Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 470 The Power of the Phoenix!

How is this going?

Seeing this scene in front of her, the Poison Queen was shocked.

Liu Xuanfeng on the side said in shock: The ninth-level symbiote disappeared out of thin air!

Jelly also said to Lin Feng: Master, I feel it's still there!

Lin Feng knew that what Jelly was talking about was referring to the ninth-level symbiote sent by Lin Feng.

So, he said in a solemn voice: This is the fault of that bird king!

Did King Archaeopteryx do it? I clearly saw it hadn't moved at all!

The Poison Queen said in confusion.

Liu Xuanfeng on the side also said with certainty: Yes! The bird king has never moved in the golden energy!

This kind of power is called retrieving objects from the air! The Bird King is indeed still in its original state, but I just felt its powerful telepathy!

Lin Feng explained.

At this moment, a strange scene happened. He saw that the ninth-level symbiote body that had been moved into the light group suddenly ignited with golden flames.


In the blink of an eye, the ninth-level symbiote was completely reduced to ashes!

It's amazing!

Lin Feng was very surprised when he saw this scene.

Because symbionts are difficult to kill completely, and their repair capabilities are very powerful.

And this Archaeopteryx King was only half-walking star level, and could not move. He burned this ninth-level symbiote to ashes and annihilated it with just the protective flame!

At this moment, Lin Feng was finally sure that what this bird king of Archeopteryx had obtained was the power of the Phoenix!

This kind of power is not unfamiliar to him at all.

The Omega mutant Jean Gray has mastered this kind of power.

The level of the Phoenix Power is extremely high. It is the transformation of the original life force and emotional power of the universe, born between the chaos of the universe and the beginning of all things.

It can give great power to living beings.

For example, Archaeopteryx King just performed the teleportation retrieval method!

In addition to retrieving objects from the air, he also has powerful abilities such as reading minds, manipulating other people's thoughts, moving or decomposing all matter with telekinesis, flying out of thin air, releasing phoenix-like shock waves, resurrecting the dead, and manipulating the timeline.

Of course, this Archaeopteryx King was just lucky and absorbed a fragment of the Phoenix Power.

If it is the complete Phoenix Power, I am afraid that a single universe-level creature can be directly born!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately asked the smart assistant: Smart Assistant, can I swallow this Phoenix Power?

Master, I don't know about this either, because this kind of power is really too high-end. If it is true as the master said, I am afraid it cannot be taken away unless it is given to me on its own initiative!

The smart assistant said.

That's true!

Lin Feng also felt a little embarrassed.

He really didn't want to let go of this ray of Phoenix power.

Although this is a very small wisp, it can still give Lin Feng powerful power.

It can even grow into the most powerful existence in the universe in the future!

Before this, the intelligent assistant once told Lin Feng that there are countless universes in this world.

For example, the Force universe where the people from Planet X live, and the Marvel universe where the Marvel superheroes live.

There is also the prehistoric universe where Lin Feng lives.

The single universe is the strongest, equivalent to a creation god-like existence!

Master, I suggest you try other methods. If it doesn't work, give up temporarily. This level of power can threaten the safety of the master!

The smart assistant said worriedly.

Okay! Just giving up without giving it a try is not my style!

Lin Feng nodded.

So, he released dozens of symbiotes again.

Then, Lin Feng Tianzun waved his scepter, and all these dozens of symbionts grew in size!


Lin Feng said to these dozens of symbionts.

call! call!

These dozens of eighth-level symbionts immediately sprouted wings and flew towards the light group where the Archaeopteryx King was.

Lin Feng released all his consciousness and began to observe the outcome of these symbionts.

Soon, the first batch of symbiotes flew outside the golden light group.

At this moment, something strange happened again. Those symbionts disappeared as soon as they got close to the golden light group.

Later, Lin Feng noticed that they were teleported into the light group, and golden flames burned on the surface of their bodies.

In a matter of moments, these symbiotes were completely reduced to ashes!

It's still like this!

Lin Feng was a little disappointed.

Afterwards, the remaining dozens of symbionts approached the golden light group one after another, and they all met the same end!

They have no chance to climb onto the Archaeopteryx King, so it is impossible for them to parasitize on it!

Is it possible that we have no choice but to give up?

Lin Feng was a little unwilling.

He had witnessed the power of the Phoenix Power with his own eyes.

I'm afraid that even Lin Feng himself would be burned to ashes if he came into contact with it!

At this moment, the Poison Queen on the side suddenly said: Master, I have a way!

Oh? Do you have any idea?

Lin Feng looked at the Poison Queen in shock.

Didn't she just say that there was no way to be parasitic?

Seeing the confused look in Lin Feng's eyes, the Poison Queen immediately said: Master, have you forgotten my talent?

Oh, I remembered! Your talent is to create real illusions!

Lin Feng was stunned when he heard this.

Yes! I can become the creature closest to it and gain its favor!

The Poison Queen nodded.

After hesitating for a moment, the Poison Queen continued: At that time, the master level will need to act as its closest living being, and this process is irreversible!

Okay! Let's do it like this!

Lin Feng nodded and decided to do as the Poison Queen said.

He still has great expectations for her talent.

Because the Poison Queen can completely simulate the imaginary creature from appearance to mental fluctuations.

Soon, the Poison Queen flew out from the Star Eater.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Poison Queen flew outside the golden light group and then stopped.

She didn't take the initiative to come into contact with the golden light group to avoid any accident!

At this time, the Poison Queen unleashed her talent.

Suddenly, Lin Feng noticed that a subtle mental wave was released and spread towards the Archaeopteryx King.

Soon, the Poison Queen started using her moves.

In the eyes of everyone, the Poison Queen turned into an Archaeopteryx!

This Archaeopteryx may be the mother of King Archaeopteryx!

Lin Feng guessed this.

Just after the Poison Queen turned into Archaeopteryx, Lin Feng noticed that the Archeopteryx King's mood swings were very violent.

Is it working?

Liu Xuanfeng also looked over there curiously.

The venom in Liu Xuanfeng's body was very tense.

Obviously, he was still very worried about the Poison Queen.


The Archaeopteryx transformed by the Poison Queen disappeared instantly!

Lin Fengxin also raised his voice.

The Poison Queen is a very powerful trump card in his hand. If it is also reduced to ashes, the loss will be a bit big!

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