Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 513 Gene Evolution Fluid!

X Empire.

The void cracked open, purple thunder flashed, and Doyle Ronan's figure walked out of it.

The soldiers patrolling around rushed over immediately.

They raised their blasters: Who are you?

I am Doyle Ronan of the Judgment Legion! Return to the headquarters!

Doyle Ronan immediately raised the war hammer in his hand.

In an instant, a unique mark of the Judgment Legion appeared in the void.

Lord Doyle!

When the patrolling soldiers saw that they were members of the Judgment Legion, they immediately saluted respectfully.

I have urgent military information to report to the Supreme Intelligence!

Doyle Ronan said loudly.

Soon, a short-haired middle-aged man wearing blue armor came over. He said to Doyle Ronan: We must verify your identity first!


Doyle Ronan said calmly.

The sheriff immediately took Doyle Ronan into an office.

Doyle Ronan began a series of tests.

This includes blood and iris testing, as well as question-answering sessions.

Doyle and Ronan are completely consistent.

plz follow me!

The Sheriff put aside his doubts.

Soon, Doyle Ronan followed the sheriff to the tallest building in the city.

The Supreme Wisdom lies within.

I'll send you here!

Outside a large hall, the Sheriff whispered.


Doyle Ronan said in a calm tone.

With his status, he couldn't be polite to a low-level officer.

The Ronan family has extremely high power in the X Empire.

Even, sometimes, it is possible to exercise some rights beyond the supreme wisdom.

This is like the royal guards of ancient China and Ming Dynasty, who can supervise hundreds of officials!

Doyle Ronan went straight into the hall.

Soon, he discovered that there was a purple light group in the center of the hall.

This purple light group is the supreme wisdom.

When a creature communicates with it, it will immediately become the most respected target in the other person's mind.

In a way, this has some similarities with the Poison Queen.

Doyle Ronan walked to the purple light group.

Suddenly, the purple light flowed down and turned into the appearance of Ronan, the chief judge of the Judgment Legion.

Why did you come back alone?

Ronan looked at Doyle Ronan and said with a heavy look.

Doyle Ronan immediately knelt down on one knee: Lord Judge! My subordinates led the fleet to pursue the owner of the Millennium. They pursued it all the way to the solar system. They were about to reach their target when they were attacked by the Eternals!


There was a trace of doubt in Ronan's eyes. Obviously, he did not expect that the Eternals would suddenly attack Doyle Ronan's fleet.

After all, the Eternals have always been relatively aloof and have no interaction with Empire X or even the other two empires in the galaxy.

Sir, he is the Alpha of the Eternals!

Doyle Ronan said.

He even simulated a battle with Alpha in his mind.

All of this is true, because most of it is Lin Feng's memory.

The Supreme Intelligence immediately began to explore Doyle Ronan's memory.

Soon, it discovered that there was no mistake. It was indeed Alpha of the Eternals who destroyed a fleet of the X Empire!

Could it be that the owner of the Millennium is the Alpha of the Eternals?

The Supreme Intelligence began to speculate.

Stay back!

The Supreme Wisdom, who had transformed into Ronan, said to Doyle Ronan.

Yes! Your Majesty the Presiding Judge!

Doyle Ronan immediately stood up, then bowed and left.

After a long time, the supreme wisdom ordered: Congressman Halls, I order you to arrest the Alpha of the Eternals immediately!

Yes! Supreme wisdom!

Senator Halls is a super strong man at the pinnacle of the stellar level.

As long as the galaxy-level powerhouses don't come out, they are basically invincible!

You got through it!

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Doyle Ronan getting through.

Then, he ordered through a ray of spiritual power hidden in Doyle Ronan's mind: Go investigate the news about Caesar Ghidorah immediately!

It's the master!

Doyle Ronan immediately walked towards the Judgment Legion's station.

There is a lot of top-secret information about the X Empire there.

While Doyle Ronan launched his operation, Lin Feng went to a deserted planet.

This is where Dihuang, the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium, asked him to go.

Not long after arriving at Desolate Star, a gap opened in the void, and Emperor Phoenix walked out of it.

You're looking for me, do you have any good news?

Lin Feng looked at Dihuang and asked.

He had asked Emperor Phoenix for a few things before, but it has been some time now. With the efficiency of the Zhouhuang Consortium, progress should have been made.

Lin Feng, the insect queen tire fluid you entrusted to me is gone!

This is what Dihuang said as soon as he opened his mouth.

How is this going?

Lin Feng couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.

Because a war broke out with the Zerg planet, and the queen's fetal fluid was requisitioned by the Galaxy Alliance!

Dihuang said slowly.

That's really bad news!

Lin Feng said depressedly.

Originally, he was looking forward to getting three bottles of the queen's fetal fluid to further enhance his mental power.

However, there is good news!

Zhou Huang looked at Lin Feng.

Any other good news?

Lin Feng asked in surprise.

This time, the Galaxy Alliance will organize a large army to clear out the Zerg nests. This is a good opportunity!

Dihuang said slowly.

You mean, I go deep into the Zerg planet to obtain the fetal fluid of the Zerg Queen?

Lin Feng looked at Dihuang in confusion.

On the Zerg planet, there is not only the queen's fetal fluid, but also a magical item that can refine the genetic evolution fluid!

Dihuang shook his head and said.

Gene evolution fluid?

This was the first time Lin Feng had heard of this thing.

The Zerg race was originally the lowest level race in the universe. However, after hundreds of millions or even billions of years of evolution, they gave birth to existences comparable to gods. Every time a bug queen is born, there may be companion creatures. !”

Dihuang slowly explained.

This companion creature is the material for refining the genetic evolution fluid? After talking for a long time, you still haven't explained to me what the genetic evolution fluid is!

Lin Feng said depressedly.

You don't even know about genetic evolution fluid?

Emperor Huang immediately looked at Lin Feng with a look that looked like an idiot.


Lin Feng was very depressed. As Ghidorah, do I need to know this?

Emperor Huang saw that Lin Feng really didn't know about the genetic evolution fluid, so he said slowly: The genetic evolution fluid is a type of genetic fluid. It is prepared by a blender. It has many functions, and some can be used to increase the physical strength of living beings. , some can be used to increase the mental strength of living beings, while the genetic evolution fluid can help living beings change genetically!

This blender seems to be the alchemist in fantasy novels!

Lin Feng suddenly realized.

Well, in your hometown, you might be called an alchemist!

Dihuang nodded.

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