Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 191 Atomic Breath!

Your Excellency Prime Minister! The fighter jet performing this mission is the B2 bomber that our country just purchased from Country M this year. This is the only stealth bomber in service in our country!

Lieutenant General Takumura reported the situation to the Prime Minister of the island nation at the air base.

After hearing the words of Lieutenant General Takumura, the Prime Minister of the island country was full of hope.

Because, this aircraft was purchased by the island country from Country M at a cost of up to 3 billion meters of gold.

This is currently the most advanced bomber in the world, bar none!

Everyone looked at the military airport runway through the TV screen. At this moment, the island's ace pilot Kenta Miura was driving a B2 bomber and took off from the runway.


The B2 bomber continued to climb, and then rushed towards Pingdao.

At this time, Godzilla had broken through the army's blockade and entered Kyoto Bay.

Here, there are only 40 kilometers left from the Kyoto underground shelter.

At Godzilla's speed, he'll be there in no time.

Kyoto Bay is a very important port in the island country of Kyoto and is extremely luxuriously built.

However, Godzilla is wreaking havoc without mercy.


Godzilla's thick and long tail swept out, and a landmark building dozens of stories high was instantly destroyed!


Godzilla pressed down one of his front paws, instantly bringing down a bridge.

When the prime minister and officials of the island country saw this scene, their hearts were bleeding.

These are all burning funds!

The financial officer whispered from the side: Now, every second of loss will be millions of M gold!

He didn't lie. Kyoto Bay is an excellent harbor for ships to avoid Pacific storms. The economic facilities here are very complete.

Because Kyoto Bay is adjacent to many economic and cultural centers such as Kyoto and Hirashima, and is the island country’s outlet to the sea.

At this time, Godzilla had already entered the dock, and all the important economic facilities passing along the way were destroyed by it!

At this moment, Godzilla lives for revenge, showing no mercy, only destruction!

Seeing this scene, Professor Casal also said: Your Excellency, these giant beasts have hidden violent genes in their bones that cannot be tamed. It is impossible for them to live in harmony with humans! Look at this moment, Gothic Land The destruction caused by the island nation!”

The President of Country M on the side nodded with deep understanding: Yes! Those who are not of my race must have different thoughts! If possible, they must be killed to death!

At this moment, seeing the amazing destructive power of Godzilla in the island country, many heads of state have deepened their determination to destroy the giant beast.

Because the destructive power of the giant beast is really too strong!

When they land on land, it will be a huge disaster for humans!


The B2 bomber flies through the clouds at extremely fast speeds!

At this moment, the pilot reported the situation to the command center: B2 has arrived over Kyoto Bay!

Lieutenant General Takumura immediately said: Be ready to drop bombs at any time!

Later, he asked the Prime Minister of the island country for instructions: Your Excellency Prime Minister! B2 is already in place. Do you want to drop the bomb immediately?

The Prime Minister of the island country has not yet spoken. Behind him, the Ministers of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Water Transport stood up: Your Excellency, Godzilla is still at the dock. If you drop a bomb at this moment, the loss will be too great. I suggest you lure him away from the dock and then drop the bomb. !”

What the Minister of Water Transport said is absolutely true! Kyoto Pier is so important to our island country!

The other council members nodded.

The island country pondered for a moment first, and then said: Lieutenant General Takumura, send a formation of armed helicopters to attract the target to an open area, and then drop the bomb!

Yes! Your Excellency, Prime Minister!

After receiving the order, Lieutenant General Tuocun immediately began emergency deployment.

He warned: Godzilla's height is 118 meters. When you attack, you must be parallel to its head and keep your distance!

Yes! General!

The pilots responsible for performing the mission responded one after another.

Soon, a squadron of armed helicopters flew towards Kyoto Bay.

The air force base is not far from Kyoto Bay. About half an hour later, the helicopter team arrived at the target location.


At the order of Lieutenant General Takumura, the armed helicopters began to launch missiles to attack Godzilla.

Godzilla is destroying the dock facilities.

Suddenly, a missile hit its head.


This provocative attack angered Godzilla. He raised his head and let out a roar that shook Yunxiao.

Come on! Damn big guy!

On the first armed helicopter, the pilot pressed the cannon button, opened the distance, and fired wildly at Godzilla's head.

Da da da!

On the armed helicopter, the cannon roared wildly, and a series of tongues of flames shot towards Godzilla's face!

An attack of this level would naturally be unable to cause any harm to Godzilla.

However, this completely angered it!

Godzilla closed his eyes tightly and began to charge up, and his dorsal fin began to glow red.

Is Mr. Brother about to use his ultimate move?

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng asked expectantly.

Yes! The atomic furnace inside Godzilla's body has started operating!

The smart assistant responded.

In the picture, the light on Godzilla's back is getting brighter and brighter, and at the sound of his voice, a burst of mist rises.

This is water vapor formed at high temperatures!

Hahaha! Godzilla is so angry that he's about to explode!

Inside the armed helicopter, the pilot who was attacking crazily laughed.

He didn't realize that this was a sign of a crisis. Instead, he thought it was his attack, which made Godzilla almost crazy with anger!

The remaining pilots did not realize that the crisis was coming. They also drove armed helicopters to join the battle group, aimed their cannons, and fired wildly.

At this moment, Godzilla's back was completely illuminated, and he suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth.


I saw a purple beam of light shooting out from Godzilla's mouth.

This light is so penetrating that it instantly penetrates the tall buildings in front of it!

At first, Godzilla couldn't control the purple light. Soon, his head deflected, and the purple light also deflected.


Purple light penetrated through the group of attacking armed helicopters!

The next moment, the gunships that were firing exploded one after another!

Oh my God! What is this?

In the Air Force command base, Lieutenant General Takumura exclaimed when he saw such a scene.

Behind him, all the officers were dumbfounded.

This Godzilla has unleashed his ultimate move!

This purple light is its long-range attack skill!

This light is so terrifying! Buildings made of concrete and steel frames penetrate instantly!

Is there any way to detect its attack distance?

Conservative estimate, 1,000 meters!

After being shocked, military experts immediately calculated the purple ray attack emitted by Godzilla.

1,000 meters? This means that the attack must be carried out at least 1,000 meters away!

Lieutenant General Takumura sighed.

This means that interference attacks against Godzilla are no longer possible!

Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Takumura asked the Prime Minister of the island country for instructions: Your Excellency Prime Minister! I request an immediate attack!

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