Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 609 Space Godzilla!

It's actually here!

Emperor Huang glanced at the star map in his hand and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Do you know this place?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Of course! This is Reach!

Dihuang said with a smile.

What? Reach? What is Skywalker doing hiding on Reach?

Lin Feng said rather puzzled.

Perhaps the most dangerous place is the safest place!

Emperor Huang said.

Let's go! Let's go to Reach immediately!

Lin Feng handed the star map to the intelligent assistant and let it fly the spacecraft.

To go to Reach, we need to make some preparations!

Dihuang whispered.

Oh? Why is that?

Lin Feng asked in confusion.

This is the battlefield between the light and dark camps! The armies of the Galactic Empire and the armies of the dark galaxy are stationed all year round, and the war is about to break out!

Dihuang explained.

Lin Feng nodded.

Suddenly, he remembered something and said to the smart assistant: Smart Assistant, search for this planet near Reach Star!

The planet coordinates given by Lin Feng were exactly the planet where the previous Mechagodzilla was alive.

The smart assistant once said that there was once a planet-level Godzilla in front of Mechagodzilla, and it was in the Reach Galaxy.

Lin Feng wanted to stop by this galaxy to search for other Godzillas.

Okay! Master!

The smart assistant responded.

Soon, the Star Eater entered hyperspace and flew towards the Reach Galaxy.

Three days later, the Planet Eater emerged from hyperspace.

Emperor Huang looked out the window and discovered that this area was the edge of the Reach Star.

She couldn't help but ask Lin Feng: Lin Feng, do you have other things to do?

Because Di Huang has already seen that this place deviates quite a bit from the star map.

Yes! I once received news that there is a powerful life form in this star field. If it is eaten, it can greatly increase the strength!

Lin Feng nodded.

It must be Godzilla! Not long ago, Reach hunted a giant space beast in this star field!

Dihuang said.

So you know about this too!

Lin Feng nodded.

Dihuang said: I read reports that a cosmic storm caused the Godzillas on a planet to mutate. One of them broke into the Reach military base and wreaked havoc. Then, the commander of Reach was dispatched. A large number of strong men followed it all the way, and finally killed it on a planet!

It seems that you know more comprehensive information than I do!

Lin Feng nodded.

All he knew at the time was what happened on the planet.

Indeed, such a cosmic storm may give birth to star-level cosmic monsters. It is indeed a great supplement for you!

Dihuang said with great envy.

There was no way she could improve her strength as quickly as Lin Feng.

Soon, the Planet Eater flew close to a green planet.

The intelligent assistant suddenly said: Master, this planet contains a lot of harmful gases, and spacecraft cannot enter it!

Okay! Let's stop outside the atmosphere for now!

Lin Feng nodded.

Then, he said to Dihuang: Let's go down and take a look!

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Feng disappeared on the Star Eater.


He turned into a ray of golden light and flew quickly towards the emerald green planet!

Looking down from space, more than 80% of the planet is covered with green vegetation.

Moreover, these vegetations are so strange that they actually release a radioactive gas into the air.

If a spacecraft approaches, it will immediately cause an explosion!

The vegetation here has already evolved in the direction of animals!

Seeing this scene, Dihuang said softly.


At this moment, in the void, a group of ugly giant birds flew towards this side.

There are actually a large number of Archaeopteryx still living on this planet!

Lin Feng recognized this group of Archaeopteryx at a glance.


Ling'er appeared and shouted loudly at the Archaeopteryx flock in the sky.

In an instant, the Archeopteryx immediately stopped and stopped in the air.

Ling'er, ask them, are there any other living beings on this planet?

Lin Feng knew that Linger could communicate with Archaeopteryx, so he said.

Okay! Dad!

Ling'er said obediently.

Soon, she found out the news about this planet from the Archaeopteryx flock.

Just as Lin Feng expected, there are a group of giant beasts living on this planet.

Every time they appear, the earth shakes.

Moreover, this underground monster will also emit a strange wave to control the creatures on this planet!

Based on Ling'er's description, Lin Feng knew that this giant beast hidden underground was Godzilla!

Thinking of this, he said to Emperor Phoenix: Emperor Phoenix, you sweep the formation for me in the air, don't let them escape!


The Emperor Phoenix immediately flew high into the sky, his whole body emitting dazzling golden light, and his huge mental power enveloped the world.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, fell to the ground.

He opened his mouth and spit out a terrifying ripple!


Lin Feng activated the super vibration wave.

Instantly, the planet began to shake violently.

At this moment, Lin Feng was already at the stellar level. Although it was a casual blow, it was comparable to a magnitude 12 earthquake!

Boom! Boom!

The ground exploded violently, and even the earth's crust began to shake!

On the ground, a grand canyon dozens of meters wide opened, as if a violent crustal movement had occurred!

At this moment, I already have the ability to change the landscape with a random strike!

Lin Feng was filled with emotion when he saw that he had caused such destruction by just blowing out his breath randomly.

Once, when he was just reborn as Ghidorah, he encountered a mouse and had to struggle to catch it.

Now, it has become a planet-destroying existence!

Boom! Boom!

As Lin Feng's super vibration wave started.

Soon, somewhere on the planet, a violent explosion occurred.

Then, the ground exploded, and a giant green beast emerged from the ground.

Its size is very huge, several thousand meters high, like a huge mountain!

Judging from the appearance, it looks like a Godzilla!

This Godzilla has yellow horns on its head, teeth growing out of the corners of its mouth, huge crystals on its shoulders, a crystallized tail end, and muscles and internal organs protruding from its abdomen.

Intelligent assistant, the fluctuations of this Godzilla are more than planetary!

Lin Feng felt the breath of Godzilla for a while, and then said.

Yes! Master, this is the evolved version of Planet Godzilla. It is called Space Godzilla! It is more powerful than Planet Godzilla, and its strength is at the stellar level! It should be the strongest one born in that cosmic storm. Big Godzilla!”

The intelligent assistant analyzed.

Okay! I hope this Space Godzilla can let me stretch my muscles!

Lin Feng looked at this Space Godzilla with shining eyes.

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