Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 182 Three parties gather!

Come on! Come and hit me! I'm here!

Eunice's voice kept coming from the mist.

King Kong was already furious at this time. It took steps and chased into the mist!



Every time King Kong's thick footsteps fell, the ground shook violently.

Eunice's figure moved quickly, and every time she stopped in one place, she shouted loudly: King Kong, come here quickly!

Gradually, we got closer and closer to the place where the trap was buried.



King Kong was completely angered, and had no sight in the fog. It only relied on hearing to track Eunice.

At a certain moment, it jumped up and jumped to a place.

At the same time, King Kong waved its huge palm and slapped it down!


There was a loud noise, and a huge boulder was smashed to pieces by King Kong's broad palm!

Seeing this scene, Eunice's eyes jumped: Even without superpowers, the physical power of this King Kong is so terrifying!

However, after a moment, she smiled happily, like a fox that had eaten a rabbit.

Because, in the area where King Kong stepped down, a burst of purple mist rose up!

poison gas!

This is the nerve gas that Eunice has buried here long ago!

This is what the Energy Gene Company uses to anesthetize giant creatures.

Among them, every five milliliters can anesthetize a whale.

And here, Yuni used a few boxes without any hesitation!

After a while, the location where King Kong was was filled with purple mist!


King Kong was plotted and roared.

And Eunice's pretty face already showed a victorious smile.

She seemed to have seen King Kong's huge body collapse.

Five, four, three, two, one, pour it for me!

Eunice whispered a countdown.


After she finished reciting the countdown, King Kong's huge body of more than sixty meters tall collapsed!


A huge sound spread very far!

Not far away, Lin Feng heard the loud noise coming from Death Valley, and his heart skipped a beat: Could an earthquake be coming?

He immediately accelerated and flew towards Death Valley.

In the dense forest on the other side not far from Death Valley, the mecha team was also heading towards Death Valley.

After the loud noise came, all the mechas stopped.

Inside the Wanderer, Yang Xi said in a solemn tone: There is movement in the valley ahead! Let's go over and take a look!

In the cockpit of the Raider mecha, the excited voice of the pilot North came out: I have read the information about this operation. This valley is Death Valley! Our target this time, King Kong, is in Death Valley!

Skull Island is an island that has not yet been explored, so during the operation, the commander, Colonel Hans, did not give everyone a complete map of Skull Island.

However, he gave everyone a incomplete map.

That’s about Death Valley!

There is an underground passage in Death Valley, and it is also the location of King Kong of Skull Island.

And here is the ultimate goal of this operation!

If they bring King Kong back, whether alive or dead, then the mission of this trip to Skull Island will be completely completed!

Afterwards, all the mechas adjusted their direction of travel and walked towards the Death Valley.

In Death Valley.

After Eunice saw King Kong fall, she was not relieved and released a drone.


The drone flew quickly towards King Kong.

After flying over King Kong, the drone began to detect various physical signs of King Kong.

Eunice refused to let go of any detail. After confirming that King Kong had indeed been anesthetized, she slowly walked over.

As they walked, Eunice took out a test tube.

This test tube contains the virus that caused the mutation on Skull Island.

This is specially prepared for you! King Kong, you will be reunited with your parents underground soon!

A sickly smile appeared on Eunice's pretty face.

Soon, she walked up to King Kong's huge body.

Seen from below, it looks like a hill.

However, this was not a problem for Eunice at all. She jumped directly to a height of ten meters.

Then, she grabbed King Kong's hair and climbed towards the top of the mountain like climbing a mountain.

Soon, Eunice stood on King Kong's chin.

Her tall figure is no bigger than one of its teeth in front of the huge King Kong.

The harvest time has arrived!

Eunice uncovered one end of the test tube and threw it into King Kong's slightly grinning mouth.

At this moment, a scream sounded from the sky.

It was like a plane passing overhead.

Eunice looked up and saw a golden flying dragon flying over.

She frowned immediately: The guy who ruined my good deeds!

Despite her helplessness, Eunice quickly jumped off King Kong's chin.

Lin Feng's eyesight was very good. When he flew over the Death Valley, he saw King Kong lying in the valley.

How is this going?

Lin Feng was very confused.

King Kong just came to say goodbye to his parents, why did he faint here?

Lin Feng's soul is human, and his IQ is much higher than King Kong.

He did not rush down to check, but asked the smart assistant: Smart Assistant, can it detect any abnormalities around it?

The smart assistant starts detecting it immediately.

After a while, it responded: I detected 4 mechas moving quickly this way!

Mecha? Is it the wandering mecha from country M? Are they still determined to give up?

Lin Feng's tone dropped.

At this time, outside Death Valley, several mechas also temporarily stopped moving.

Oh my God! What is that? A golden pterosaur?

Inside the Raider mecha, pilot North said in surprise.

I have never seen such a big pterosaur!

In the red storm, the driver Dora's voice of surprise also came out.

What's this? I just measured it. This golden pterosaur is only 20 meters long!

Troff's rough voice came from the cockpit of the polar bear mecha.

Just now, they worked together to kill a giant swamp squid that was 30 meters tall with its body alone and hundreds of meters tall with its tentacles.

At this moment, facing such a small golden pterosaur, Troff was full of confidence.

However, Yang Xi's voice in the Rangers was very solemn: Attention all units! Stop the action immediately!

What? Captain, even if our shells are empty, we are not afraid of such a pterosaur, right? Besides, we have the Phoenix in the air to support us!

In the team voice, Troff exclaimed.

He didn't understand Yang Xi's decision.

Because, from Yang Xi's warning, it was revealed that they were no match for this golden pterosaur!

Indeed, without cannonballs and unable to fly, they really couldn't do anything with this golden pterosaur.

However, they also have the Phoenix mecha.

From the outstanding performance in the battle just now, Troff is already full of confidence in the Phoenix Gundam!

Not only Troff, but also the Raider mecha pilot North and the red Storm mecha pilot Dora also asked in confusion: Our target is in that valley at the moment, why should we be afraid? war?

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