Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 431 Died in Regret!

Run away!

In the main walking mecha, Ivan saw the picture of the 01 walking mecha being destroyed from the detector, and shouted.

The main walking mecha is an AT-TE model, which is larger and has added armor. It also adopts a 6-leg structure and shortens the leg length to lower the center of gravity.

Its weapon system is a heavy cannon on the top, supplemented by a total of 6 anti-infantry laser cannons, 4 in the front and 2 in the back.

Compared with the 01 walking mecha, the AT-TE has enhanced frontal combat capabilities and reduced mobility.

Why is this monster so powerful?

Inside the main walking mecha, Bado felt his scalp numb.

Facing this golden monster, their walking mecha didn't even have a chance to resist!

Your Excellency Bardo, only Your Excellency the Commander can deal with this monster with confidence. It is planet-level!

At this time, Ivan couldn't care less and said loudly.

What? Planetary level?

Commander Badu was shocked when he heard this.

Planet-level monsters can compete with an interstellar fleet!

Ivan further said: Last time, Fleet 023 was destroyed in the hands of this golden beast!

I'll contact the commander immediately!

Bado looked at the golden beast behind him and gritted his teeth.

Soon, he connected to Commander Israel's communication.

Commander Israel flew the TIE starship to the mountains where the battle took place.

At this moment, the scene was in a mess, as if a major earthquake had occurred, but the legendary spaceship Millennium was missing.

While Israel was feeling depressed, a message from the camp came.

Your Majesty Commander!

In the picture, there is Bado, an officer left behind in the camp.

At this moment, he looked anxious.


Israel said expressionlessly.

Lord Commander, our camp was attacked by a sneak attack!

Bardo said loudly.


Israel was shocked when he heard this.

He suspected that the Millennium had lured him away with a false shot, and secretly rushed to the camp on the border star.

The one who sneaked up on us was a planet-level monster! He broke through three fire blockades one after another...

Bardo immediately told Israel about the situation at the scene.

At this moment, a violent vibration came from the other side of the communication.

It's that golden monster, he's attacking us!

Badu shouted, and then, in the chaos, the communication was interrupted.


Israel clenched his fist tightly, then walked back to the TIE starship and flew towards the camp!

Frontier Star Camp.

When Lin Feng saw Ivan's walking mecha trying to escape, he immediately flapped his wings and chased after him.

Fire! Fire now!

On the walking mecha, Bado immediately gave instructions to the soldiers.


The soldiers pressed the button and the laser cannon fired wildly at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng released his telepathy, forming a telepathy wall around him.

As soon as the laser enters the range of the telepathy wall, he immediately teleports and disappears from the place instantly!

The green laser beam hit the air, causing a violent explosion on the ground.


Lin Feng teleported to the top of the walking mecha and pressed against the walking mecha with his heavy body!

There was a loud noise, and the walking mecha's six legs were unable to support Lin Feng's huge weight, and it was crushed directly!

Lin Feng swung his tail and bombarded the walking mecha's main weapon!


There was a loud noise, and the main weapon barrel of the walking mecha was directly bent by the powerful whip!

Immediately afterwards, inside the mecha, the soldiers fired laser cannons.

With a bang, the barrel of the laser cannon exploded!

This big guy has more food than the one just now!

Lin Feng knocked the six-legged walking mecha down within a few seconds of seeing it, and said a little depressed.

That's for you, Master! This walking mecha and AY-AT each have their own advantages and disadvantages. They are mainly used for frontal combat and are not good at defense!

The smart assistant explained.

After Lin Feng broke the mecha's cannon barrel, he used his huge tail to bombard the walking mecha's shell.

Boom! Boom!

With every slap, a powerful earthquake seemed to occur inside.

He is not in a hurry to kill the Frontier Star soldiers inside, it is also fun to make them scared!

Soon, Lin Feng's consciousness penetrated the mecha's armor and entered inside.

He found Ivan who participated in the attack on Earth.

At this moment, Ivan is wearing a brain ring on his head to increase his mental power.

Sensing Lin Feng's consciousness, Ivan immediately began to fight!


The powerful mental power instantly forms a mental force field, making people and objects around you levitate!

Your mental power is too weak!

Lin Feng directly broke through this powerful mental force field and projected his figure into Ivan's mind.


Ivan instantly felt as if his brain had been hit with a heavy hammer.

His whole body felt like he was struck by lightning, and all his orifices began to bleed!


Bado on the side didn't know why.

kill him!

Lin Feng began to control Ivan's body.


Ivan's eyes bulged as he wanted to resist Lin Feng's order.

I asked you to kill him!

Lin Feng continued to drive Ivan's consciousness.

Finally, Ivan's consciousness was overwhelmed and squeezed into a corner of his mind.

Boom Kaka!

The brain ring that Ivan wore on his head exploded!

Then, Lin Feng controlled Ivan's body and reached out to grab a blaster.

no, do not want!

Ivan's ego began to rebel.

However, it has no effect!

I saw 'Ivan' pointing his blaster at Bado.

Ivan, what do you want to do?

Bado's expression changed and he asked.

call out! call out! call out!

Without saying a word, 'Ivan' pulled the trigger, and the blue beam instantly turned Bado into a sieve!

Ivan is a traitor!

The surrounding soldiers looked at Ivan with hatred.

They never imagined that it was an external thought that was controlling Ivan's body at this moment!

You all go to hell!

Ivan's eyes turned golden, this was because Lin Feng was controlling his body.


Ivan turned his gun and shot at the other soldiers!

Ivan is a traitor!

The soldiers started shouting.

Together they began to fight back.

In the cockpit of the mecha, a fierce gun battle broke out instantly.

call out! call out! call out!

Soon, several more soldiers fell down in the mecha cockpit.

However, Ivan was also hit by several energy beams.

The vitality in his body began to disappear quickly, but this did not stop him from shooting!


In the cockpit of the mecha, the remaining dozens of soldiers also died under Ivan's gun!

Lin Feng looked at Ivan's self-awareness with his consciousness: Did you see that all your comrades died because of you!


Ivan's consciousness was extremely painful. He held his head and roared in the corner.

Lin Feng withdrew his consciousness.

Without the protection of Lin Feng's consciousness, Ivan's vitality disappeared instantly, and before his death, his face was full of regret!

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