Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 428 Entering the Border Star!

An unknown spacecraft was discovered entering our airspace!

This border planet has an extremely complete defense system, and the Millennium was discovered as soon as it entered the atmosphere.

The defense commander on the space base immediately ordered: Give a stern warning! Verify your identity and expel him without a pass!

Yes! Your Excellency!

The information soldiers immediately began to use relevant loudspeaker equipment to shout to the Millennium spacecraft.

Warning! You have entered our airspace! Please show the clearance immediately! Otherwise, we will open fire immediately!

The soldier shouted three times in a row.

Lin Feng heard the shouting below and said directly to the smart assistant: With the speed of the Millennium, can it directly break through the fire blockade?

no problem!

The smart assistant said confidently.

Okay! Break in for me!

Lin Feng ordered loudly.


The round pancake-shaped Millennium engine started, and like a white light, it quickly flew towards the fire blockade line.

Knock it down for me!

The defense commander saw the Millennium charging towards the defense line and gave orders loudly.

At the same time, he reported to Israel the situation here.


On the base, laser cannons began to attack the Millennium spacecraft.

The intelligent assistant possesses the body of the butler robot Jinx, showing extremely superb flying skills.

call out!

The Millennium spacecraft turned sideways and passed between the two laser beams, instantly dodging the attack from the base.

Lin Feng found the weapon system on the spacecraft and used laser weapons to attack the base targets.

boom! boom!

Blue beams of light blasted towards the base.


A violent explosion occurred inside the base.

Asking for support! Requesting support!

The defense commander saw that the first base was destroyed by the invaders and immediately called for help from the headquarters.


Soon, there was a roaring sound on the border planet, and a series of TIE interstellar combat spacecraft flew over.

Each of these interstellar battleships is equipped with two pilots as standard.


Every combat ship began to target the Millennium spacecraft.


Someone at headquarters is directing the battle.


Green beams of light were emitted from the interstellar combat spacecraft and shot towards the Millennium spacecraft!


The intelligent assistant immediately drove the Millennium to a higher altitude, constantly dodging laser cannon attacks from behind.

Lin Feng sat in the cockpit and began to aim his weapon at the TIE interstellar combat ship behind him.

Bang! Bang!

Lin Feng fired cannonballs from time to time.

Soon, a TIE interstellar combat ship was hit.


The hit interstellar battleship instantly exploded into a ball of fire!

At this time, the intelligent assistant drove the Millennium spacecraft into the border star and broke into a mountain range.

This kind of terrain is very special, with gaps between rocks everywhere.

The intelligent assistant drove the Millennium and nimbly avoided attacks from behind in the gaps between rocks.


The Millennium roared, turned sideways, and sailed into a gap between stone walls.

The two pursuing TIE starships behind them couldn't react in time and hit the stone wall directly, crashing down!

Frontier Star command room.

Commander Israel looked at the images sent back by the interstellar probe with great interest: Is this the Millennium that has been missing for decades?


When Sean among the soldiers heard this, he was shocked and looked at the screen. Sure enough, the unknown spacecraft that invaded the Border Planet this time was the Millennium.

A trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and then he asked calmly: Your Excellency, Commander, what is so special about this Millennium?

The Millennium spaceship is a legendary spaceship in the interstellar space. Many major events that happened a thousand years ago were related to it. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most famous spaceship in the interstellar space!

Commander Israel sighed.


There was a hint of surprise in Sean's eyes, and he knew that he had underestimated the bearded Vader.

How could someone with such a legendary spaceship be so simple?

The owner of the Millennium spaceship is a well-known interstellar thief! He is wanted by many interstellar empires, and the current reward amount has reached as high as 5 billion interstellar coins!

Commander Israel said slowly.

5 billion interstellar coins!

In the command room, all the soldiers looked shocked.

If such a big thief is caught by them, he will be punished!

What are you thinking? If it were really the interstellar thief himself, this commander would not be sitting here calmly!

Commander Israel looked at everyone present coldly.

If he were the owner of the Millennium, he would die just because of these soldiers!

Your Excellency, Commander, what is the true identity of this interstellar thief?

Sean asked cautiously.

His identity is a mystery, but his friend is famous among the stars!

Commander Israel said with great interest.

Could it be that he is a Jedi Knight?

Sean suddenly thought of something and said.

He's not just a Jedi Knight, he's a Jedi Master!

Commander Israel said solemnly.

Although they are in the opposite camp, any Jedi master is enough to shock the stars!

Should you report it to the headquarters immediately? If traces of the Jedi Master are found, the headquarters will definitely reward you!

An X-Star officer said excitedly.

This will indeed attract the attention of the headquarters!

Commander Israel nodded.

So, he immediately reported the news to the headquarters.

What? Found traces of the Millennium?

Star Territory X Headquarters was also very shocked when they heard the news.

You immediately lock the location of the Millennium, and the headquarters will immediately send an interstellar fleet to support!

A message came from headquarters.

Commander Israel immediately ordered more manpower to be deployed to hold off the Millennium.

Sean knew that at this moment, the person who owned the Millennium was just a second-level interstellar dealer.

Commander Israel said doubtfully: The Millennium has been missing for decades, why does it suddenly appear here today? Is there something here that he covets?

When Sean heard this, his heart tightened.

He guessed that the owner of the Millennium was here to find him.

Of course, he did not have the ability to predict the future and did not know that the Millennium had changed its owner.

He simply thought that the bearded Vader was here to vent his anger on him.

So, Sean asked in a low voice: Your Excellency, Commander, can we keep this spaceship?


Commander Israel shook his head when he heard this.

The Millennium's ability is so outstanding that it can escape into hyperspace, but at least it needs to wait for support to arrive before it can be sure!

At this moment, on the virtual projection screen in the command room, the interstellar combat spacecraft of Frontier Star were being shot down continuously.

Commander Israel clenched his fists heavily: No matter who it is! It's impossible not to pay the price for causing me such a big loss!


The adjutant looked at Commander Israel carefully.

I will take action myself!

Commander Israel said solemnly.

With that said, he took off his military uniform, put on his nano-suit, and walked outside.

Soon, Commander Israel got on a TIE starship and flew towards the mountains where the battle was taking place!

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