Your opponent is me!

When the old man in black robe saw Lin Feng killing a black-clothed guard and helping the white symbiote dragon destroy the sword array, he immediately stabbed him with a lightsaber.

call out!

The old man in black robe has not yet arrived, but a purple sword light has already arrived!


Lin Feng immediately rolled up the Emperor Sword with his tail to block it.

The purple sword light impacted the Emperor's Sword, creating a powerful shock wave that instantly drove Lin Feng back!

This man in black robe is stronger than Alpha!

Lin Feng felt it right after the fight.

He had expected this. After all, the man in black robe used a sword, and he ranked first in sword attack!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately took advantage of the situation and flew into the distance!

Because, he wanted to bring the man in black robe closer to the sun star.

In this way, Lin Feng can borrow light energy to a greater extent!

Want to run? It's too late!

The old man in black robe didn't know what Lin Feng was thinking.

He thought that Lin Feng felt that he could not defeat him and wanted to escape.

So, the old man in black robe harnessed the dark force and quickly caught up!

Before leaving, he left one sentence: Destroy this monster!

Apparently, the old man in black robe ordered the remaining guards in black to get rid of the symbiote dragon made of jelly.


The remaining five people rushed towards the white symbiote dragon with lightsabers in hand.

Is it really easy for me to bully you?

Jelly was furious.

Previously, these six black-clad guards formed a sword formation to embarrass him in front of his master, which made Jelly very upset!


Jelly is inside the symbiote dragon. It controls the tail of the symbiote dragon and attacks the five black-clothed guards!

call out! call out!

The five black-clad guards used their lightsaber sword skills and began to tangle with the white symbiote dragon.

On the other side, Lin Feng flew quickly.

His speed was neither too fast nor too slow, just enough to keep the old man in black robe hanging at a distance.

Because this old man in black robe is very cautious. Once he feels something is wrong, he will immediately turn around and run away!

Berserk style!

The old man in black robe used the violent style among the seven lightsaber styles.

In an instant, with the help of his lightsaber, the force in his body began to rage!


The violent dark force is like a volcano erupting, producing huge thrust.


His whole body turned into a meteor trailing a black flame, and charged towards Lin Feng!

When Lin Feng was flying, he deployed his mental power all over his body. When he sensed the violent attack from behind, he immediately teleported.


In a flash of golden light, he had disappeared from where he was!


The old man in black robe violently attacks and kills!

Lin Feng immediately harnessed the Emperor Sword and started fighting with the black-robed old man!

call! call!

The old man in black robe holds a lightsaber and forms a black force vortex around him, like a black hole, constantly devouring everything around him!

Lin Feng was in this whirlpool, and his footing was somewhat unstable.

The black-robed old man's attacks were sharp and domineering, constantly attacking the emperor's armor.


Lin Feng was repeatedly hit and pushed back, resisting with difficulty.

It seems to be in danger!

At a certain moment, Lin Feng sensed that the energy was exhausted, and immediately performed teleportation, leaving the battle group in an instant, bursting out light energy with all his strength, and escaping into the distance!

Damn it! Don't run away!

The old man in black robe yelled from behind.

Idiots don't run away!

Lin Feng mocked and continued to escape forward.

After chasing and escaping, in an instant, they were getting further and further away from the Desolate Star.

Lin Feng also felt that the closer he was to the Sun Star, the greater the amount of light energy he could borrow!

The old man in black robe who was chasing behind him was slowly weakening because his violent state had passed.

In an instant, the distance between the two sides began to fall again.

Lin Feng was like a golden rainbow, flying quickly.

Soon, the dazzling sun could be seen in the distance.

In Lin Feng's field of vision, the sun was like a huge fireball, emitting endless light and heat!

It seems that my understanding of light energy has become even deeper!

Lin Feng secretly felt that during the chase battle just now, he had a deeper understanding of the energy of light.

It's like suddenly breaking through a certain shackles and entering a new world!

At this moment, Lin Feng felt that the energy in his body had become abundant again, and it was much stronger than before.

At this time, the amount of light energy I can use is twice as much as before!

Lin Feng's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Before, the Heart of the Holy Mountain told Lin Feng that he was about to break through the second stage of the Armor Summoner.

Aren't you going to run away?

The old man in black robe chased after him again.

He saw Lin Feng suspended in the air, with a crazy smile on his old face.

The old man in black robe thought that Lin Feng's energy had been exhausted.

Then, next, it will still be up to him!

Thinking of this, the old man in black robe said loudly: Be honest, what is your relationship with the owner of the Millennium?

Why should I tell you?

Lin Feng looked at the old man in black robe with a strange expression.

If you tell me this secret, I can let you live!

The old man in black robe assured.

You really want to get the relic of the Force Master?

Lin Feng asked rhetorically.

Of course! That is a treasure for every master of the Force!

The old man in black robe said piously.

Rumor has it that this Force Master has already half-stepped into the realm of Force Master.

Even the three major empires of the Milky Way would not dare to easily provoke such a being!

What a pity! You won't get it for the rest of your life!

Lin Feng shook his head.

You! When I catch you, I will destroy you and try my methods!

The old man in black robe said in a gloomy voice.

As he spoke, he held a purple lightsaber and began to gather the dark force.


A black sword light shot towards Lin Feng!

You think you are the only one who can release the sword light?

Lin Feng mocked coldly.

The next moment, he raised the Emperor's Sword with his tail, pointing the blade directly at the old man in black robes.


Several golden light waves rushed towards the old man in black robe!

How is that possible? Isn't your energy exhausted?

The old man in black robe was shocked.

He was a powerful star-level man, but he was a little overwhelmed in the chase just now.

How could a guy like Lin Feng, who relied on equipment, be able to launch an attack?

In a hurry, the old man in black robes immediately waved the purple lightsaber in his hand and began to resist the light wave of the emperor's sword.

Unlike Alpha, he is good at attacking and his defense is not outstanding!

Bounce style!

The old man in black robe used the rebound style.

The lightsaber in his hand danced so tightly that it formed a curtain of light formed by the black force!

When those golden light waves hit the black light curtain, they were instantly bounced away!


Lin Feng teleported away!

The next moment, the emperor's sword stabbed at the black-robed old man!


The emperor's sword pierced the black light curtain and was temporarily blocked!

Let's see how long you can hold it back!

Cosmic energy shot out from Lin Feng's eyes.

In an instant, the meteorites suspended in the surrounding void deviated from their original orbits and were pulled over!


These meteorites, like raindrops, bombarded towards the old man in black robe!

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