Do you really think Lin Feng is easy to bully?

Thinking of this, he immediately used his tail to match his wings.

call out!

An invisible shock wave struck from bottom to top.

In a moment, all the electronic components on the armed helicopter Viper 1 failed!

The pilot on Viper 1 immediately shouted anxiously: Viper 1 is requesting emergency rescue! Viper 1 is requesting emergency rescue!

However, none of the distress signals he sent were sent!

Because, under Lin Feng's electromagnetic pulse attack, all communications were interrupted!


The armed helicopter Viper One staggered and fell into the sea water.

The pilot was so startled that he immediately pressed a button to eject himself.

The next moment, the pilot of Viper 1 opened his parachute and fell into the sea!

And the missile, under the influence of the electromagnetic pulse, directly lost control and fell into the sea water.

A moment later, there was a loud bang.

Viper 1 fell into the sea and exploded!

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