Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 403 Red Lotus Godzilla!

Of course!

The second-level interstellar dealer Vader said loudly.

Old man Vader, use an interstellar probe to detect the situation on the Earth's planet!

Sean said with a solemn expression.

Okay! Jinx, turn on the interstellar detector on the spacecraft!

The bearded Vader said to the golden robot that was piloting the spaceship.

Yes! Master!

The golden robot immediately started pressing the buttons on the control panel on the spacecraft.

After a while, a mysterious light headed towards the Earth Star!

After a while, a detection map was generated.

Let me see the mystery of the Earth Star!

The bearded Vader said impatiently.

Sean didn't speak and looked at the screen silently.

After a moment, his expression became solemn: 1, 2, 3, 4... There are 11 confirmed life forms above S level on the planet Earth!

Engineer Ivan also looked at the screen after hearing this.

He was shocked: Why are there so many S-level and above life forms on Earth? There are even SSS-level and SS-level ones among them?

Sean and Vader both looked at Ivan.

Ivan immediately said: Last time, when I came to Earth with the X023 fleet, I detected outside the atmosphere of Earth. At that time, there were also 10 S-class life forms on Earth. However, they were destroyed by the fleet using space-based weapons. Got 9 of them...

After hearing Ivan's words, Sean and Vader looked at each other, and then said, Are there some places on Earth that cannot be detected?

At this moment, they are conducting detection in the Milky Way galaxy far away from the solar system. Some detections on the earth and planet are inaccurate. Only obvious targets such as S-class life forms will be displayed!

Yes! It's true! At that time, our detection of the Earth's stars was only a few percent!

Ivan nodded.

Sean and Vader looked at each other and both gasped.

Why does a remote planet have so many mysteries?

However, Sean laughed: Old man, are you relieved now? The value of Earth Star is even more amazing than we imagined!

The bearded Vida gritted his teeth, then nodded: Yes! Wealth can be found in danger!

He doesn't have much time left to live!

If you don't want to be controlled by the central star field, the best way is to go to a mysterious star field like Earth Star.

The mystery of eternal life is so attractive!

At this moment, the asteroid has hit the earth, and a big collision is about to occur.

From the screen, Ivan and others saw an SSS life form rushing towards the asteroid!

on the earth.

Oh my God! An asteroid is about to hit the Earth!

How come scientists didn't discover it earlier?

The range of its impact is the Pacific Ocean!

When the news came out, countless humans began to exclaim.

Because the appearance of this asteroid was too sudden.

It seems that it suddenly appeared in the solar system, leaving humans with too little preparation time!

The diameter of this asteroid is 1,000 meters, and its surface is dim!

This is the largest planet that has come close to the Earth in the past hundred years!

“If an asteroid collides with the Earth, the explosion caused would be enough to wipe out all life in the Pacific!”

Shocking news came out one after another.

what should we do?

Many people expressed despair.

Because the impact force of the planet is so powerful. If it hits the Pacific Ocean, it will be 1,000 times more terrifying than the explosion of existing nuclear weapons on the earth!

Lord Shenlong, what should we do?

Liu Xuanfeng, the master of the Dragon Temple, asked Lin Feng.

Because the explosion coverage of this asteroid includes the Dragon Temple.

The Dragon Temple must react!

In the Pacific, they're ready!

Lin Feng said calmly.

Liu Xuanfeng exclaimed: Master Shenlong, you mean that Godzilla and the others are heading for the asteroid when they reappear on the surface?

He found it incredible.

These ancient creatures on earth are actually better than technology when it comes to predicting dangers from space!

Yes and no!

Lin Feng said calmly.

However, he can be sure that the asteroid that hit the earth was just throwing stones to ask for directions!

Therefore, Lin Feng was not in a hurry to take action at this moment.

Brother is always able to deal with such threats!

Moreover, Lin Feng also guessed that Mr. Brother probably came out of the ground not just because of this asteroid.

Because, just when the asteroid was about to hit the earth's surface, its eyes were still looking into space.

Perhaps, there is something in space that has a mysterious connection with it.

What could it be?


After the asteroid passed through the obstruction of the atmosphere, its speed decreased slightly, but it still reached hundreds of thousands of kilometers per hour!

At this moment, Lin Feng noticed that Godzilla had arrived in the sea below where the asteroid was about to hit.

What's Godzilla going to do?

Liu Xuanfeng exclaimed.

Dr. Mark said: Godzilla is going to destroy this asteroid that is about to hit the earth!

What? How is this possible?

Liu Xuanfeng said in disbelief.

He had just asked about Venom.

Venom told him that at this moment, all the means on earth combined were not enough to change the flight trajectory of the asteroid.

Because it is a near-Earth asteroid, when it was discovered, it was already too late!

Moreover, the force of this asteroid hitting the earth's surface was not something Godzilla could withstand!

nothing is impossible!

Lin Feng shook his head.

Even President Ge from a hundred years ago still had the strength to take over this asteroid.

At this moment, everyone was shocked to find that Godzilla's body surface began to gradually turn red.

This scene again...

Seeing this scene, Dr. Mark became excited.

Not only him, but Dr. Chen and others also clenched their hands.

Because this scene was used by Godzilla when he fought Monster Zero more than a hundred years ago.

At that time, Godzilla was very reluctant to use this move.

However, at this time, Godzilla is very skillful!


The temperature of Godzilla's body began to rise rapidly, like the surface of lava!

At this moment, on the Millennium spacecraft, Sean and others' eyes widened instantly.

Look! The aura of that SSS-level life form is starting to surge!

How scary! The threat has escalated to the planetary level!

Could it be that it destroyed the X023 fleet before?

Under everyone's gaze, Godzilla's body burned with red flames, with lava flowing. The seawater in the surrounding seas was constantly evaporating, and white steam emerged.

It has entered the red lotus state!

The space around Godzilla began to distort!


Mothra, who was parked next to the waterfall in the base valley, also vibrated his wings and flew towards the Pacific Ocean!

Lin Feng stared at Godzilla intently.

At this moment, the temperature of its body surface reached its peak!

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