Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 316 Entering the Earth’s Inner Sea!

Boom! Boom!

Godzilla was getting closer and closer to where Lin Feng was, and its back began to emit blue light again at this moment.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, was making preparations secretly.


Godzilla lowered his head and spit out a blue beam of light from his mouth.

The extremely violent atomic breath blasted a big hole in the ground in an instant.

Then, Godzilla controlled the blue beam and charged towards Lin Feng.

It's now!

Lin Feng instantly activated his talent and induced teleportation!


Rodon, who was originally watching the battle between Lin Feng and Godzilla, suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield!


The blue beam of light struck Raton's body.


Raton let out a scream.

Its pair of wings were instantly beaten into sieves!

Godzilla also showed a shocked expression and stopped breathing his atoms.

It did not expect that Rodon would suddenly rush into the middle of the battlefield and block the blow of atomic breath.

It's now!

Lin Feng flapped his wings and quickly rushed towards the place where Godzilla was sleeping!


Godzilla noticed Lin Feng's actions and became furious.

It immediately realized it had made a mistake.

The purpose of this golden flying dragon has been to go to its home lair from the beginning!

At this moment, Lin Feng used his speed to the extreme and broke the sound barrier in an instant!

call out!

Lin Feng pounced into the magma.

Here, there is a lava cave.

Lin Feng noticed the hot breath and strong radiation inside, and without saying a word, he dived straight in!


Godzilla turned around and rushed towards his lair.

Boom! Boom!

The huge stone steps had been trampled to pieces by it, making it very inconvenient to move around.

It had no choice but to use all four legs and run back quickly.

At this moment, Raton was struggling painfully on the ground. It didn't understand what happened at all, so it forcefully ate an atomic breath.

Fortunately, this is Godzilla's atomic breath in his normal state, otherwise, he would have died with this one!


After Lin Feng entered the lava cave, he felt as if he was falling rapidly.

He understood that this was the way to the center of the earth.


The wind whistled in his ears, and Lin Feng spread all his mental power around.

The temperature around this lava cave is very high, reaching two to three hundred degrees Celsius.

Down below, the temperature gradually dropped, and it became increasingly humid.

Is there water flowing below?

Lin Feng thought in his mind.

Sure enough, he could already feel the water flowing through his scales, and the speed of his fall also slowly slowed down.

At some point, there was a boom.

Lin Feng found himself falling into an underground river.

He couldn't help but pray in his heart: I hope this place won't return to the sea again!

Thinking this, Lin Feng immediately swam along the river.

He didn't know how long he swam before he noticed a light in the distance.

Lin Feng immediately swam towards the bright place.


Lin Feng stretched his neck out from the bottom of the water and found that he had entered another world.

Here, the sky is dark, as if there are colorful clouds in the sky at any time.

In the sky, there are all kinds of birds flying.

Lin Feng even saw many birds that had been extinct in nature for a long time.

For example, there is a bird that is as big as a fist, but its whole body emits fluorescence like fireflies.

Cyanobird, this is a bird that has been extinct for 150 million years!

Lin Feng was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

He realized that this was a place similar to Skull Island.

Obviously, there is a great possibility that this place is the legendary inner earth sea!

Lin Feng looked at this bird carefully. He found that the wings of this little bird were like the tail of a firefly, emitting white light. It was very dreamy!

Seeing Lin Feng, these birds were very panicked and dispersed in an instant.

However, there was also a lone bird looking at Lin Feng curiously.

Apparently, it was very interested in the 'snake head' that suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water.


Lin Feng spread his wings and his entire body emerged from the water.

The lone bird was startled, and it immediately fluttered its little wings and fled quickly.

Lin Feng didn't care about the escaping bird, but began to look at the surrounding environment.

Here, it looks like a beach.

Lin Feng slowly walked ashore from the water. In an instant, a violent tsunami was set off, rolling up the sand on the beach several meters high.


Not far away, a human wearing leaves suddenly let out a cry of surprise when he saw Lin Feng's terrifying body.

Monster! That's a monster!

Lin Feng looked toward the woods, and he saw this human being for the first time.

The humans here are very strange.

Because they are very tall, two to three meters tall.

Pointed ears, a tall nose, blue skin, and even a tail!

The words they spoke were very fast, giving Lin Feng the feeling of being from a primitive tribe.

At this moment, the blue-skinned human held a long bow with bone arrows on it.

He aimed at Lin Feng with trembling hands.

Obviously, Lin Feng's huge size made him understand that his weapon would not pose much threat to the monster in front of him!

Is this a human being from the Earth's Inner Sea?

Lin Feng guessed.

Perhaps, these humans are the ancient civilization humans who built the palace for Godzilla.

And that entrance is also guarded by Godzilla.

Seeing Lin Feng sizing him up, the blue-skinned human immediately dropped the long bow in his hand and ran wildly into the woods.

Run away when you see me? Am I that scary?

Lin Feng smiled.

However, he finally met such a strange human being, how could he let him leave so easily?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately stepped forward and chased into the woods.

Ah! Don't chase me!

The blue-skinned primitive man chased and screamed wildly.

Obviously, he regarded Lin Feng as a monster that wanted to eat him.

Lin Feng felt very comfortable, because every time he took a step, he had to run dozens of steps like this blue-skinned savage.

He looked towards the direction of the woods and found that the trees here were very strange.

The giant trees in the woods are very tall, some are even as high as nearly a hundred meters!

At the same time, there are some very strange-looking mushrooms beside the woods.

This mushroom is also very big, just like houses!

Lin Feng looked carefully and realized that these mushrooms were not living things, but stalactites!


The blue-skinned primitive man ran for his life in front.

He panicked and didn't choose a way.

Suddenly, a long vine under his feet tripped him, and then wrapped around his waist.


Seeing this scene, the gray eyes of the blue-skinned savage suddenly showed a look of horror and screamed loudly.

The next moment, Lin Feng was surprised to find that the vine was actually alive!

It dragged the blue-skinned primitive man with its vines, dragged it to its side, and wrapped it tightly!

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