Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 208 Undersea Abyss!


In the cockpit of the red Storm Mecha, the pilot Dora shouted.

Then she quickly made a punching motion.


One of Red Storm's left arms punched quickly.


The red storm mecha punched the incoming humanoid creature with a heavy punch.

Hooray! The humanoid creature was instantly knocked out by the powerful force.

However, more humanoid creatures rushed over.

They waved their sharp claws, pounced over, and tore apart the steel mecha's fuselage.

Bang bang!

The three Dora sisters were in the cockpit and heard the banging sound of the mecha shell being hit.

Dora's expression changed, and she immediately shouted: Thunder Cloud, prepare!

As she spoke, she pressed a button.

In an instant, a gear stretched out from each arm of the mecha.


The three gears began to rotate rapidly, and the sea water was rotated away.

Those underwater humanoid creatures that pounced up were separated into two halves by the rotating gears!

Not only that, in the cockpit, the three sisters began to wave their arms.

The red storm mecha synchronized this action.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

Three high-speed rotating gears waved and rotated, cutting 360 degrees without any blind spots at the surrounding humanoid creatures that pounced on them.

This is the red storm's thundercloud formation. For such a scene, it's really good, like a meat grinder!

Not far away, inside the Wanderer mecha, Yang Xi watched with envy as the red storm mercilessly crushed the surrounding humanoid creatures.

Brother, let's not fall behind!

In the cockpit, Rowley chuckled.

Then, he pressed a button: Start the freezing device!

Click, click, click!

All the humanoid creatures approaching around were frozen!

The next moment, Yang Xi and Luo Li controlled the Ranger mecha and waved their huge steel fists to beat these frozen humanoid monsters to pieces!

Come on! We raiders are not easy to bully!

Inside the Raider mecha, North looked at the approaching humanoid creature through the LCD window, and he pressed the button.

In an instant, two stabbing blades appeared on his arms.

North and the co-pilot looked at each other and waved their arms, stabbing the nearby humanoids with their spiked blades.

For a while, the raiders also resisted the attack of humanoid creatures.

In the cockpit of the polar bear, Troff laughed loudly and said: We polar bears will not be inferior!

As he spoke, he pressed a button.

In an instant, the two fists of the polar bear mecha were filled with blue electric light.

Baby! Let me show you Tesla Fist!

As he spoke, Troff and the co-pilot were in the cockpit, waving their arms.

boom! boom!

As he waved his fist, blue electric current surged.

Each fist of the polar bear mecha contains a Tesla unit that can emit extreme electromagnetic pulses, which can cause an additional 415 kilovolts of electric shock to the monster.

Those humanoid monsters that approached not only withstood the huge force of the iron fist, but also withstood strong electric shocks.

In an instant, a large area of ​​humanoid creatures lost their combat effectiveness.

Lin Feng stood in the protective circle of several mechas, feeling particularly relaxed.

He asked the intelligent assistant: Intelligent assistant, how much life energy can these monsters bring me?

The smart assistant scanned for a moment and then said: Each head can bring approximately 0.001 life energy to the owner.

What? So few?

Lin Feng was extremely dissatisfied.

Because, according to what he just observed, the attack and defense of these humanoid creatures are very powerful, more than ten times that of ordinary humans!

The intelligent assistant explained: Master, you are now an eighth-level behemoth, and your life genes are more powerful than ordinary behemoths. These humanoid creatures are approximately at the fourth level.

Okay! It seems like these humanoid creatures are useless to me!

Lin Feng suddenly showed a disgusted expression.

Thinking of this, he didn't intend to get entangled in this depth.

So, Lin Feng gave instructions to the Wanderers and other mechas: Come here, everyone!

In the Wanderer mecha, Yang Xi hesitated for a moment and said in the team channel: Follow his instructions!

As a result, several mechas quickly moved towards the golden flying dragon.

They wanted to know what Lin Feng would do.

When these mechas approached Lin Feng, the humanoid creatures got a breather. They roared and continued to chase the evacuating mechas.


Lin Feng's golden eyes revealed a stern look.

The next moment, he released an electromagnetic pulse.


The invisible wave, with Lin Feng as the center, is within the attack range within a radius of 1,000 meters.


All humanoid creatures were affected by Lin Feng's electromagnetic pulse and stayed in place, showing uncomfortable expressions.

In an instant, these attacking humanoid creatures stopped attacking.

The humanoid creatures in the outer layer were not affected, and they continued to attack.

In an instant, such a strange picture was formed, as if the golden flying dragon was the center and the surrounding world was frozen!


Seeing this scene, Yang Xi showed a surprised expression in the Ranger mecha.

Not only him, but the other mecha pilots also showed extremely surprised expressions.

They had just fought against these humanoid creatures and knew how difficult they were.

They tried their best to stop the attack of these humanoid creatures.

But at this moment, Lin Feng just flapped his wings, and all the humanoid creatures within a radius of 1,000 meters stopped.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was not surprised at all, and he continued to dive under the water.

There are countless such humanoid creatures in this water area. They are all densely packed. If someone with trypophobia is here, they will be stunned in an instant.

The further down you go, the larger the creatures appear.

The creatures here are no longer limited to humanoid creatures, there are also various fish creatures.

However, they are all different from the creatures in shallow seas.

Because of the depth of the sea, they have evolved thick scales.

Moreover, their bodies are extremely huge.

Oh my God! Such a big crab, am I dazzled?

In the Raider mecha, driving North, he observed a huge crab through the instruments on the mecha.

This crab's head and breastplate alone are more than three meters wide, and its eyes are as big as an adult's head.

Its crab claws were more than thirty meters long, and it was entrenched in a swamp. A passing shark was caught by it with its huge pincers.

What level is this giant sea crab?

Lin Feng asked, looking at the sea crab on the bottom of the sea.

Seventh level!

The smart assistant checked for a moment and then responded.

Is it just the seventh level?

Lin Feng was slightly disappointed.

So, he continued towards the depths of the sea. Not far away, there was a trench through which one could reach deeper into the sea.

And in deeper places, there must be even bigger underwater creatures!

And these giant creatures are Lin Feng's food!

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