Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 565 Entering the Divine Tree Space!

This is a problem!

Lin Feng couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

The rest of the Zerg and supernatural beasts are quite worthy of him. However, after a period of recovery, the Zerg Queen may have reached stellar level strength.

The stellar level among the endless Zerg is a bit scary!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately said to Dihuang: Dihuang, let's enter the ancestral land you mentioned immediately!

To advance to the stellar level is very different from below the planetary level, or even to the planetary level.

When advancing, you need to absorb a large amount of star-level power. There are even examples of some strong men completely sucking up a small star when they advance!

Lin Feng was very much looking forward to entering the ancestral land mentioned by Emperor Huang as soon as possible and advancing to the stellar level.

Without further ado, let's set off now!

Dihuang nodded.

As she spoke, she forced out a ball of golden blood from her body.

Dihuang explained: Using the essence and blood as a guide can help us find the secret realm of the ancestral land faster!


On the body of Emperor Phoenix, a golden wing stretched out, and the whole person quickly flew out in one direction.

Lin Feng followed without hesitation.

Liu Xuanfeng, this is a good opportunity to improve your strength! Don't miss it!

The venom in Liu Xuanfeng's body reminded him.


Liu Xuanfeng hesitated for a moment and then followed.

As for the rest, they did not follow because they were slightly weaker.


Two golden lights streaked through the void, followed by a black light.

After flying for two days and two nights, Emperor Phoenix stopped in a scorched black place. The temperature here was extremely high, like lava erupted by a volcano.

Is this here?

Liu Xuanfeng stopped and asked in surprise.

Oh? Is there anything different here?

Lin Feng asked.

This is not a volcanic zone, but after the changes in the world, wildfires often erupted, which is very strange!

Liu Xuanfeng said in a low voice.

After the changes in heaven and earth, many special things appeared on the earth.

And here is one of them, which is called the scar of the earth by humans on earth.

No living thing dared to get close, because the temperature in this place was very high, and terrifying flames often erupted, and the living creatures passing by were directly burned to charcoal.

While Lin Feng and Liu Xuanfeng were talking, Dihuang was already standing in this unusual place.

In the meantime, a phoenix firebird appeared behind her.

This fire bird has an extremely dazzling fire light.


The firebird cries and the void begins to shake!

Hiss! This bird is so scary!

In Liu Xuanfeng's body, Venom said with a trembling voice.

Lin Feng looked at Emperor Huang curiously. He wanted to know how Emperor Huang opened this secret realm.

At this moment, a few drops of golden blood sprayed out from the firebird's mouth.


Golden blood sprinkled on the ground like lava.

In an instant, a gap opened in the magma earth!


Emperor Huang shouted.

Immediately, she took the lead and flew into it.

Lin Feng no longer hesitated and turned into a golden light and flew into it.

What are you waiting for?

Venom reminded.

Liu Xuanfeng immediately turned into a black light and shot into it.

As the three of them entered the magma, the gap slowly closed.

Ah! It's so hot in here!

After entering the gap, Liu Xuanfeng found himself in a world of flames.

The temperature here is very high.

Emperor Huang explained: This is a space transformed by a sacred sycamore tree, which contains endless flame energy!

Lin Feng felt it slightly, and indeed, the flame energy here was very terrifying!

He couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

The flame energy here is so rich, it seems that the fire element can be understood to a perfect state.

At that time, you will be able to use the Fierce Rock of Fire and Earth in the Five Elements Must-Kill!

This is also a powerful skill!

After all, among the five elements of armor, the Fire Flame Dragon Armor is the dominant one!

Even, the aura of fire here was so strong that Lin Feng was able to condense a flame dragon out.

The emperor's armor also has a war beast, which is a golden war dragon!

When the Heart of the Holy Mountain released it, its power was so powerful that it could shake the world!

Lin Feng, be careful! The fire element here is extremely rich. After such a long time, I'm afraid a fire spirit has been born!

Emperor Huang said with a solemn voice.


Lin Feng nodded slightly.

The place where the divine bird Phoenix once lived is extraordinary!

Emperor Huang slowly introduced: This divine fire space has three layers in total. The outermost layer is a world of pure flames. The second layer is a space mixed with the wood element. As for the innermost layer, it is a divine fire world. The place where the bird and phoenix reach Nirvana!”

Your target is the third level?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Yes! The Phoenix Nirvana will leave some Phoenix essence and blood behind. This is the biggest purpose of my trip!

Dihuang nodded without any secret.

Lin Feng's eyes also showed an eager light.

How powerful is the ancient divine bird Phoenix?

Even if it only contains some divine bird essence and blood, it will be of endless use!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng said: Wait a minute, I will accompany you in!


Dihuang smiled and nodded.

On her own, she doesn't have much confidence that she can break into the final place.

This is also the reason why Dihuang invited Lin Feng to form a team very early.

Lin Feng said to Liu Xuanfeng: Liu Xuanfeng, with your strength, this outermost layer is enough. Please stay here for the time being!

Yes! Sir!

Liu Xuanfeng nodded.

He knew what Lin Feng said was true. Just this outermost layer was already the limit of his strength.

Because, the temperature in this flame space is very high.

Liu Xuanfeng had to spend a lot of energy to support an energy shield, otherwise it would be difficult to support it inside!

Here, although there are great risks, there are also great opportunities. If you grasp it well, it will not be difficult to increase your strength to the mid-planet level!

Lin Feng encouraged.

Yes! Sir!

Liu Xuanfeng therefore stayed on the outside.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, walked inside with Di Huang.

Sure enough, as soon as he took a few steps, he was blocked by a bunch of flame elves.

Everywhere you look, there are giant beasts turned into flames.

Their bodies were all made of flames. Some looked like strange humans, some looked like giant birds, and some looked like giant dogs.

It was lifelike and had spiritual consciousness. When they saw Lin Feng and the two of them, they both roared and attacked!

Destroy them!

Dihuang said loudly.

After saying that, she immediately drove the giant flame bird to fly towards the fire beasts.

Lin Feng sensed a little and realized that the strength of these transformed fire beasts were all at the early stage of the planetary stage. Obviously, they were the weakest!


The giant phoenix bird opened its mouth and sucked in, and a huge suction force appeared in the void!

In an instant, a terrifying tornado formed!

Whoops! All the fire beasts around were sucked in!

In Lin Feng's eyes, these fire beasts were instantly devoured by the phoenix fire bird!

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