Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 466 Supernova Energy!

Master, it seems that the cosmic storm contains the energy that causes the aliens to mutate!

The intelligent assistant analyzed.

Then what is the upper limit of this mutant energy?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

He knew very little about interstellar things.

Master, it's hard to say! If you are lucky and happen to encounter a powerful cosmic energy group, it can cause living things to change rapidly and quickly surpass the planetary level, or even the stellar level!

The smart assistant said slowly.

What? Can you surpass the stellar level quickly?

Lin Feng was very surprised.

Of course! If some kind of creature is lucky enough to be bathed in the super energy of a supernova explosion, it may be possible to give birth to a super powerful cosmic monster that surpasses the star level!

The smart assistant gave an example.

Supernova? What kind of star is this?

Lin Feng asked in confusion.

Supernova refers to a stage in the evolution of stars. A supernova explosion is a violent explosion that some stars experience when they are near the end of their evolution. This explosion is extremely bright, and the burst of electromagnetic radiation during the process can often illuminate it. The entire galaxy in which it is located can last for weeks to months before gradually decaying and becoming invisible. During this period, the energy radiated by a supernova is comparable to the total energy radiated by the sun during its lifetime.

The smart assistant explained in detail.

Could the aliens on this colonial planet be radiated by the energy of the supernova explosion?

Lin Feng couldn't help but swallowed.

If this is really the case, then things are going to be very serious!

Master, if this is really the case, it might be an opportunity!

Smart assistants are more optimistic.

That's right! This change has just begun, so it shouldn't be too strong yet!

Lin Feng is gearing up and preparing to show off his talents.

However, he has no plans to rush to the Predator's colony planet just yet.

After all, it is possible for star-level life forms to be born on this planet.

With Lin Feng's current strength, if he really encountered a star-level life form, he would probably be vomited in one breath!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately issued an order to the tyrant: Tyrant, order that Predator to send someone down to investigate the situation!

After receiving Lin Feng's instructions, the tyrant immediately controlled the elder of the Predator and issued an order to the ancient Predator: You should immediately send a landing ship to the colony star. I want to know the specific situation now!

Yes! Elder!

The Predator responded immediately.

He had no doubts. The Predator clan had always been a warlike race.

Similar to a creature on earth, Brother Flathead.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, he will do it if he refuses to accept it.

Moreover, they are a bit old-fashioned. They obviously have extremely powerful technology, but they love hand-to-hand combat!

The order of this Predator elder played into their hands.

Originally, they were planning to send soldiers down to find out the truth in the near future.

Poisonous Wolf! This time, you will lead the team to Colonial Star 56 to investigate the enemy's situation!

The Predator commander said to an elite Predator.

Yes! Your Excellency, Commander!

Poison Wolf knelt down on one knee and accepted the order.

Lin Feng looked at the poisonous wolf. He was a Predator wearing a black mask. He was stronger than the average Predator.

Soon, he led three of his team members into the landing ship.


The landing ship flew out from the space fortress and flew towards the colonial planet.

There is monitoring equipment on this landing ship, and the command post on the battle fortress can observe the situation on the landing ship at any time.


Soon, the landing ship sailed outside the atmosphere of the colonial planet.

At this moment, the atmosphere was filled with purple light, which was extremely strange. The visibility was very low, and it was impossible to see the scene below clearly.

Seeing this scene, Poison Wolf immediately ordered a team member: Falcon, release the detector and go down!

Yes! Captain!

The man named Falcon is also an elite-level Predator. He is smaller than Poison Wolf and appears to be more agile.

Soon, he was maneuvering it on his wrist.


The hatch at the bottom of the landing ship opens.

Several electronic eagles flew out from the hatch at the bottom of the landing ship.


Falcon pressed a button on his arm, and several virtual displays appeared.

The pictures on these display screens are all shot from the perspective of those electronic eagles.

Captain, the Electronic Eagle has entered the red light mist, and there is nothing abnormal for the time being!

Falcon reported the situation to Captain Poison Wolf.

Continue to probe downward!

Poisonous Wolf nodded.

Then, he drove the landing ship and continued to fly downward, staying at the altitude just detected by the Electronic Eagle.

The picture on the virtual display screen keeps changing, which means that the electronic eagle is flying downward quickly.

Soon, Falcon exclaimed: Captain, look!

What's wrong?

Poisonous Wolf asked in surprise.

Then, he looked and found that many strange vegetation appeared on the display screen.

This is a tree vine that looks thick and strong.

How many meters high is this?

Poison Wolf asked nervously.

Return to the captain, this is a height of 10,000 meters above the ground!

Lion Face, another team member, said.

He is mainly responsible for observation.

Ten thousand meters? In other words, this kind of vine has grown to a height of ten thousand meters?

There was disbelief in Poison Wolf's words.

It wasn't just the Predators on the landing ship who were surprised.

Even the Predator commander in the battle fortress was extremely surprised. He leaned forward quickly and carefully watched the images transmitted back.

Seeing the Predator commander showing such behavior, Lin Feng immediately knew that before this, there were no such weird plants on this colonial planet!

He thought to himself: Could it be that this vine was affected by the energy of the universe and mutated?

It must be so!

The smart assistant affirmed.

Currently, similar changes are occurring on Earth.

Lin Feng became a little excited. Sure enough, there were great opportunities on this colonial planet.

I just don’t know how powerful the aliens on this planet have become under the stimulation of that cosmic energy.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng continued to look at the screen.

At this moment, a virtual reality pattern suddenly cut off with a tingling sound.

At the last moment of the scene, Lin Feng saw a vine quickly bombarding towards the camera!

This plant is aggressive!

Inside the landing ship, Predator Captain Poisonous Wolf exclaimed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stung! Stab!

The rest of the Electronic Eagles were also destroyed instantly!

Obviously, this mutated plant can sense prying eyes!

what to do?

Inside the landing ship, Black Panther, the last Predator, asked.

Report to the command center first!

Poison Wolf said in a solemn tone.

Lin Feng immediately gave the order to the tyrant: Order the Predator to launch missiles to knock down the abnormal vine!

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