Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 572 Liu Xuanfeng’s revenge!

Liu Xuanfeng, it's time for us to go out!

Suddenly, Venom said in a solemn voice.

What's wrong? Did something big happen outside?

When Liu Xuanfeng heard this, the smile on his face immediately faded.


Venom's dull voice sounded.

Venom, what happened? Tell me!

When Liu Xuanfeng saw Venom's tone, he knew that something was unusual.

Liu Xuanfeng, your master is dead!

Venom said slowly.


Liu Xuanfeng's eyes turned red instantly.

He asked word for word: Who did it?

It's an immortal from Abbot Island!

Venom is no longer hidden.

In fact, he had learned the news before.

Because the venom has separated several offspring.

And those heirs stayed in the Dragon Palace, and he and his heirs could communicate with each other.

Venom knew it once it happened.

However, at that time, Liu Xuanfeng was at a critical moment, and even if he went out, he would not be able to make it!

Okay! Let's go out! Go kill the immortal!

A powerful force burst out from Liu Xuanfeng's body, knocking away all the surrounding fire elements.


Venom no longer dissuades.

After being attached to Liu Xuanfeng for so long, he has gradually understood Liu Xuanfeng's character.

Many times, Liu Xuanfeng does seem a bit stubborn, but when things really happen, he will not give in at all!

Soon, Liu Xuanfeng walked to the entrance of the Shenmu space. He stood in a whirlpool and teleported out.

After leaving the Divine Tree Space, Liu Xuanfeng immediately rushed towards the Divine Dragon Palace.

At this moment, above the Dragon Palace, there was a figure floating with immortal energy.

That was the Immortal from Abbot Island who came to the Dragon Palace to kill Taoist Wu Qingfeng a month ago.

In his hand, he took out a magic weapon, which looked like a pot lid.

The Immortal of Abbot Island sacrificed this magic weapon and instantly flew into the sky, turning into a huge barrier that directly covered the entire Shenlong Temple!

Deputy Hall Master, the immortal from Abbot Island is here again!

In the base, someone from Shenlong Temple immediately reported the situation to Dr. Chen.

Attack immediately!

Dr. Chen said loudly.

Since the cooperation between the Dragon Palace and Tina of the Sea Tribe, some foresighted weapons have been developed.

boom! boom! boom!

Inside the base, a cannon stretched out its barrel, aimed it through the radar equipment, and launched an attack!

Huh! You're stubborn!

When the immortal from Abbot Island saw this scene, he put his hands behind his back and didn't even move.

The next moment, the shells bombarded upwards and were directly blocked by the barrier shrouded in mid-air!


In the base, all the soldiers were dumbfounded.

what to do?

someone asked anxiously.

The weapons in this base are of no use to this immortal from Abbot Island!

Dr. Chen gritted her teeth. She did not expect that the gap between her and the immortals on Abbot Island was so huge!

At this moment, the Immortal of Abbot Island who stood proudly in the void shouted: This treasure is the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier! It was only after killing nine divine dragons that I refined this treasure. Today, I will let this treasure destroy all of you!

As he spoke, the immortal made a spell.

In an instant, nine phantoms of dragons flew out from the middle of the cover that shrouded the sky!


These nine phantoms of divine dragons are spitting fire toward the base below!


This flame was extremely terrifying. The buildings in the Shenlong Temple base were burned by this terrifying flame and immediately turned into molten iron!

Some creatures couldn't escape and were burned to ashes!

A mere mortal force dares to disobey the Immortal Sect's orders!

The Immortal of Abbot Island sneered.

Today, he will destroy the Dragon Palace and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys!


In the Dragon Palace, screams could be heard from time to time.

Dr. Chen and others immediately used their own powers to protect the creatures around them.

Those creatures above the ninth level were still able to resist for a while.

However, the creatures below the ninth level were directly roasted to death under the terrifying high temperature!

For a time, there was heavy damage in the Dragon Palace!

Sister, we must avenge this!

Chen Lin's eyes showed hatred.

Yes! We must keep this scene in mind, and we must seek revenge from the immortals on Abbot Island! When the time comes, when they fall into the dust, I want to see if they can still maintain their sense of superiority at this moment!

Dr. Chen also had a look of hatred in his eyes.

Hahaha! Still want to take revenge? I just used 10% of the power of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield!

In the void, the immortal from Abbot Island sneered.

With that said, he used the magic formula to display another change of the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Barrier!

At this moment, a scream came from the void!

This is?

The Immortal of Abbot Island looked back and saw a black shadow rushing towards this side quickly!

Is that a human figure?

When Liu Xuanfeng rushed back, the Shenlong Hall was already covered by a cover, and a fire dragon was spitting fire at the people in the Shenlong Hall below.

Countless Shenlong Temple disciples died in this terrifying flame!

You deserve to die!

Liu Xuanfeng shouted with red eyes.

As he spoke, his whole body was covered in venom, and he punched the fire dragon in the void!

You actually want to destroy the spirit of the magic weapon, are you stupid?

Seeing this scene, the Immortal Abbot Island snorted coldly.

Look! That's Xiao Liuzi back!

In the Dragon Palace, Chen Lin looked at Liu Xuanfeng in the sky and said.

The palace master is back!

In the Dragon Palace, the surviving disciples also exclaimed loudly.

At this moment, the palace master is back to save them!

Moreover, they know that the palace master is back, so Master Shenlong is not far away from coming back!

Because, at the beginning, the palace master went with Lord Shenlong!

Liu Xuanfeng rushed towards the nine divine dragons like a cannonball and waved his fist.

The top was covered with black light.


With a punch that shook the void, it hit a phantom of a divine dragon!

Under this powerful punch, the phantom of the divine dragon was directly exploded!


Seeing this scene, the Immortal of Abbot Island was surprised.

He did not sense the immortal power from Liu Xuanfeng's body.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xuanfeng could actually exert the same level of power!

boom! boom! boom!

In the blink of an eye, Liu Xuanfeng had already taken action against the other dragon phantoms!

In an instant, all the remaining divine dragon shadows were destroyed by him!

The next moment, Liu Xuanfeng soared into the sky, his whole body bathed in strong black brilliance, and punched away the cover that shrouded the sky!

Master of the Dragon Palace? Are you the dragon?

The immortal on Abbot Island looked at Liu Xuanfeng with dull eyes.

At this moment, he felt a strong threat from this person whose whole body was shrouded in black material!

go to hell!

Liu Xuanfeng didn't reply. At this moment, there was only deep hatred in his eyes!

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