Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 593 Prepare for war against the Zerg!

After wiping out all the Badley Stars, Emperor Phoenix flew out of the spaceship and continued to wait by Lin Feng's side.

I don't know how long it took before Walker's body completely disappeared.

Lin Feng also opened his eyes.

He asked the intelligent assistant: Intelligent assistant, how much life energy have I gained this time?

The intelligent assistant counted for a while, and then said: Master, the life energy in your body at this moment has reached 20% of the first level of the star. You have just swallowed the Badley Star Walker, and you have absorbed a total of 7% of the life energy!

Not bad! So, have I inherited her special ability?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Master, you have just inherited two super powers from Walker. The first is petrification. Once the master uses this ability, he can instantly petrify a planet.

The smart assistant said.

This petrification ability is quite good! If she hadn't met me, even a creature with the same strength as her would have been trapped!

Lin Feng was quite satisfied. This petrification ability was considered a relatively good control skill.

Especially when used in group battles, the effect is simply incredible!

Then, Lin Feng asked curiously: What about the second ability?

The second ability that the master has gained is to absorb the energy from living creatures!

The smart assistant said.

What is the difference between this energy absorption and my own devouring talent?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Of course there is a difference! Master, devouring means devouring the life energy of the living beings together, but absorbing energy is different. It will only absorb the energy in the living beings and will not swallow their life energy. Another point is that this probability is One hundred percent!

The smart assistant explained.

That's it! From then on, I can absorb the opponent's ability first, and then devour their life energy!

Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh.

In this way, when you encounter the skills you want, there will be no random inheritance!

After ending the call with the smart assistant, Lin Feng smiled and said to Dihuang: Dihuang, it's time for us to go back!


Dihuang responded softly.

Then, she flew to stand in front of Lin Feng.

Dihuang, now we can use telepathy to go back by ourselves!

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

I actually forgot about this!

Emperor Huang couldn't help but laugh.

This time, she also absorbed some fragments of the Phoenix Power.

Thus mastering the ability of dimensional teleportation.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and began to communicate with Linger in his mind.

He does not need Ling'er's help to teleport.

However, a navigation beacon is needed.

Soon, Lin Feng sensed Ling'er's position, and a golden light flashed on his body.

call out!

In a flash of golden light, Lin Feng disappeared from the spot.

When he came out of the dimensional teleportation, he found that he had appeared on Earth.

The person standing next to him was Ling'er.

Not long after, Emperor Phoenix also teleported back.


Ling'er kissed Lin Feng's body affectionately twice.

Good Ling'er!

Lin Feng stroked Ling'er's feathers lovingly with his paws.

If it weren't for Ling'er this time, he wouldn't be able to swallow the power of the Phoenix.

However, this is just the beginning.

The Phoenix Power is still an unstable factor and must be completely controlled.

Otherwise, Lin Feng may become a puppet of the Phoenix Force in the future.

Ling'er, did anything happen on earth after we left?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

With Ling'er's strength, even if there are some changes on the earth, she can still solve them.

Dad! I saw a lot of delicious food!

Ling'er said suddenly.


Lin Feng looked at Linger in surprise.

Then, he immediately asked: Ling'er, where are they?

Lin Feng knew that what Ling'er said was delicious was actually a large amount of life forms containing life energy.

This is very important to him now.

Because at this moment, Lin Feng has broken through to the stellar level. If he continues to devour life energy, he can continue to advance.

From the first level of a star to the ninth level of a star, it is an extremely long process!

Dad! Look! Right there, they will crawl out of the hole soon!

Ling'er looked at a place expectantly.

Lin Feng looked in the direction pointed by Ling'er.

Soon, he understood that it was the direction of the Pacific Ocean.

Last time, Liu Xuanfeng reported that the space wormhole left by the Zerg had energy fluctuations again.

Could it be that the Zerg are coming back?

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed.

He was extremely afraid of the alien Zerg race.

After all, there are too many of this race!

However, Lin Feng looked at Ling'er, whose eyes were shining next to him, and felt a little silent for the Zerg.

It is estimated that when they descended from the space Zerg to the earth, what awaited them were two foodies on the earth!

However, this matter also requires some deployment.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately sent an order to Liu Xuanfeng.

Lord Shenlong!

Liu Xuanfeng rushed over immediately.

Now, I am giving you an order!

Lin Feng said solemnly.

Please show me, Lord Shenlong!

Liu Xuanfeng said immediately.

This was the first time he saw Lin Feng look so solemn.

Summon the leaders of all creatures in the world immediately!

Lin Feng said slowly.


Liu Xuanfeng immediately went to handle the matter.

He knew that Lin Feng was speaking so seriously that something big was about to happen.

Soon, the whole world began to boil.

The Dragon Palace convened the world's leaders. I wonder if something big is going to happen?

Could it be that the Dragon Palace wants to dominate the world?

That's not a bad thing!

These creatures are looking forward to it in their hearts.

If someone as powerful as Abbot Xiandao wanted to unify the world, they would naturally disagree.

However, if it were Lin Feng, they would not object.

Because all living creatures on the earth know what Lin Feng has done for the earth.

Moreover, Lin Feng has now become the strongest man on earth.

Today's earth is initially exposed to interstellar forces.

Only under the leadership of a super strong person can we develop rapidly.

However, more creatures felt uneasy.

Because they knew that Lin Feng was not a power-obsessed creature.

If Lin Feng was willing, he would have been able to unify the world a hundred years ago.

Nowadays, the spiritual energy on the earth has revived, the area has become vast and endless, and there are many hidden crises.

Soon, the heads of the major forces gathered in the Dragon Palace.

Lin Feng's mind swept away, and he discovered that the most powerful creature among them was Huang Yao, who could reach the planetary level.

As for other creatures, they basically stay at the peak of the ninth level.

Of course, these are just the powerful people on earth.

Some of the creatures in the alien space are temporarily unable to come out, while others are unwilling to obey the orders of the Dragon Palace!

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