Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 545: Mental power reaches stellar level!

Sitting down in the training room, Lin Feng took out the evolutionary gene solution.

A transparent bottle contained a bright red viscous liquid.

Lin Feng used his mental power to wrap it up and then moved it out.

In an instant, the bright red liquid slowly dissolved into Lin Feng's mental power.

He took it back into his body without hesitation.


Lin Feng roared violently.

Because, a heartbreaking pain broke out in his body.

This pain was like ten thousand ants biting him.

From the body to the soul, there is no pain.


A powerful momentum exploded!

Lin Feng instantly changed from a body of more than two meters to a body of more than a thousand meters.

In this moment, he becomes an archetype.

Intelligent assistant, is there no danger for me to swallow this genetic evolution fluid?

Lin Feng asked worriedly.

Don't worry! This genetic evolution fluid is changing your whole body, and it will be over in a while!

The smart assistant responded.

At the same time, it is also faithfully recording Lin Feng's various data.

Once Lin Feng has the slightest abnormality, it will be terminated immediately.


A trace of black energy emanated from Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng sniffed it slightly and almost fainted from the smell.

Obviously, this was because the impurities in his body were removed by the genetic evolution fluid.

At the same time, his body structure is also becoming further improved.

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Feng felt that the pain in his body had completely disappeared.

Phew! It feels so good! It's like taking a sauna!

Lin Feng felt it and couldn't help but smile.

Then, he asked: Intelligent assistant, has there been any change since I took the genetic evolution fluid this time?

Master, after the test just now, your cell activity has been further enhanced and your lifespan has increased by 1.5 times!

The smart assistant said.

My lifespan increased by 1.5 times?

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

It seems that he has gained a lot of benefits this time.

However, Lin Feng did not feel satisfied, so he asked: Are there any other benefits?

Master, after this genetic evolution, you can achieve one more realm than before!

The smart assistant said.

One more realm?

Lin Feng asked in confusion.

This gene is like the foundation of a house. Before, the owner could only withstand the current height. However, now, your foundation has broadened and the height you can build is higher!

The smart assistant explains in detail.

Yes, I understand! Will there be a higher level after I reach Star Eater Ghidorah?

Lin Feng asked.

That's right! General species have their limits, such as ants. Under normal circumstances, it is far from being stronger and longer than a human being. It can only achieve super evolution through genetic mutation. !”

The smart assistant said.

Okay! Next, I will start taking the queen's fetal liquid. I hope I can enter the stellar level of mental power this time!

Lin Feng said expectantly.

As he spoke, he took out the fetus fluid from the Queen of Worms.

Master, in your current state, you can absorb about half of the queen's fetal fluid here!

The smart assistant estimated for a while and then said.

Half? It seems that genes have evolved and mental endurance has also increased!

Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Then, he separated half of the queen's fetal fluid from the transparent bottle and wrapped it with his spiritual power.

Taking the insect queen fetal fluid is much more enjoyable than the genetic evolution fluid.

Because this itself is used by the queen to provide nutrients when it hatches.


After absorbing the queen's fetal fluid, Lin Feng felt that his mental power was constantly expanding.

After a while, she felt that her spiritual power extended outside the training room and was still expanding outside.

Eh? Is this Lin Feng's mental power?

The old goblin man noticed something unusual and immediately looked in the direction of the training room where Lin Feng was.

After a moment, his expression changed: Lin Feng's mental power is so pure, and its strength is not weaker than that of ordinary star-level experts!

Lin Feng's spiritual power continued to spread outside, and soon, the other creatures also sensed this spiritual power.

Master Mobi couldn't help but nodded slightly: With Lin Feng's current state, he is only one step away from being promoted to the stellar level!

Congratulations, teacher!

Kenbo congratulated from the side.

Same joy! Lin Feng is also your junior brother!

Master Moby said with a laugh.

In the training room, Lin Feng's mental power continued to grow, and soon it reached a limit.

Can't it grow any more?

Lin Feng was puzzled.

However, he took a look and saw that there was still 20% of the queen's fetal fluid that had not been absorbed, which was different from what the smart assistant had calculated.

Thinking of this, he simply compressed the previous mental power, and then continued to absorb it in one go.


At a certain moment, Lin Feng felt that he had broken through that obstacle, and his mental power instantly entered a new world.

Hiss! It's so cool! My mental power has entered the stellar level ahead of schedule!

When Lin Feng sensed this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Not only that, at this moment, he felt that the world in front of him had also become different.

Originally, in his eyes, it was a complete substance, but at this moment, it turned into particles!

This is microscopic vision! A symbol of the stellar order!

Lin Feng became more and more certain that his mental power had broken through the boundaries of the planetary level and entered the stellar level!

This scene was also sensed by the old goblin outside.

I wonder if Lin Feng can create that miracle?

What he said was to cause people to take pictures on the wall in the practice room.

At this moment, in the training room, Lin Feng was stunned by the scene in front of him!

Because, before his eyes, images appeared one after another.

It seemed that there was a white-haired old man dressed in coarse cloth standing in front of him.

This old man looks like the statue outside!

After just one glance, Lin Feng exclaimed.

Because the old man in this picture is exactly the same as the statue outside!

At this moment, the old man was concentrating on preparing some kind of genetic fluid.

His movements were plain and simple, with nothing outstanding about them.

However, every move is consistent with the principles of heaven and earth!

This is the state of returning to nature!

Lin Feng said affirmatively.

At a certain moment, he saw Carlos reach out his hand and create a substance directly from the void!

This is an existence beyond the stellar level. To a certain extent, he is the Creator!

Lin Feng was extremely shocked!

At this moment, Carlos turned his head, as if across time and space, he looked at Lin Feng.

At this glance, it was as if even time and space had stopped!

Is this old man a spiritual body, or is he just a shadow?

Lin Feng was stunned by this sight and could not distinguish what he saw in front of him.

Because everything is too real.

At this glance, Lin Feng seemed to see the destruction of stars and the origin of all things!

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