Okay! Get ready to log in!

Lin Feng glanced at the black planet, then nodded.

At this moment, the smart assistant said: Master, I suggest you not to show up for now!

Oh? Why is that?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Because, there are several beings in the symbiont race who are extremely powerful!

The smart assistant said slowly.

Oh? How strong is it?

Lin Feng was also very curious, because purely based on Venom's current strength, he was at the peak of the ninth level.

This is because it has developed on the earth for more than a hundred years.

Symbiotes like Venom need to continuously devour the host's power to grow. I believe that many symbiotes are not as powerful as Venom.

Master, if I tell you, I will scare you to death!

The smart assistant whispered.

Is it possible that it is more powerful than the planet level?

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat.

Of course! Billions of years ago, there was a god of symbiotes. His name was Gnar. He once led the symbiotes across the stars, devouring living planets everywhere. Wherever they went, not even a blade of grass grew!

The intelligent assistant told a secret from ancient times.

Is it so powerful?

Lin Feng was a little shocked.

This might even exceed the star-level power!

This god of symbiotes has killed countless gods, including a member of the Celestial Gods!

The intelligent assistant speaks the knowledge just found from the interstellar network.

Isn't this symbiote god still on the symbiote planet?

Lin Feng looked at the symbiote planet with some concern.

It's hard to say! Because he was defeated in a battle and then disappeared without a trace!

The smart assistant said.


Lin Feng felt relieved.

So, he said to Smart Venom: Get on the landing ship, let's go to your home planet together!

Yes! Sir!

Venom responded immediately.

Then, he walked into the landing ship.

Lin Feng immediately shrank his body and turned into a particle.

He did not intend to expose himself before confirming whether it was safe on Venom Planet.


The landing craft launches from the Planet Eater.


The landing ship quickly flew towards the Venom Planet.

At this moment, the Star Eater was put away by Lin Feng, and the intelligent assistant also separated from Jinx.

Master, I detected an unknown signal on the symbiote planet!

At this moment, the smart assistant said.

Oh? Could it be that other intelligent humans have landed on this planet?

Lin Feng was slightly startled.

So, he secretly increased his vigilance.

Soon, the landing ship entered the atmosphere of the symbiote planet.

On the symbiote planet.

This is different from what Venom described. Not only are the symbiotes present, but there are also several alien spacecraft.

Moreover, there were soldiers wearing armor walking around on the ground.

At this moment, an alarm suddenly sounded in a ground base.

Tyrant! An alien spacecraft has been detected entering the atmosphere!

A soldier wearing armor said angrily.

The language he spoke was an alien language.

He was covered in black armor, even his face was covered.

The so-called tyrant was also dressed in the same costume. Hearing this, he immediately said: Prepare for war immediately!


The other black-armored soldiers responded.

Afterwards, the tyrant walked out of the military base and looked at the sky. A small landing ship was descending rapidly.

Soon, the landing ship successfully landed on the symbiote planet.


Smoke and dust billowed from the ground, and a group of soldiers wearing black armor rushed up and surrounded the landing ship.

They held various weapons in their hands.

Venom was a little surprised when he saw this scene: Why did the mother planet become like this?

Then, he opened the hatch of the landing ship and walked out.

These black-armored soldiers posed very little threat to him.

With Venom's current strength, he can completely sweep them away!

After thousands of years, Venom returned to his home planet again. Venom wanted to know what changes had taken place on the home star.

Boom! Boom!

At this moment, heavy footsteps came. Venom looked up and saw a symbiote that was more than ten meters tall walking over.

At this moment, he deliberately revealed the prototype of the symbiote.

Venom recognized him immediately and exclaimed, Tyrant!

That's right! It's me! Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, you loser is back again!

The tyrant grinned, showing his white teeth.

What are you doing back this time?

Venom glanced around at the black-armored soldiers around him and already had some guesses in his mind. He said, It seems that you have left your home planet before!

Yes! I brought these all back. I want to build an army, conquer other planets, and restore the glory of my ancestors!

The tyrant showed a strong aura.

No! You can't do this! If you do this, you will only plunge your compatriots into endless flames of war!

When Venom heard this, his expression immediately changed.

What he was most worried about happened!

While Venom was talking to Tyrant, Lin Feng had been observing the black-armored soldiers around him.

These black-armored soldiers are more than two meters tall, and their appearance is very similar to humans on Earth.

However, they have a bunch of dreadlocks on their heads and black armor on their faces.

Lin Feng glanced slightly and saw their appearance clearly.

Their faces are completely different from those of humans on Earth. They are not as smooth as humans on Earth. Instead, they have sharp hair. They look very ferocious!

These are the Predators?

Lin Feng was shocked when he saw the true appearance of these black-armored warriors.

Later, Lin Feng looked at the tyrant and discovered that under his black substance, there was also a Predator parasitized.

However, this Predator is very special.

He was unusually tall and wearing a cape, which gave him the impression of being of high rank and authority.

The intelligent assistant also judged it, and said to Lin Feng: That's right! These creatures are indeed the Iron-Blooded Stars on the Iron-Blooded Planet. They are extremely warlike and fight everywhere. They did not expect to come to the Symbiote Planet!

Lin Feng told the intelligent assistant about his findings and asked: Intelligent assistant, how are the levels of the Iron-Blooded Stars divided?

Master, the common Iron-blooded warriors are generally divided into four types: ordinary Iron-blooded warriors, elite-level Iron-blooded warriors, ancient Iron-blooded warriors, and Iron-blooded warrior elders. Among them, the combat experience of ordinary Iron-blooded warriors is very ordinary, and they need to go to various living planets to gain experience. Hunting the skulls of life forms from other planets as proof of adulthood, the elite-level Predators are very powerful and have rich combat elites, while the ancient Predators are frozen in the temple. Their duty is to guard the Iron-Blooded Star and control the world. The artifact of the iron-blooded planet!”

The smart assistant said slowly.

What about the elder Predator?

Lin Feng continued to ask. He suspected that the tyrant was parasitizing an elder of the Predator!

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