Inside the abbot's fairy island.

A retreat on the island.

A figure filled with fairy energy was sitting cross-legged in front of a huge weapon refining furnace.

At this moment, in the furnace, a shuttle-shaped magic weapon is about to take shape.

The wife of the island owner saw something strange in the sky and immediately rushed over. She said with great joy: Congratulations, husband, for refining a supreme magic weapon!

Madam, with this Pileisuo, we can get out of Abbot Island!

The island owner, the abbot, said with a smile on his face.

The world only knows that Abbot Island is a fairy island, but they don't know that they are just bound here!

For thousands of years, the people on Abbot Island have been unable to take a step forward!

Nowadays, on the earth, spiritual energy has just been revived. It is a great opportunity, if you can seize it.

The immortals on their abbot island can take advantage of the opportunity to rise and become the beings who become Buddhas and ancestors!

Thinking of this, the owner of Abbot Immortal Island felt extremely hot.

At this moment, the island owner of Abbot Xiandao cast a spell and entered the weapon refining furnace.


This is a treasure collecting technique.

I saw that after this magic formula, the spindle-shaped magic weapon in the weapon refining furnace flashed with mysterious runes, and then rushed out of the weapon refining furnace and soared into the sky!

Husband, what is this?

The island owner's wife was surprised.

But the island owner of the Abbot Fairy Island touched his beard and said: Madam, this is a happy event! Generally, a high-grade magic weapon will not have spirituality until it is successfully refined. This is a magic weapon that is about to be robbed!

Then, he turned into a ray of fairy light and flew towards the outside of the retreat place.

The island owner’s wife immediately followed.

The island owner stood under the thunderclouds, looked at the calamity clouds in the sky, and couldn't help but smile: This is the Forty-Nine Small Heavenly Calamities. This magic weapon can be called an acquired magic weapon!

At this time, the disciples of Abbot Xiandao rushed over.

They all congratulated the island owner: Congratulations to the island owner, congratulations to the island owner!

The island owner was overjoyed: Now, with heaven filling the gap and thunder regenerating, it is the best time for our generation to be born again!

Thousands of years ago, due to inexplicable changes, the earth's spiritual energy began to dry up.

Along with it, the thunder calamity also disappeared, which meant that the way of heaven was lacking.

Without being baptized by thunder, one cannot become a true immortal.

And inside Abbot Island, it was also because of an imitation thunder weapon from the ancient power, simulating seven points of the power of the Thunder Tribulation.

Therefore, the immortals in the abbot's fairy island are basically lower than the real immortals.

At the same time, once one has cultivated to the realm of true immortal, he cannot go any further!

Looking at her high-spirited husband, the island owner's wife opened her mouth several times, but she did not reveal the news that their son was dead.

Madam, you wait here, I will help the magic weapon to overcome the disaster!

With that said, the island owner used the Immortal Technique and rode the wind up.

Outside Abbot Island.

Lin Feng saw that a shuttle flew out from Abbot Island and was blocked within the barrier.

After a moment, the thunder in the sky began to fall!

This barrier could not stop the thunder, and only electric snakes were seen bombarding the shuttle.

With each bombardment, the shuttle flashes a mysterious rune.

Lin Feng, this is the catastrophe caused by the magic weapon that has just been successfully refined. It is not a breakthrough caused by someone's cultivation!

Seeing this scene, Emperor Huang spoke slowly.


Lin Feng also nodded.

He looked at the shuttle-shaped magic weapon and asked curiously: Emperor Phoenix, do you know what kind of magic weapon this is? It looks a bit strange!

The shape of this magic weapon looks like a fairy boat. Perhaps it is used for traveling!

Dihuang pondered for a moment and said.

There were many such books in her clan, and she had seen them by chance.


Lin Feng nodded slightly.

He has basically guessed what the magic weapon refined by the immortal on Abbot Island will do!

Obviously, it was to pass through the restrictions on the Abbot's Fairy Island.

After thinking about this, Lin Feng smiled and said: Dihuang, soon, we will have a fight!

The abbot of the island has a strength of at least a star level!

Emperor Huang was slightly worried.

If I were on Abbot Island, I might not be his match, but here, that's not necessarily the case!

Lin Feng smiled lightly.


Dihuang thought of the golden armor on Lin Feng's body.

At the planet level, one can exert stellar level combat power.

Now that Lin Feng has officially entered the stellar level, the combat power he can exert will definitely be even more powerful!

The thunder tribulation is about to end!

Dihuang suddenly said.

Lin Feng looked around and saw that the dark clouds in the sky had slowly dissipated.

At this moment, the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, and it was clear and bright.

In the void, a spindle-shaped magic weapon shone brightly. Looking from a distance, it really looked like a small boat.

Lin Feng guessed that this fusiform magic weapon should be engraved with a magic circle that has the same origin as the abbot's fairy island.

Perhaps, among them, there are treasures with spatial attributes.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to shuttle out of the Abbot's Fairy Island. Lin Feng had already tested it with energy just now.

The level of the restriction was extremely terrifying, definitely above the stellar level.

According to the level of immortal cultivation, it is very likely that it is a powerful golden immortal!

Inside the abbot's fairy island.

The island owner used a magic technique and waved his sleeves, and the fusiform magic weapon that had survived the thunder tribulation flew down.

It fell to the ground and turned into a small boat.

Madam, come with me to travel around the island!

The owner of the abbot Xiandao Island is quite proud of himself.

He figured out the method of refining Pileisuo after pondering for a long time.

This Pileisuo uses many rare materials. Riding on it, you can travel through space and pass through the restrictions on the Abbot's Fairy Island silently.

At this moment, the island owner's wife gritted her teeth and said, Husband, there is something that I have been hiding from you for a long time!

Oh? What's the matter?

Abbot Xiandao Island Master asked curiously.

Haoer, he is dead!

The island owner’s wife sighed.


When the abbot, the owner of Immortal Island, heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He flashed and appeared next to the island owner's wife: Tell me, husband, who is so bold that he dares to kill my son?

The wife of the island owner sighed: Two months ago, there was a strange fluctuation in the island's restrictions. The disciples of the True Immortal Realm could come and go at will. Hao'er was very quiet and thought about going out to the island to play. He never thought that when he went there, he would Heaven and man are separated forever!

How is it possible? The spiritual energy in the outside world has been exhausted, yet there are still people who can kill my son!

The owner of the abbot Xiandao Island couldn't believe it.

Husband, this is absolutely true. The person who killed my son is a force called Shenlong Palace. The leader of their palace is a high-level Celestial Immortal. There are even dozens of Celestial Masters in their Shenlong Palace!

The island owner’s wife said immediately.

She completely concealed some facts and now packaged her son as a victim.

Even if I, the King of Heaven, dare to kill my son, I will have to pay the price! Madam, follow me out of the island immediately and destroy the Dragon Palace!

The owner of the abbot Xiandao Island was furious.

He had no idea that his son had instigated this dispute in advance.

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