Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 197 Advance to the eighth level!

What kind of monster is this? A whale in the sea?

The scene on the warship was also transmitted back to the shelter. The prime minister of the island country exclaimed when he saw the ferocious appearance of Leviathan.

Looking at this size, it should be a whale! However, its body surface seems to have been corroded by chemicals. I think it should be that the underwater whale was affected by the garbage and waste discharged by humans and mutated. This time it came out of the deep sea. , just to take revenge on mankind! Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I think you should seriously consider the environmental protection bill advocated by our Ministry of Environmental Protection!

The Minister of Environmental Protection is talking nonsense seriously.

However, his words were indeed recognized by many people.

Because they have never seen this monster. It is huge and lives in the sea. What is it if it is not a whale?

The Prime Minister of the island country felt that everyone's opinions were unreliable, and immediately asked Casal, a biology professor in Country M, for advice.

This, this is Leviathan! Look, it has hard scales, sharp teeth, and spikes under its belly...

Professor Cassar exclaimed when he saw Leviathan for the first time.

The appearance of Leviathan is like the Bone Kun in countless web game advertisements.

At this time, Leviathan jumped out of the water, opened its huge mouth, and bit into the kamikaze ship.


The kamikaze ship was directly bitten by Leviathan!

Oh my god! The Kamikaze ship has fallen!

Seeing this shocking scene, Lieutenant General Sato's eyes were splitting in the command room.

After Leviathan crushed the kamikaze ship in one bite, he jumped up and flew directly in the air!

Incredible! It's incredible! This giant beast can actually fly in the air!

Seeing this scene, Professor Casal suddenly stood up.

Leviathan had been living in the sea before, and now flying in the air completely broke his cognition.

This Leviathan doesn't have huge wings like Barton, so how does it fly?

After a moment, Professor Casal exclaimed: Your Excellency, President! We must hunt down this giant beast. It has great research value for the design of human spacecraft!

The president of country M also had a look of shock on his face.

Such a huge creature can actually fly in the air at extremely fast speeds, which simply breaks people's imagination!

Leviathan flew higher and higher, and soon, it was above the clouds.

No! What is it going to do?

Seeing this scene, Professor Cassar exclaimed.

Its target won't be the B2 bomber, right?

The president of Country M also reacted.

Previously, the B2 bomber flew at an altitude of 8,000 meters and avoided Patton's pursuit.

But at this moment, it is obvious that Leviathan is coming for the B2 bomber.

Seeing this scene, Colonel Hans on the Hamm immediately ordered: Fighter formation, immediately cover the evacuation of the B2 bomber!

A B2 bomber is very expensive, nearly 3 billion gold, and every ace pilot is also a valuable asset!


The escorting fighter formation immediately roared towards Leviathan.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

From the fighter jet, missiles were fired one after another.

boom! boom!

The missile hit Leviathan, bursting out streaks of fire on its hard scales.


Leviathan opened its bloody mouth and roared.


Suddenly there was lightning and thunder among the clouds!

Alarm! Alarm!

On every fighter jet, sirens sounded.

Oh my god! This monster's roar can actually cause electromagnetic interference!

The pilot on the fighter jet exclaimed.

Instantly, the radar system on the plane began to fail.

I saw Leviathan's huge tail sweeping through the clouds, and instantly got into the clouds.

The fighters instantly lost track of it.

Not long after, Leviathan emerged from the clouds below. It struck upwards and opened its bloody mouth.


There was a loud noise, and the fighter plane was bitten by Leviathan!

There it is! Fire!

In the fighter formation, the remaining fighter jets immediately abandoned their missiles and attacked directly with their cannons.


Countless machine gun bullets hit Leviathan's huge body, but they were unable to penetrate its thick scales.


Leviathan roared again.

The next moment, the radars of all the surrounding fighters failed.

Leviathan quickly rushed over and swept his giant tail.

Boom! Boom!

Continuous explosions sounded.

The fighter formation was completely wiped out.

At this time, the B2 bomber had escaped from the battlefield and was making an emergency evacuation.

Leviathan glanced at the direction in which the B2 bomber was escaping, and began to accelerate.


In the sea of ​​clouds, Leviathan's huge figure began to fly quickly.

This speed actually exceeds the speed of sound!

A moment later, Leviathan's huge body emerged from under the clouds, opened its mouth wide, and bit the B2 bomber in one bite!

At this point, all the support forces sent by Country M were wiped out!

In the sea water, Godzilla continued to evolve, and the sea around him turned red.

On a small island in the Pacific Ocean, there is a huge light film.

This light film is constantly growing. It was only more than 20 meters at first, and soon expanded to more than 100 meters.

Lin Feng's huge body lay inside the light film and fell into a deep sleep.

Hey! Congratulations, master! This evolution has been completed and you can break out of the cocoon!

As the evolution time ends, the smart assistant reminds.

Is it finished?

Lin Feng heard the sound and suddenly opened his eyes. He began to use his sharp claws to tear open the light film covering his body.

The intelligent assistant prompted: Master, your evolution was very successful this time. Do you need to analyze the specific effects of the evolution?

Analyze immediately! Lin Feng ordered.

System: Under analysis... Analysis completed, host, your evolution this time is mainly reflected in two aspects: strength, speed, and defense. Strength: increased by 300.1 times, speed: decreased by 0.2 times, and defense increased by 5.1 times.

I'll go, this time I advance, the speed will be reduced?

Lin Feng couldn't help but exclaimed after checking the evolutionary attributes.

Master, you must be content. This time, your size has increased five times. As a result, your weight has reached 90,000 tons, and your speed will naturally decrease significantly!

The smart assistant said.

I'll go! My strength actually increased 300 times?

Lin Feng's golden pupils flashed with excitement.

Before this, he already had 300 tons of power, which increased by 300 times. At this time, he already had nearly 100,000 tons of power!

Yes! Master, because your evolution has undergone a qualitative change this time!

The smart assistant responded.

In addition to getting bigger and stronger, do I have any other changes?

Lin Feng was not very satisfied.

Although, the current changes are already a huge surprise.

This time the distance at which the master releases the light of destruction has been greatly improved, and the wings have the ability to create storms and lightning!

The smart assistant responded.

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