Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 414 Planet-Eating Godzilla!

Boom Kaka!

In the huge pit, earth and rocks flew away.

After a moment, a giant golden beast stretched out its neck.

This is Lin Feng!

He immediately asked: Intelligent Assistant, is this Planet Godzilla dead?

Master, this Godzilla has a very strong vitality and will not die so easily! Master, you must hurry up, the dorsal fin you just destroyed is reborn again!

The smart assistant said.

What? Reborn again?

Lin Feng was surprised.

The attack just now was so terrifying, Godzilla on this planet is still alive!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately got into the ground again.

He found the injured dorsal fin of Planet Godzilla, and without saying a word, he directly hit a gravity beam into it!


Golden lightning flashed, and blood spattered from the back of Planet Godzilla.

Lin Feng used a gravity beam to lift Planet Godzilla out of the giant crater.

Then, he bit into the destroyed dorsal fin of Planet Godzilla!


Lin Feng's neck began to shine with golden light. This was when he activated his Devouring Talent and was devouring the life energy of Planet Godzilla.

Not far away, both Mothra and Godzilla slowly walked over.

Godzilla saw the back of Planet Godzilla, which was thrown away by Lin Feng, and bit it.

Inside this dorsal fin, there is a power that makes it feel eager!

Then, Godzilla looked into the giant pit, and golden light shone.


Godzilla's back begins to glow blue.

Obviously, it intends to release an atomic breath into the giant pit.

Mothra on the side was shining with colorful lights, blocking the giant pit.

Godzilla took a deep look at Mothra, then picked up Planet Godzilla's fallen dorsal fin with his mouth and left the battlefield.

Boom! Boom!

Godzilla turned around and stepped into the sea water. He swam quickly towards his lair.

At this moment, the signal in this place returned to stability.

Powers around the world saw this scene through satellites.

Is the war over?

It's so scary! The scene is in a mess, as if there was a magnitude 9 earthquake!

Where's the dragon? The alien giant is also missing!

Many people began to exclaim.

Because they did not see the final moment of the decisive battle, they had no idea that Lin Feng and Planet Godzilla were underground at this moment.

The dragon must be at the bottom of that giant pit!

Chen Lin said immediately when she saw Mothra waiting next to the giant pit.

Yes! That's definitely the case! At the end of the screen, this colorful beast is joining forces with Shenlong to fight against the alien beast!

Why is there no movement now? Are they both losing?

Countless people began to worry.

They were worried about Shenlong.

If these giant beasts hadn't appeared, the asteroid that flew from an alien space before would have been enough to wipe out all living things on the earth!

Ten minutes passed, but there was no movement in the giant pit!

Half an hour passed, but there was still no movement in the giant pit!

Soon, an hour passed, and there was still no movement from the giant pit.

In the Dragon Temple, Liu Xuanfeng couldn't help but said: Let's send someone to take a look!

At this time, Tina, the leader of the Sea Tribe, said: My place is relatively close to the battlefield, let me send someone there!

Afterwards, the Sea Clan dispatched an aircraft to fly towards the battlefield.

Tina sat in the craft, her fingers clenched.

She is able to have the status she has now, all of this is given by Master Shenlong.

Soon, the Sea Clan aircraft flew over the giant pit.

Your Majesty the Poseidon, I will now begin to detect signs of life in the giant pit!

On the Haizu aircraft, an accompanying scientist said.


Tina said with a clear voice.

She was very much looking forward to the news that Master Shenlong was safe and sound.

Not just her, everyone in the world is looking forward to Lin Feng appearing again!


From the detection instrument, special frequencies were emitted towards the bottom of the giant crater!

Soon, information came back and the scientist began to study it.

The Queen of the Sea Tribe looked at the scientist: Kodomo, how is the situation?

Your Majesty the Queen! Our detector did not detect any life breath from inside!

Scientist Kodomo whispered.


The Queen of the Sea Clan, Tina, trembled when she heard this.

When the humans in other human forces saw this scene, they all had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

how so?

Did Master Shenlong really die together with the alien monster?

All human beings are in a state of grief!

At this moment, there is a huge light film at the bottom of the giant pit.

In the middle of the light film, a golden giant beast was sleeping quietly.

It was the obstruction of this golden light film that blocked the Hai Clan's detectors.

Time passed little by little, and the news of Shenlong's passing spread around the world.

All surviving humans spontaneously began to commemorate.

They made various models and enshrined them.

At this moment, Dragon Temples all over the world are overcrowded.

They began to cry and mourn the passing of the dragon!

No! I don't believe that Master Shenlong will leave us like this!

Chen Lin looked at the scene of the giant pit and never left it for a moment.

Because she saw that Mothra had been guarding there for three whole days!

Especially Godzilla's actions before leaving made Chen Lin suspicious. She didn't believe that Shenron had passed away!

I don't believe it either!

Liu Xuanfeng also said.

Let's go to the scene and take a look!

Finally, several leaders in the Dragon Temple flew towards the New World in a lotus-shaped aircraft!

Click, click, click!

At the bottom of the giant pit, there was a tearing sound.

Then, a golden beam of light came from it!

That is?

At this moment, all the surrounding creatures were attracted!

Could it be that the dragon has not passed away?

Hope arose in the hearts of countless people.

They all clasped their hands together and began to pray for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who had just broken out of his shell, instantly sensed this powerful telepathy.

He was full of doubts: What's going on?

Master, just now everyone on earth thought you were dead!

The smart assistant said.

how so?

Lin Feng was surprised.

Because the master has just touched the power of another dimension, the life fluctuations have completely disappeared from the earth!

The smart assistant said.

What? I came into contact with the power of another dimension?

Lin Feng was extremely shocked.

Just now, he was concentrating on absorbing the energy contained in Planet Godzilla's body.

The energy in this planet Godzilla's body was so huge that it took Lin Feng three days and three nights to completely absorb it!

Later, Lin Feng seemed to sense other worlds through the mysterious power he absorbed!

Master, there is cosmic power in the back of Planet Godzilla. That power is extremely mysterious and can break apart dimensions!

The smart assistant explained.

Then I can now leave the earth and go to other dimensions?

Lin Feng was extremely shocked.

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