Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 29 Dinosaur Island in the Pacific!


There was a huge explosion, and a fierce white light spread from where Billy was to the surroundings unscrupulously.

The huge air wave instantly blew away the mercenary leader Hambany and the captain Filligan!

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded, and Billy's bomb completely detonated the entire cruise ship!

No! What happened on the ship?

On the fishing boat, the two mercenaries left behind looked at the fire not far away and turned pale with horror.

The next moment, a huge wave of air swept over.

The two mercenaries had no time to escape before they were affected by the aftermath of the explosion.

It's over!

The two mercenaries had a look of despair on their faces.

Because, on the fishing boat, there are torpedoes that they have already arranged!


The aftermath of the explosion detonated the torpedoes on the fishing boat, and a series of explosions sounded one after another.

Well, luckily I escaped quickly!

Seeing the violent explosion in the distance, Lin Feng hid in the water and was extremely lucky.

Being so close, he would definitely be killed!

After all, Lin Feng has not evolved to defense so far.

At this time, he still had a certain degree of resistance against submachine guns, rifles, pistols, and other small-caliber firearms.

However, facing such a horrific explosion, the possibility of surviving is extremely slim!

In the distance, the warship sailing here also observed this horrific explosion.

The Black Pearl cruise ship exploded!

Soldiers responsible for gathering information reported.

how so?

The captain, Major General Rossio, heard this and his expression changed.

On the cruise ship, there were more than three thousand tourists.

Among them, there are rich people from all over the world.

If word of this accident spreads, it will definitely cause huge turmoil around the world.

This will have a huge impact on the world situation that has just ended the war with the giant beasts.

It can be expected that in country M, citizens will hold anti-behemoth demonstrations and rallies together again!

Has the giant beast that attacked the cruise ship been killed?

Captain Rear Admiral Rossio asked expectantly.

If this is the case, it would be better to explain it to the superiors and the public.

No! Sir Captain, we have detected life fluctuations!

The information soldier replied.


The captain, Rear Admiral Rossio, lost his composure upon hearing this.

If it can survive such a terrifying explosion, then this behemoth that just appeared will be a guy that is not easy to mess with!

Thinking of this, the captain felt dizzy.

During the recent confrontation, many M country soldiers were killed.

In fact, several warships were attacked and sunk by giant beasts!

After hesitating for a moment, the captain, Rear Admiral Rossio, ordered: Continue sailing and stop 20 kilometers away from the target! Then prepare the naval guns!

It's the captain!

All the soldiers responded immediately.

At this moment, the soldier in charge of communications reported: Report! Captain, the Imperial Organization has sent a message!

Read quickly!

The captain, Rear Admiral Rossio, said eagerly.

The people from the Emperor's organization responded that they sent Dr. Chen from China to assist us this time!

The signal soldier said immediately.

Dr. Chen?

The captain, Rear Admiral Rossio, immediately became excited.

Dr. Chen was one of the main contributors to the last operation.

She is from China, and her family has studied giant beasts for generations.

With Dr. Chen on the scene, this operation will be much more certain!

Hundreds of nautical miles away from the Black Pearl.

Lin Feng lurked quietly in the sea.

He asked with his consciousness: Intelligent assistant, can you check whether the giant octopus is dead?

If the giant octopus dies, he will immediately go over and devour its flesh and blood.

If the corpse of the giant octopus loses its activity after a while, it will be completely useless!

It's not dead! However, it suffered some injuries!

The smart assistant responded.

He's not dead?

Lin Feng was extremely shocked.

He also deeply felt the powerful vitality of the giant beast.

It wasn't just a few high-explosive bombs that exploded just now, but also the entire Black Pearl, and even torpedoes on fishing boats!

Immediately, Lin Feng began to mourn the mercenaries: Poor mercenaries! They are completely vulnerable in front of this giant octopus!

He sighed slightly, and then asked: Intelligent assistant, where is the M country warship now?

The M country warship is parked 20 nautical miles away from the wreckage of the Black Pearl!

The smart assistant replied.

Lin Feng nodded. At present, it is not his time to show off. After that giant octopus fights against the M country warship again, he will reap the benefits!

Remembering something, Lin Feng asked again: Where is the female python?

His original purpose of coming to the Pacific this time was to devour the female snake king that was transported away by Jonah Allen's organization.

The female python was transported to an island in the Pacific!

The smart assistant replied.

Previously, he had been locating the movements of the female python, so he naturally understood where the python was transported.

Huh? A small island? Is it Jonah Allen's secret base?

Lin Feng was very interested.

He knew what kind of business Jonah Allen was in.

His main business is selling monster genes!

If this island is Jonah Allen's secret base, then Lin Feng must go!

By then, all the behemoth genes collected by Jonah Allen will become his nourishment!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's golden eyes revealed a hint of golden light.

At this time, in the Pacific Ocean, there is an island called Jobna.

The large freighter Allen is anchored in the port.

At this time, dozens of mercenaries with guns and ammunition were busy nervously.

Soon, Jonah Allen, dressed in military uniform, hurried over.


When all the mercenaries saw Jonah Allen, they immediately gave a military salute.

Although they are just a private armed force, their discipline is as strict as a regular army!

My baby wasn't harmed on the road, right?

Jonah Allen's eyes flashed with anticipation.

Don't worry, Colonel! The Snake King has been sleeping on the road!

The mercenary in charge of the transportation said immediately.

Okay! Well done! Each of you has made great achievements, and you will be rewarded with 100,000 meters of gold!

Jonah Allen said extremely generously.

With the genes of this female snake king, he can let his scientists extract the gene containing the flower of immortality!

At that time, using these genes, Jonah Allen will be able to create a brand new behemoth!


On the small island, a low beast roar came.

If Lin Feng were here, he would definitely be shocked.

The one making the beast's roar is none other than a velociraptor!

Hearing the roar of the Velociraptor, Jonah Allen's old face showed a light of expectation: My most powerful weapon is about to be born!

Obviously, his goal is to transplant the mutated gene from the female snake king to the raptor!

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