Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 499 The Vice President’s conspiracy!

This magic sword was actually put up for auction?

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Because he knew that if this kind of thing fell into the dark cosmic forces, it would cause unimaginable consequences.

Afterwards, Lin Feng released his spiritual consciousness.

Sure enough, he sensed a lot of cold atmosphere in the auction hall.

In addition to practicing Yinxie techniques, these creatures are most likely to be creatures from the dark universe!

I wonder what the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce is doing!

Lin Feng felt a little wary.

He had a hunch that this auction would definitely not be peaceful.

At this time, guests participating in the auction entered the venue one after another.

Lin Feng discovered that most of these were below the planetary level.

Obviously, beings with planet-level strength are not just cabbages in the galaxy, but can already be regarded as giants.

However, most of the creatures that entered the VIP treasure chest had extremely powerful auras, and the lowest ones were at the planet level.

Among them, there were many creatures that even Lin Feng felt were a huge threat.

He even sensed a familiar aura: Dark Force?

Lin Feng looked at a certain box, a little surprised.

Now, he already knows that this dark force is not a big cabbage in the interstellar world.

Generally, a specific force belongs to a certain family.

Could it be that someone from the Yis family has arrived?

Lin Feng guessed.

Not long after, another familiar person also arrived.

It was Alpha, the strong man of the Eternals who had a battle with Lin Feng not long ago.

He entered a box ranked second in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

Obviously, his stellar level strength and his background in the Eternal Clan make him very valued in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

The legendary big shot is coming!

Below, countless creatures were staring at the box at the top of the queue.

They all know that this box can only belong to one living being!

That is the young master from the Zhouhuang Consortium.

Not long after, a dazzling figure walked through the void and stepped into the supreme box of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

Lin Feng just sensed that this figure had extremely powerful light energy.

This kind of energy makes him extremely familiar, even a little friendly!

Is this the young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium?

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

Because what he saw turned out to be a humanoid creature.

From the sudden glimpse, Lin Feng saw a human boy in the golden ball of light.

In fact, Lin Feng was not sure whether this was a boy or a girl.

Because, the young master of Zhouhuang Group seems to be indistinguishable between male and female, and he exudes a masculine and masculine aura.

He was wearing a golden robe and was about 1.75 meters tall, with extremely standard facial features.

In the supreme box.


The young master of the Zhouhuang Consortium sensed a prying gaze, and immediately looked towards the source of the gaze.

Later, he saw Lin Feng sitting in the hall.

It's interesting. A mere planet-level peak creature can actually see through my protective golden light?

I remembered the appearance of Lin Feng, the young leader of the Zhouhuang Group, and felt that I should pay close attention to him.

At this time, on the auction stage ahead, Isido, the vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, had already stepped onto the auction stage.

The person who is hosting the auction is actually an old man who has suffered a lot?

Lin Feng couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this scene.

In most novels, aren't the people who preside over auctions always young and beautiful human girls?

The grand voice of the vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce resounded in the auction house: Today, I will preside over this auction, and welcome all distinguished guests to come here a million light years away!

When speaking, his eyes were pointed at the Supreme Box most of the time.

Below, is today's first auction item, a planet at the center of the Milky Way! This planet has an excellent geographical location...

After Isido's introduction, a group of people started bidding below.

One hundred million galactic coins!

I'll pay 200 million!

One billion galactic coins!

When the price reached one billion Galaxy coins, no one bid again.

The vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce immediately pointed at the creature asking for one billion Galaxy coins and shouted: VIP No. 75 is the first billion Galaxy coins!

As he spoke, he looked around with mung bean eyes: Is there anyone higher?

Seeing that no one continued to increase the price, the vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce banged a gavel on the stage: One billion Galaxy coins for the second time!

There was silence in the audience.

Obviously, for such a planet, one billion galactic coins is already a high price.

Okay! For the third time with one billion Galaxy coins, this precious planet belongs to VIP No. 75!

Isido, the vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, yelled.

Lin Feng took a look and saw that the creatures in the VIP seats were indifferent to such an auction item.

Soon, the second auction item was delivered.

Lin Feng took a look and saw that it was a spaceship. The starting price was 200 million Galaxy coins.

In the end, a high price of 1.5 billion was sold!

Lin Feng was not surprised at all that a spaceship was more expensive than a planet.

Because this is the norm. In the interstellar world, there are countless planets, many of which are undeveloped.

If you have the strength, you can develop it yourself, but this spaceship is different!

At this moment, a servant from the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce came up carrying a tray.

When Lin Feng saw this tray, his eyes couldn't help but condense.

Because what is contained in this tray is a magic sword!

Seeing the magic sword being placed on the stage, the vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce suddenly raised his voice: Next, the one participating in the auction is a magic sword used by creatures from the dark universe!

Lin Feng had been paying attention to the situation in the hall. He found that many creatures had violent mental fluctuations when they saw this magic sword.

Some creatures are even talking with telepathy.

Obviously, this kind of thing is not common in the interstellar world.

Seeing that this magic sword attracted the attention of some creatures, Isido, the vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce on the stage, said loudly: This magic sword has some important origins. It comes from a notorious creature in the dark universe!


When Lin Feng heard Isido's words, he couldn't help but have a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, Isido, the vice president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, continued to speak loudly: This creature from the dark universe once massacred a planet. Alpha, the strong man of the Eternal Tribe, passed by the planet and took action to stop it, and will It was defeated! Unfortunately, this dark creature has a powerful ability to escape, so it was not completely killed!

Damn! This old man has bad intentions and actually made up such a lie!

When Lin Feng heard this, his expression changed.

The vice-president of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce made up a random story about the origin of the magic sword. This is to push him to be the opposite of all the creatures in the galaxy!

Get rid of the dark creatures!

Get rid of the dark creatures!

Lin Feng had already heard that many strong men began to roar around him.

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