Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 463 Controlling the Poison Queen!

Huh? How could this happen?

The Poison Queen was a little surprised when she saw the figure appearing in the illusion.

Because what she saw was not Ghidorah, but two humans?

Moreover, judging from Lin Feng's performance, he was not completely immersed in it at this moment, and seemed to still have reason.

Did something go wrong?

The Poison Queen didn't know that Lin Feng's soul traveled through time. She suspected that there was something wrong with the illusion created by her illusion talent!

At this moment, golden light flashed in Lin Feng's golden eyes, and a huge spiritual will rushed forward!


The powerful spiritual will rushed directly into the Poison Queen's mind, instantly defeating her consciousness!

After a while, the Poison Queen regained consciousness, but at this moment, her consciousness had been marked by Lin Feng.


The Poison Queen was reversely controlled by Lin Feng and completely became his slave!

This is somewhat interesting. The weakness of poisons is actually their spiritual side!

Lin Feng also tested the weakness of the Poison race through this successful experiment.

They are different from symbionts in that they are almost perfect in body, possessing powerful strength, defense ability, and recovery ability.

Moreover, they are no longer afraid of fire, sound waves, and thunder.

However, the Poison Family actually has huge flaws in their spiritual will.

In fact, this is not a flaw, because the Poison family, like the symbiote, is grown from single-cell organisms, has no soul, and is not afraid of ordinary soul attacks.

Moreover, they also have a powerful ability, that is, they can create perfect illusions.

Only when the poisons create an illusion will their mental weakness be exposed.

At this time, almost no living beings can resist the transformation of poison!

Because as long as you have regrets, your flaws will be found!

Lin Feng is an exception, because he possesses a human soul, which makes the Poison Queen doubt her talent!

Check the properties of the Poison Queen!

After Lin Feng controlled the Poison Queen, he immediately began to check her attributes.

Sure enough, the Poison Queen possesses an extremely powerful ability - to create a perfect illusion!

If this ability is used well, it is a very powerful brainwashing tool!

Lin Feng's eyes flashed.

At this moment, the Poison Queen took the initiative and said: Master, I know a stronghold of the Poison family, and I will take the master to conquer them!


Lin Feng was extremely satisfied.

The subdued Poison Queen became absolutely loyal and always thought of him, which was very good!

Later, Lin Feng looked at the other symbiotes on the symbiote planet: Jelly, can you control them?


Jelly nodded with absolute certainty.

Gather them together!

Lin Feng said to Jelly.

Yes! Master!

Jelly immediately unleashed its divine power.


In an instant, mysterious voices appeared in every symbiote's mind.

When they heard this voice, they immediately rushed towards the Death God Abyss.

After a while, there were already hundreds of millions of symbionts in the Abyss of Death.

Lin Feng was extremely happy when he saw this dense army of symbiotes, because this time his purpose was accomplished!

Then, he took out the Tianzun Scepter and waved it gently!


In an instant, all the symbionts became the size of ants!

Master, what is your ability?

When Jelly saw Lin Feng's move, her big, round white eyes showed shock.

Don't cause trouble!

Lin Feng glared at Jelly.

Then, he ordered the intelligent assistant: Go and bring the Star Eater!

Yes! Master!

The intelligent assistant immediately returned his consciousness to the mind of the robot butler Jinx.

A moment later, the Planet Eater spacecraft launched and flew from outer space to the symbiote planet.

After a while, the Star Eater spacecraft descended into the Death God Abyss.

Lin Feng said to Jelly: Let them get on the spaceship!

Yes! Master!

Jelly responded immediately.

Soon, under the control of Jelly, the symbiotes boarded the Planet Eater spacecraft one after another.

Lin Feng's purpose is simple, to bring this army of symbiotes back to Earth.

Let them combine with the creatures on the earth, and they will instantly form an army with terrifying combat power!

Of course, Lin Feng's more plan is to form a symbiotic dragon, controlled by Jelly.

At this moment, the tyrant on the side looked at Lin Feng respectfully: Master!

What's wrong?

Lin Feng looked at the tyrant.

The tyrant immediately said with a shy face: Master, can I eat those ancient symbionts? They will be of great benefit to me!

Lin Feng looked around and saw that the tyrant was talking about the symbionts that had been frozen in the glacier before.

They formed a symbiote dragon, wrapping the body of the symbiote god inside.

Lin Feng did not immediately reply to the tyrant's words, but asked the intelligent assistant: Can I swallow these symbionts?

Good thing, he was thinking of himself beforehand.

Master, you can't! Because they have been dead for hundreds of millions, even billions of years, and their life essence is completely gone!

The smart assistant replied.

When Lin Feng heard this, he was immediately disappointed.

The intelligent assistant said: These symbionts are all ancient symbionts. They once followed the god of symbionts to fight everywhere, and they devoured countless life forms. Although they no longer have life energy in their bodies, they still retain a large amount of energy. memory!

Oh? Can I swallow these?

Lin Feng was a little interested.

There are also powerful beings among these ancient symbionts, and inheriting their memories will be of great benefit.

Of course not!

The smart assistant shook his head.

Master, these ancient symbionts have left a mark in their bodies, and only the symbiote's genes can unlock it!

I understand! You mean, they are only useful for symbiotes, right?

Lin Feng immediately responded to the smart assistant's words.

Yes Master!

The smart assistant nodded.

This is easy to handle. Now this tyrant is one of my slaves. Giving it some will also improve your own strength!

Lin Feng made a decision immediately.

So, he said to the tyrant: I will reward you with an ancient symbiote mark for the time being, and we will see how you perform later!

Yes! Thank you Master!

When the tyrant heard this, he was immediately overjoyed.

It immediately swam quickly into the bodies of those ancient symbionts.

Soon enough, Tyrant found an imprint of the ancient symbiote that suited him.

Lin Feng learned through Tyrant's consciousness that this ancient symbiote was named Carnage in ancient times.

It is a symbiote leader under the God of Symbiotes. It controls a symbiote dragon. It was eventually successfully transformed by the Poison Family. At the last moment, it teamed up with other ancient symbiotes to launch a sneak attack on Gnar!

Then, Lin Feng looked at Venom aside and said, Venom, you should also choose an ancient symbiote mark!

Thank you, sir!

When Venom heard this, he immediately thanked him with great joy.

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