Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 449 The Galaxy Fleet is coming!

Go! Armor Summons!

The Heart of the Holy Mountain waved his sleeves, and a soft force surged toward Lin Feng.

Later, Lin Feng felt that his consciousness returned to his original body.

He immediately asked: Intelligent assistant, do you know where there is a time machine, the kind of machine that can travel through time and space?

Master is looking for a time machine?

The smart assistant was a little surprised.

Yes! I need to use a time machine to go back in time and find something!

Lin Feng nodded.

This is not difficult! The master has two choices. One is to go to a technologically advanced planet, such as the headquarters of the It’s entering the dimensional space!”

The smart assistant explained.

Going to the X Star Territory Headquarters? With my current strength, that would be a trap for me!

Lin Feng shook his head.

Then, the only thing left is to enter the dimensional space!

Lin Feng immediately asked: How can I enter the dimensional space? Last time, didn't you say that my strength was not enough?

Master's own strength alone is naturally not enough! However, Master, don't forget about the Interstellar Mall!

The smart assistant said.

That's right, I actually forgot about the Star Mall!

Lin Feng nodded.

Go back to the Dragon Temple base first, and plan the matter of entering the dimensional space slowly!

In the dark universe, on an alien battleship.

Captain! We just found signs of the young master's life!

A soldier wearing a black nanosuit said to an old man wearing a black robe.


The old man in black robe asked in a hoarse voice.

In the Milky Way, on a planet called Earth!

The Yis family soldier said respectfully.

Earth Star?

The old man in black robe pointed, and a virtual projection screen appeared in front of him.

This is a map of the Milky Way.

Soon, he found the location of the Earth Star in the galaxy map.

This is in a very remote star field, where the Force is weak. What are you doing on the Earth Star, young master?

The old man in black robe was a little confused.

However, he still said: Set sail! Go to the Earth Star!

Yes! Captain!

The soldiers of the Yis Family immediately set their course and sailed in the direction of the Earth Star.

The old man in black robe pondered for a moment, and then said: Isquin, pass the news to Doyle Ronan!

Captain, this?

The soldier named Isquin looked at his captain in confusion.

This is not a private matter of the Yis family. Doyle Ronan represents the law of Star Territory X!

The old man in black robe said.

Yes! Captain!

Esquin immediately passed this information to Doyle Ronan.

After Doyle Ronan received the news, a look of disdain appeared on his blue face: Israel is such a waste! He died in a remote place like Earth Star!

Hill on the side said: Sir, this is a conspiracy of the Yisrael family. They want to use our hands to get rid of Israel's murderer!

Hmph! Our target is the owner of the Millennium! If anyone dares to block my way, I don't mind splitting him in half!

Doyle Ronan's eyes showed contempt.

Obviously, he believed that no living being could affect him on a wild planet like Earth Star.


The spaceship enters hyperspace.

The surrounding stars flashed rapidly.

Soon, the Starship Battleship Doyle Ronan was riding arrived in the Milky Way.

The speed of this starship battleship is not far behind that of the Millennium, and it also carries mass mines to prevent the Millennium from escaping into hyperspace.

It was with this in mind that the members of the Yis family revealed the news to Doyle Ronan.

Because they know that the enemy is the border star heading to the Millennium.


The Starship Battleship came out of hyperspace and has arrived in the solar system.

Sir, the Earth Star is ahead!

A Star X soldier pointed at a light blue planet not far away and said.

Come directly to the Earth Star!

Doyle Roland stood by the porthole of the battleship and shouted orders.

At this moment, he was wearing a special armor from Star X, and in his hand was a special weapon for the Law Enforcement Hall, the Ax of Judgment.


The soldier piloting the spaceship responded.

Then, he started the engine and flew towards the Earth's atmosphere!


Behind the starship battleship, blue flames were sprayed out, which was extremely gorgeous.

This starship battleship is triangular in shape, with two frigates at the rear.

Not far away, the battleship of the Yis family also flew out of hyperspace.

They were not in a hurry to fly to the Earth Star, but paid close attention to Doyle Ronan's movements.

Sir! There is an unknown object ahead!

Just as the Galaxy Battleship flew towards the Earth Star, the soldiers on the battleship discovered that there were obstacles in the Earth Star's atmosphere.

If you dare to block my path, you will be killed immediately!

Doyle Ronan said with cold eyes.


The Star X soldiers immediately activated the cannons on the battleship.


After a roar, a blue beam of light was ejected from the naval gun!

A moment later, there was a loud bang in the atmosphere of the Earth star!

At this moment, many people on earth are paying attention to this place.

They were all surprised when they saw the triangular-shaped starship battleship appearing in the sky above the earth.

Aliens are here again!

Many forces are on high alert.

What is that? An emerald-green bamboo appearing in space?

Suddenly, someone exclaimed because they saw a piece of bamboo extending into the atmosphere!

Before, when the giant tree was making waves and transforming the earth, this green bamboo figure also appeared. It came from Penglai Immortal Island!

Someone has an impression.

In a moment, a blue cannonball fired from the alien battleship and hit the emerald green bamboo leaves.

The aliens won't blow up this emerald green bamboo, right?

Some people's hands were sweating.

Because, they confirmed that this green bamboo protects the earth.

Lin Feng also noticed the strange movement in the atmosphere.

He released his consciousness and saw clearly the symbol on the Galaxy Fleet.

That's Planet X!

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a cold light!

He summoned Israel: Sword slave, do you know who that person is?

Master! That's from the Judgment Legion!

Israel has a lot of power in Star X, and he recognized the master of this legion at a glance!

How is the strength?

Lin Feng asked.

The controller of this legion is very powerful, with galactic level strength!

Israel said cautiously.

So strong?

Lin Feng couldn't help but be surprised.

Don't worry, Master. Normally when we go out to perform tasks, the chief judge will not personally dispatch them. For targets like Earth Star, at most we will send out star-level experts!

Israel explained.

Star level?

Lin Feng looked at the galaxy battleship.

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