Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 307 Unlocking the secrets of Area 51!

Don't worry! I know how to find clues!

Lin Feng saw that the smart assistant took the initiative to say this answer, and then said solemnly.

The smart assistant has helped him so much. If it wanted to become an independent living entity, Lin Feng would help it.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the smart assistant suddenly fell silent.

After a while, the smart assistant said: Master, thank you!

It's too early to thank me now! After all, there are some things that I just guess and haven't practiced yet!

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Afterwards, he cleaned up the battlefield and found that the remaining Transformers had been destroyed in the battle just now.

What a pity! I also plan to fuse some Transformers genes!

Lin Feng secretly thought it was a pity.

The oversized electromagnetic rail gun just now is pretty good. If you shoot it from a long distance, I will probably vomit blood on the spot!

Seeing that there was no more loot, Lin Feng said to the smart assistant: Smart assistant, help me plan a route to Area 51 of Country M!

Okay! Master!

The smart assistant responded immediately.

Soon, it planned out a complete path, which would be transmitted into Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng immediately flapped his wings and took off!


The powerful storm swept the ice blocks that had just been shattered by the battle and lifted them off the ground. The scene was extremely spectacular.

After a moment, Lin Feng flew towards Country M.

Everyone was paying attention to Lin Feng's whereabouts through satellites.

Eh? Shenlong is going to Country M?

Many people looked surprised.

At this moment, Lin Feng did not hide his traces.

Could it be that there are other aliens hiding in Country M?

Everyone began to speculate.

A few hours later, Lin Feng flew over Country M and headed all the way to Area 51 of Country M.

At this time, the war has ended, and the M Army military base has become a ruin.

The building collapsed and the ground burned with flames.

Around them, there were many M country soldiers cleaning up the battlefield.

Some soldiers were burned to charcoal and looked extremely miserable!

Lin Feng fluttered his wings when he saw this tragic situation.


In the void, golden lightning surged wildly, dark clouds gathered, and thunder and lightning thundered.

In an instant, heavy rain fell!


The fires raging between the buildings on the ground began to be extinguished.

It's Shenlong!

When the soldiers below saw Lin Feng in the sky, they all looked up to the sky.

At this moment, Lin Feng's golden scales were dazzling under the lightning.

The soldiers all put their hands on their chests and began to pray seriously.

If the dragon hadn't appeared this time, the aliens would have completely destroyed this place!

Lin Feng released his telekinesis and sent voices into the minds of all the soldiers: Let's all disperse!

The soldiers looked at each other.

Shenlong must have discovered traces of aliens!

Let's go! Let's leave!

Subsequently, the soldiers left Area 51 one after another and surrounded the place.

Seeing everyone leaving, Lin Feng said to the smart assistant: Block everything here!

Okay! Master!

The smart assistant responded.

It understood that Lin Feng was here to look for clues!

After a while, the smart assistant said: Master, I have blocked everything here!


Lin Feng looked at the underground base not far away.

Then he extended a tail.

Click, click, click!

Lin Feng's tail instantly turned into a cannon.


There was a loud noise, and then, a brilliant blue light beam blasted towards the base building!


A violent explosion sounded, and even the ground was shaking!

There was an explosion inside, and Shenlong was fighting with aliens!

The soldiers looked at each other and thought so.

After a gunshot, part of the base building was directly destroyed.

not enough!

Lin Feng looked at the extent of damage to the base and shook his head.


Another cannon shot.

The next moment, the base's destruction area doubled in an instant.

Then, Lin Feng fell to the ground and turned his wings into digging tools.


Lin Feng frantically dug through the ruins of the base.

The smart assistant is always scanning.

Unfortunately, the base had experienced a brutal battle, and at this moment, most of the electronic equipment inside had been damaged.

Here, the smart assistant is like a blind man.

Because it obtains information through the Internet.

However, the smart assistant did not discover it.

At a certain moment, it said: Master, to the west, there is a database that should retain all important information in this base!


Lin Feng immediately changed the direction of destruction.

Soon, he dug into a combat command room.

The intelligent assistant also guided Lin Feng to find the database.

Can you decipher it?

Lin Feng asked.

A piece of cake!

The smart assistant said easily.

Although the equipment in the command room was completely destroyed, the black box storing data was still intact.

About ten minutes passed, and the smart assistant breathed a sigh of relief: It's been deciphered!

Lin Feng immediately said: Pass all the information to me!

Okay! Master!

The smart assistant immediately passed all the pictures to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng immediately started watching.

Among these data, extremely strict information about Area 51 is stored.

Everything starts with a spaceship.

This spaceship was discovered by country M at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean a century ago.

An alien spacecraft sank at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean!

Lin Feng was also extremely shocked when he saw M Army soldiers discovering patterns of alien spacecraft.

Obviously, this spaceship belongs to the Transformers.

The technology used in this spacecraft is very advanced, and the M army cannot crack it in a short time.

It was only in recent years that the M Army gradually cracked the core of the spacecraft.

In the core of the ship, they discovered the technology to create Transformers.

They even developed the technology to build a mecha hunter!

It turns out that country M is so far ahead of other countries in the world because its technology comes from an alien spacecraft!

Seeing this, Lin Feng completely understood.

At the same time, he also understood that the Transformer that he had swallowed before was also sent by the M Army to attack him.

However, it was not made by M, but was originally sleeping in this alien spacecraft.

The Transformer named Patriot also escaped from the control of the M Army after the battle with Lin Feng.

Even after merging with the alien body, it became a mechanical alien and completely destroyed a fleet of the M Army!

Perhaps, the M Army discovered early on that Transformers could not be controlled, and then secretly built the mecha.

Next, I want to find the wreckage of the alien spacecraft!

After reading the information in the black box, Lin Feng continued to dig through the ruins.

He understood that there must be more secrets in the wreckage of the spacecraft!

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