Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 180 Dr. Mark wakes up!

Who could this be? Is it a mysterious existence on Earth or a person from Planet X?

Lin Feng thought.

This is somewhat similar to the method used by Planet X, but it is not the same. The biochemical virus used by Planet X is an extinct virus that will directly lead to the extinction of the entire living planet!

The smart assistant said.

Is that so?

Lin Feng was unable to lock the target for a while.

However, one thing is, he believes that the truth will soon come to light.

Because the smart assistant reminded him that Skull Island will be destroyed by a major earthquake in a dozen hours.

Then, when the time comes, the carrion beasts and mutated beasts on this island will escape!

Naturally, the real mastermind behind the scenes will also be revealed.

Let me try to see if this substance has any effect on me!

Lin Feng's golden eyes flashed with golden light, and he used the spikes on his wings to put the gel substance into his mouth.

In an instant, Lin Feng felt that this mass of matter melted in his mouth, then flowed to all parts of his body and began to improve various parts of his body.

After feeling the effect, he couldn't help but sigh: This is indeed extremely pure life energy!

Intelligent assistant, how much life energy did this crystal unit provide me just now?

Lin Feng couldn't help but ask.


The smart assistant replied.

So few?

When Lin Feng heard this, he was immediately disappointed.

The intelligent assistant replied: The level of this carrion beast is not high, and this purification method only purifies the original mixed life energy, and it will not increase the total amount!

I understand! This purification method is for creatures like humans to absorb!

Lin Feng suddenly realized.

As for Ghidorah, he has the talent of devouring and does not need to be purified at all!

The intelligent assistant studied for a while, and then said with some surprise: Strange! I actually detected some other things from it. It seems that there are also substances that can make living organisms evolve!

Oh? So, the virus that mutated Skull Island this time has two characteristics?

Lin Feng whispered.

The first point is that it is naturally contagious. As long as you are bitten by a living organism carrying this virus, you will be infected quickly!

The second point is the corrosive nature, which causes the flesh and blood on the living body to quickly dry up and become corrupted!

The second point is that nature is evolutionary, which gives infected organisms a chance to break species boundaries and achieve super evolution.

Just when Lin Feng started to be in a daze, Liu Xuanfeng had already quickly walked to Zhou Can and the others.

He cursed: You losers! You actually damaged all the treasures!

What baby?

Chen Lin asked curiously.

Liu Xuanfeng said sadly: Of course it's this super jelly!

As he spoke, he dug out a jelly-like gel substance from the mind of a carrion beast.

Dr. Chen looked at Liu Xuanfeng with burning eyes: Liu Xuanfeng, is this how you achieved a breakthrough in cultivation after taking this?

Have you discovered all this?

Liu Xuanfeng looked at Dr. Chen in surprise.

However, he had no intention of hiding it.

After all, they are a team, and there are benefits for everyone as their strength improves!

At this time, Lin Feng also ended his thinking. He differentiated his mind power and entered everyone's brain: This substance is called life crystal. If you fuse it, it can strengthen the body!

The name Evolutionary Crystal was naturally chosen by Lin Feng based on the characteristics of this gel material.

So it's called Life Crystal?

Liu Xuanfeng murmured.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and then looked curiously at the controlled Dr. Mark.

At this time, Lin Feng saw chaos and bloodlust in Dr. Mark's red eyes.

Let me see if we can be saved!

Lin Feng directly put his telepathy into Dr. Mark's mind.

In an instant, some ferocious evil thoughts immediately besieged Dr. Mark's mind.

If the mental thinking of an ordinary person is attacked by these evil thoughts, it will immediately arouse negative emotions in the heart and turn into a killing machine.

However, how powerful is Lin Feng's spiritual will?

In an instant, he used his spiritual thoughts to clear away these negative emotions.

In the end, Lin Feng found the tightly sealed self-awareness in the deepest part of Dr. Mark's brain.

wake up!

Lin Feng turned into his own body and was projected in Dr. Mark's mind.

It is a golden flying dragon, majestic and full of divine flavor!

wake up!

Lin Feng kept calling Dr. Mark's consciousness.

Finally, at a certain moment, in Dr. Mark's sea of ​​consciousness, his conscious body opened its eyes.

Where am I? Who are you?

Lin Feng conveyed a consciousness into Dr. Mark's mind...

Not long after, Dr. Mark woke up from his subconscious.

He opened his eyes and saw the golden flying dragon in front of him, and immediately fell to the ground devoutly!

This is because Lin Feng has just imprinted his tall image on the deepest part of Dr. Mark's consciousness.

Somehow, Lin Feng became the most respected creator in Dr. Mark’s mind!

Dr. Mark is awake?

When the others saw this scene, their eyes showed surprise.

When they saw Dr. Mark, they were all very sad.

Because Dr. Mark is one of their most important partners!

Dr. Chen knelt down directly to Lin Feng: Thank you, Lord Shenlong!

The rest of the people also knelt down to Lin Feng piously.

Lin Feng was suspended in the air, his eyes majestic, and he calmly accepted everyone's worship.

After a long time, his majestic voice resounded in everyone's mind: Everyone, get up!

Thank you, Lord Shenlong!

Dr. Chen then stood up.

Then, she immediately went to check on Dr. Mark: Dr. Mark, how are you doing now?

Dr. Mark's body size at this time has returned to normal human size.

Hearing this, he smiled and said, I'm fine now!

Indeed, Dr. Mark had almost completed evolution before, but at the last moment, he fell short and lost his self-awareness.

He almost turned into a murderous walking corpse!

Fortunately, Master Shenlong rescued him.

At this moment, Dr. Mark became Lin Feng's most loyal believer.

Chen Lin looked at Dr. Mark curiously and asked, Dr. Mark, what kind of inheritance have you received?

Have you all obtained the inheritance as well?

Dr. Mark asked with a smile.

Yes! Mine is a wood-type power, and the best one is an auxiliary medical power!

Chen Lin pursed her lips and said.

What she hopes most is to gain combat powers so that she can become stronger.

What I gained is the ability to grow in size. You all saw it just now!

Dr. Mark heard this and said with a smile.

Increased size?

Liu Xuanfeng looked at Dr. Mark in surprise.

Yes! After growing in size, my defense, strength, and speed have all been amazingly improved!

Dr. Mark explains.

Lin Feng interrupted everyone's conversation: Before leaving this island, hunt for this life crystal as much as possible!


Dr. Chen and others responded immediately.

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