Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 440 Jedi Heroic Spirit!

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, he flew directly to Israel, stretched his neck, and bit Israel, who couldn't move!

His neck began to glow blue.


Israel's expression changed instantly, and his eyes flashed with horror: How is that possible?

Because, he felt that the power and vitality in his body were disappearing quickly!


Lin Feng continued to absorb the energy and vitality from Israel's body.

About half an hour later, there was only a crimson lightsaber and a group of thoughts wrapped in a black nano-suit.

This body of thoughts was left behind after Israel's death.

If you are a Jedi Knight, you can call it a Jedi Hero.

This is what is left behind by those who control the Force after their physical body dies.

Even though he lost his body, Israel still had a arrogant look on his face: I said, the Force is everywhere! There is no way I will die!

Jedi Heroic Spirit? This is very rare. It just so happens that I can get the method of cultivating the Force from it in the future!

Without saying a word, Lin Feng sealed Israel's heroic spirit and stored it away.

Then, he put away Israel's lightsaber.

That alien was defeated by Lord Shenlong!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lin Feng devouring Israel.

However, their hearts could not be calm for a long time.

Because aliens have appeared on Earth more and more frequently recently!

According to this trend, the earth will face a massive attack by aliens sooner or later!

Your Excellency, I propose to send an envoy to the Dragon Temple to make good friends with the Dragon Temple!

M federal headquarters, a congressman suggested.

I second the motion!

I second the motion!

Soon, the congressmen below all seconded their opinions.

Because high-tech weapons are completely ineffective against these aliens!

The only one they can rely on now is Lin Feng!

It can be said that as long as Lin Feng is here, the earth will be safe. If he is not there, they will not be able to resist the alien invasion at all!

Upon hearing this, the head of the M Federation nodded solemnly: This time, I will go to the Dragon Temple in person!

X Star Territory Headquarters.

In a secret room, there are many planet models placed inside.

These models are marked with the numbers of these planets.

On every planet, there are bright stars.

Suddenly, a planet dimmed!

The Star X man guarding this secret room immediately shouted loudly: It's bad! The commander of Frontier Planet 01 has fallen!

Every planet-level powerhouse is an absolute high-level person in Star Territory X. They are frontier officials.

Therefore, in the X Star Territory headquarters, there is a unique natal planet.

Once the natal planet becomes dim, it means that he has fallen!

Report this news to the highest wisdom immediately!

The soldiers of Planet X guarding their natal planet immediately transmitted the situation here to the supreme intelligence.

Soon, a virtual projection appeared in the square, an image of a noble woman.

She said loudly: The death of Commander Israel of Border Star 01 is a shame for the X-Star. Only by finding the murderer and killing him can this shame be washed away!

Kill the murderer!

Kill the murderer!

everyone shouted together.

Because the command of the supreme wisdom is everything.

In Star Territory X, there are several types of people.

Among them, the first type is the most common clone trooper.

This type is at the bottom of the army, and their role is to charge into battle.

The second type is various grassroots officers, most of whom have chips implanted in their minds.

Such people have much higher freedom and status than clones.

The third type is Sith warriors trained by ancient families like Israel.

They have huge development potential, and each one of them is a valuable asset to the X Star Territory!

At the same time, their family has huge power in Star X.

Soon, news of Israel's death reached the Yis family.

After the current head of the family learned the news, he immediately dispatched a family guard.

The head of the Yis family is an old man covered in black robes. His arms are like dry trees, and he looks like he is about to die.

He raised the scepter in his hand: Find the murderer and bring him back! The glory of our Yisi family cannot be tarnished!

Yes! Master!

The leader of this guard is a master who is well versed in the dark force.

He is the captain of the law enforcement team of the Yis family.


After Lin Feng killed Israel, he flapped his wings and flew directly to the Dragon Temple.

There are already many creatures waiting here at the Dragon Temple.

Lord Shenlong!

Liu Xuanfeng led everyone in the Dragon Temple to salute Lin Feng.

Everyone get up!

Lin Feng was suspended in the air and said calmly.


Liu Xuanfeng immediately led everyone to stand up.

Lin Feng glanced inside the Dragon Temple, and then asked: What changes have occurred on the earth during my absence?

Lord Huilongshen, the concentration of spiritual energy on the earth has become stronger, and some folded spaces have new trends!

Liu Xuanfeng immediately reported the recently collected intelligence to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a look and found that the earth has been relatively peaceful recently, and nothing major has happened.

Soon, he passed a thought into everyone's minds, and then said: This is a kind of prayer method. When you sincerely pray to the statue of Dragon Temple, I will sense it!

He obtained this method from the inner earth world and then added his own understanding to it.

It's Master Shenlong!

Liu Xuanfeng was very excited.

He knows that from now on, the earth will be safer.

Because Liu Xuanfeng learned from the information just now that they would borrow a certain amount of power from Master Shenlong.

With this power, you can defeat the invincible enemy!

This is also a consideration for Lin Feng. After all, his future journey will take him to the stars and the sea, and he cannot stay on earth forever.

However, the earth is his foundation.

That's why Lin Feng handed over this method to Liu Xuanfeng.

If there is something that they can't solve, they can use this method to make him feel something.

When the time comes, Lin Feng will be able to use the statue of the Dragon Temple to send down part of his power, even a clone!

After the explanation, Lin Feng ordered Liu Xuanfeng: Activate the power of the Dragon Temple to find all information related to this crystal!

Lin Feng showed the appearance of Jin Yingshi to Liu Xuanfeng.

It's Master Shenlong!

Liu Xuanfeng and everyone in the Dragon Temple kept this stone in their hearts.

Because the treasure named by Master Shenlong must be extraordinary!

Recently, I will be in seclusion in the base. If nothing happens, please don't disturb me!

Lin Feng said again.


Liu Xuanfeng responded immediately.

After Lin Feng finished his instructions, he immediately turned into a golden light and flew into the canyon in the Dragon Temple.

His current purpose is to stay in the base and study the items left behind after Israel's death.

Because Lin Feng was very interested in the Force.

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