Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 304 The Antarctic War!

The giant robot chasing after Shenlong is a combination of five robots, with amazing power!

He has a sword in his hand, which can cut out a hundred-meter-long lava canyon!

It's too scary! Human battleships are like paper in front of alien robots!

News of the war in the mysterious town of New Zealand quickly spread, shocking the world's major powers.

I hope Shenlong can destroy this alien fusion robot!

The President of Country M watched the scene in a secret room and prayed.

Lord Shenlong is approaching the South Pole! He fought with the alien fusion robot all the way. Passing by an M country warship, the alien fusion robot chopped it into pieces with a single blow!

Chen Lin, Dr. Jones and others were also in the base, watching the battle footage via satellite.

At this moment, neither Lin Feng nor the Transformers leader had hidden any traces.

Because such a tragic battle cannot be hidden at all. The battle between the two was too loud, splitting mountains and breaking mountains, enough to change the landscape!

The further Lin Feng flew forward, the lower the temperature became, and glaciers could already be seen here.

He has reached the South Pole!


Lin Feng dived and flew to the top of a glacier mountain!


The Transformers leader flew to the top of another glacier mountain.

Click, click, click!

The huge body of the Transformers leader crushed the glacier, causing it to collapse.

The decisive battle between Shenron and the alien fusion robot is about to begin!

Everyone watching the battle was breathing rapidly and feeling very nervous.

This is a battle that can change the fate of the earth.

If Shenlong is defeated, the earth will lose its last barrier, and this alien robot will be able to do whatever it wants on the earth!

At this moment, Lin Feng was hundreds of meters away from the ice peak occupied by the Transformers leader.

Lin Feng spread his wings, stretched his neck, and opened his mouth: Yin!

A dragon roar shook the sky!

The terrifying sound waves quickly attacked forward!


The iceberg occupied by the Transformers leader cracked instantly.

Lin Feng's sonic attack was so powerful that it roared the glacier apart!


The Transformers leader's tail thruster activated, blue light shone, and he broke away from the glacier, holding the molten sword in both hands and slashing towards Lin Feng!


The cold wind howled, and snowflakes were flying in the void. Before they fell on the Transformers leader, they were vaporized by the terrifying temperature of the molten sword!

Is that the alien's sword? It's unimaginable that the sword energy can split the earth and turn it into a lava canyon!

Many people were staring closely at the sword in the hands of the Transformers leader, with worried expressions on their eyes.

They were worried about Lin Feng.

They were worried that Lin Feng's scales were not enough to withstand the alien robot's attack!

call out!

The molten sword in the hands of Transformers swallows the scorching light, and even the void has been distorted!

Seeing this, Lin Feng instantly put his mind power into the crystal stone.

Click, click, click!

In an instant, Lin Feng's huge body was covered with a layer of black armor.

Huh? Is this Lord Shenlong's suit?

So mighty and domineering!

Seeing Lin Feng put on the Black Rhino armor for the first time, everyone watching the battle was filled with excitement.

Because, wearing the black rhinoceros armor, Lin Feng looked even more majestic, domineering and arrogant!


The matching weapon of the Black Rhino Armor, the Meteor Gun, also appeared in front of Lin Feng instantly.

Lord Shenlong actually has weapons!

A three-pointed, two-edged spear! It is very similar to the weapon of Yang Jian, the god of justice in Chinese mythology!

The gun is the king of weapons!

Lin Feng looked at the meteor gun, his golden eyes shining brightly.

The next moment, huge mental power was invested in the meteor gun.


With a thought from Lin Feng, the height that was originally only about three meters suddenly became thirty meters!

This is so amazing! Lord Shenlong's weapon is actually the same as the golden cudgel in the myth and legend of Journey to the West. It is as big and small as you want!

Everyone was excited when they saw the meteor gun becoming bigger and thicker instantly.

Especially the people of China, they are even more focused, looking forward to this unprecedented battle!

Water Dragon Yin!

Lin Feng used his mind to control the meteor gun and attacked the incoming Transformers leader!

Everyone saw that after the meteor gun flew out, countless water flows gathered between the sky and the earth, forming a huge water dragon, wrapping around the body of the meteor gun!


In the void, the meteor gun actually made a dragon roar!

It was too late, but it was too late, Transformers' 100-meter scorching sword energy collided with the water dragon of the meteor gun!


A loud bang resounded throughout the countryside!

Invisible shock waves spread out in all directions from where the two collided!

Boom Kaka!

Several surrounding glaciers could not withstand the shock wave attack and broke directly!

This scene is extremely shocking!

Like a snow mountain collapsing!

So strong! Shenron's strike actually blocked the alien fusion robot's strike!

The outcome of the battle shocked many people.

Seeing that Shenlong was safe, they breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

The leader of the Transformers was extremely surprised.

He knew very well how terrifying the power of the previous blow was, yet it was so easily neutralized!

The Transformers leader felt unwilling and attacked again.


The wings on the Transformers leader's back vibrated, and blue flames erupted from his tail. He wanted to impact Lin Feng's body!


A blue phantom galloped towards the glacier where Lin Feng stood at a terrifying speed exceeding the speed of sound!

Give me Ning! Ning! Ning!

When Lin Feng saw this, his eyes were filled with golden light.

His thoughts communicated with the crystal stone and formed ice in the void.

Click, click, click!

Originally, there was nothing in front of the Transformers leader, but when it flew closer, it instantly hit an ice wall!

As soon as the ice wall formed, it was instantly shattered.

However, Lin Feng was completely controlled by his thoughts. As the Transformers smashed into an ice wall, he immediately condensed again.

This scene was extremely strange, as the two parties were fighting in a room full of glass.

At a certain moment, the mirror refracted, and the Transformers leader discovered that there were enemies on all sides.

This made him furious.

The Transformers leader closed his electronic eyes and held the molten sword in both hands.

Terrifying heat radiated from around him.

Break it for me!

Transformers slashed with all his strength!

In an instant, a scorching blade came out of the body and struck forward!


All the ice walls blocking the Transformers leader were instantly vaporized!


The scorching sword energy continued, knocking down a glacier next to Lin Feng!


All those watching the battle were horrified when they saw the terrifying blow from the leader of the Transformers!

Although this seems to be a close attack, it can be more than a hundred meters away from the body. It is really terrifying!

The terrifying alien technology has actually created such a sword that is indestructible!

Of course, some people think that Shenlong has a greater chance of winning, because so far, he has been standing proudly on the glacier, motionless!

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