Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 493 Emperor Armor!

The secret of light reappears, and I am not alone in my path!

Seeing Lin Feng gathering the energy of the five light and shadow stones together, a happy smile appeared in the eyes of the Heart of the Mountain.


As Lin Feng absorbed the energy of the five light and shadow stones, a platinum-gold light burst out from his body, which was so dazzling that no one dared to look directly at it!

This is?

Seeing this scene, below, Venom and Tyrant began to retreat.

Ling'er, on the other hand, showed a contented expression.

She even spread her wings, flew into the air, and stood next to Lin Feng.

Eh? This little guy!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain glanced at Ling'er and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

Obviously, even he felt that Ling'er was very rare.

solar system.

Just when Lin Feng united the five elements of energy into one, an astonishing amount of energy suddenly burst out from the Sun Star.


The entire sun is a hundred times brighter than before!

There is a large-scale solar flare explosion on the sun!

On the ground, many astronomers have observed this phenomenon through telescopes.

It's incredible! This is the most intense solar activity in the history of human observation!

Get ready now! A large amount of plasma released by a solar flare will arrive around the Earth as early as two days. In the next few days, the Earth's magnetic field and the ionosphere above will be disrupted. Not only will satellite broadcast signals be interfered with, Errors in global satellite positioning systems are also possible.

Astronomers issued an announcement.

It's not just astronomers who have observed this phenomenon through telescopes.

Even the creatures on the earth have discovered that the sun is countless times brighter than before. Looking from a distance, it looks like a huge fireball!

Huh? Something happened to the sun! It seems that the power of the sun has been sucked away! The energy that burst out did not radiate towards the earth!

Suddenly, an astronomer exclaimed.

He observed through an astronomical telescope that after a flare erupts on the sun, the huge energy generated does not spread out around.

Instead, these energies integrated into a beam and shot towards a certain place!

This phenomenon is so strange that it shocked all astronomers!

It's not just astronomers here on Earth.

Doyle Ronan, who was secretly observing the Earth in the galaxy, and the law enforcement team of the Ace family were also shocked.

Could it be that some mysterious existence is secretly stealing the energy from the Sun Star?

Doyle Ronan guessed so.

Thinking of this, he ordered his subordinates: You continue to observe the movements of the earth and stars here, and I will go and see who is behind the scenes!

Doyle Ronan is very cautious.

Able to absorb the energy from the sun star, the strength of this mysterious existence is at the minimum star level.

Moreover, there is a high possibility that the strength of this mysterious existence has surpassed the stellar level!


The Eternal Strong Alpha is flying towards the solar system.

Suddenly, a golden beam shot towards him.


Alpha immediately ducked out of the way.

This golden beam of light rubbed his body and continued to shoot forward!

Hey, this golden beam of light comes from the star in the solar system, the Sun Star. Could it be that a strong man of stellar level appeared in the solar system?

Alpha became a little cautious.

A solar system without stellar orders and a solar system with stellar orders are completely different concepts.

Thinking of this, Alpha's eyes suddenly burst out with golden light, and he looked in the direction of the sun star.

Soon, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that this is an energy fluctuation that broke out on the Sun Star!

Afterwards, Alpha continued to fly towards the solar system.

Colonize the planet.

A golden beam of light shot from a distant galaxy.

Not good! Something wants to attack the master!

Seeing this scene, the tyrant roared and immediately rushed towards the sky.

Because he signed a master-servant contract with Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng was hurt in any way, he would die immediately!

Liu Xuanfeng was shocked when he saw this scene from the side. He also jumped into the air and flew towards Lin Feng with his eyes closed in the air.

At this moment, a figure in white clothes appeared in front of the two of them: Go back!

The old man in white robe waved his big sleeve, and a soft force instantly blocked Liu Xuanfeng and the poison!

Who are you? Why do you want to harm my master?

The tyrant looked angrily at the Heart of the Mountain.

Don't worry! This matter will only be good for your master!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain looked at Liu Xuanfeng and the Tyrant with an indifferent expression.

This is……

Liu Xuanfeng knew that the old man was unfathomable and asked immediately.

Just wait and see!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain looked at the two of them indifferently, and then said.

The tyrant was about to speak, but when he saw the old man in white robes looking at him, an invisible force instantly imprisoned him!


The golden beam of light was extremely fast and hit Lin Feng with a bang!

Later, everyone discovered that Lin Feng's body immediately burned with five-color flames, like a meteorite!

Liu Xuanfeng looked at Lin Feng and found that he was wrapped in flames and everything was normal.

Even Ling'er, who was beside Lin Feng, was extremely calm, with eyes full of contentment.

Because this is the energy that explodes from the star, which is extremely tempting for Ling'er.

She wanted to pounce on him several times, but she controlled herself.

Because Ling'er knew that this opportunity belonged to her father, and it had extraordinary significance to her father!


As the five-color flames burned blazingly, Lin Feng's size gradually became smaller.

Senior, will this have any impact?

Seeing this scene, Liu Xuanfeng asked immediately.

It doesn't matter! This is the only way! This is the five elements of body refining. Only through the five elements of body refining can we truly transform!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain said with a smile.

Only by understanding the five elements to a certain extent can we trigger the fire of the five elements burning on the sun star!

I don't know how long it took, but the five-color flame on Lin Feng's body gradually extinguished.

Instead, there was a ball of golden light.

In the middle of the light, Lin Feng's body was being transformed. A pair of armor slowly covered the surface of his body!

The Emperor's Armor of Light!

The Heart of the Mountain God saw what happened to Lin Feng, and a happy smile appeared on his old face.

At this moment, Lin Feng finally summoned the Emperor's Armor through the Five Elements Crystals!

This process is extremely difficult!

In the golden light ball, Lin Feng opened his eyes and found that his body was covered with a brand new layer of armor.

This armor is golden and very noble and domineering!

Armor Summoner, congratulations! You finally understood the secret of light!

The person who loves the sacred mountain looked at Lin Feng with relief.


Lin Feng looked at the sacred mountain heart in front of him and said respectfully.

Now that you have successfully summoned the Emperor's Armor, there is one thing I must tell you!

The smile on the face of the Heart of the Holy Mountain disappeared and became extremely serious.

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