Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 169 Mutated Eagle King!


The sniper lay in the cave in the cold winter and pulled the bolt.

The next moment, he aimed at the head of a zombie wolf.


With a gunshot, the zombie wolf's head was shaken, and half of its forehead was blown away.

The zombie wolf with only half its head left did not die immediately. It continued to crawl forward, its head missing half of its cheek, which was very disgusting.

There was no blood or flesh in it, but disgusting mucus!

It's strange! These wolves seem to have been dead for a long time! What is it that supports their movements?

Yan Dong saw this scene through the sniper scope and said in confusion.

Could he be infected with some kind of virus?

Demoman Jiang Daniu asked.

It's possible! Unless their heads are blown off, they can continue to act!

On the side, Major Lin observed with a telescope and said.

Could it be that their fatal part is still in the brain?

Yan Dong said doubtfully.

Major Lin thought for a while and said: Huoshan, Daniel, you cease fire for the time being. The first round of attacks will be by me and Viper. As the Carrion Wolf gets closer, you will shoot with machine guns!

He did this to save bullets.

After all, no one knows how many carrion beasts there are on Skull Island.


Zhou Can immediately ceased fire.

Jiang Daniu on the side also stopped shooting.


Yandong pulled the bolt of his gun and aimed at a carrion wolf.


As he pulled the trigger, the Carrion Wolf's head exploded.

On the other side, a submachine gun appeared in Major Lin's hand.

He adjusted the gun to burst fire.

Major Lin once ranked first in multiple shooting competitions in the army and won the title of Army Sharpshooter!

Within a range of 400 meters, almost every shot will hit!

boom! boom!

Every bullet fired by Major Lin hit the carrion wolf's head.

Basically, a carrion wolf can be incapacitated with two or three shots.

This greatly saves bullets.

However, as the movement here spreads, more and more mutant beasts gather.

The first ones to bear the brunt are the carrion beasts.

In addition to wolves, there are also tigers, lions and leopards.

For large carrion beasts, submachine guns do almost no damage, and they can only rely on sniper rifles in the harsh winter.

The sniper rifle had few bullets to begin with, and soon the harsh winter ran out of bullets.

With no other option, he also put on a submachine gun.

As a result, the carrion beast gets closer and closer.

Chen Lin from behind also came over. She looked at Major Lin and said, Give me a gun!

Get it yourself!

Major Lin said without looking back.

Chen Lin immediately picked up a submachine gun from the ground, calibrated it skillfully, and loaded it.

Da da da!

Unlike Major Lin, Chen Lin started firing continuously and shot at the approaching carrion beast.

No way! These large ones can't be killed at all! Throw grenades!

After Jiang Daniu fired wildly, he discovered that two carrion elephants were rushing towards the cave.

As he spoke, he stopped the machine gun, took out a grenade from the box, bit open the safety, rounded his arm, and threw it.

After a moment, boom!

There was a loud noise, and the carrion elephant was blown into pieces!

In the cave, Dr. Chen has been taking care of Dr. Jones, and Dr. Jones' condition is getting worse and worse.

She was anxious: I don't know how long it will take Liu Xuanfeng to come back. Dr. Jones's condition is getting more and more serious!

At this time, Dr. Jones's face had bulging blood vessels like earthworms, which looked very scary.

Jones, you must persevere! Mary can't live without you! We can't live without you either!

Dr. Evan held Dr. Jones's hand tightly.

At this time, his hands were very hot, and the temperature had far exceeded normal human body temperature.

This makes Dr. Evan very worried, because if he is a normal person, he must have been dead for a long time!

At the entrance of the cave, the battle between the special forces team and the carrion beast continued.

Outside the cave, the corpses of the carrion beasts are piling up more and more, but the carrion beasts behind them are coming one after another.

They no longer feel pain and fear, but their instinct drives them to attack the cave.

Above the canyon, a golden flying dragon appeared here.

It was Lin Feng.

The reason why he came here was to look for dinosaurs.

Because, in other places, animals have basically turned into zombies.

This kind of thing can no longer be regarded as a living thing, and naturally it cannot bring life energy to Lin Feng.

What surprised Lin Feng was that the canyon was also in a mess, as if it had experienced a tragic battle.

Many huge dinosaur bones were left at the site.

All the flesh and blood on these bones had been eaten away.

What has happened on the island these days?

Lin Feng was puzzled.


At this moment, a whistling sound sounded in the void.

Lin Feng concentrated on it, activated his telekinesis to the extreme, and finally saw a huge mutant black hawk flying past the high altitude in the wilderness. Its body was about twenty meters long, like a large fighter jet!

This is a mutant eagle king!

Lin Feng looked up to the sky, his golden eyes fixed on the mutant eagle king.

The feathers all over its body were faintly glowing with a cold metallic luster, and the feathers on its head were golden yellow, like a golden crown. The surrounding mutant birds moved out of the way.

Its huge, sharp claws are like steel poured into iron, as if they can tear everything apart!

The Mutated Eagle King had a pair of sharp, cold eyes glowing with blue light. He looked down at Lin Feng with extremely violent killing intent in his eyes.

Lin Feng was delighted. This mutated eagle king actually regarded him as a hunting target!

Come on! Let's see who is stronger!

Lin Feng looked majestically at the mutant eagle king high in the sky.

With the size of this mutant eagle king, it can definitely bring him 10% of the evolutionary energy!


After locking the target, the Mutated Eagle King flapped its huge wings and swooped down from high altitude.

Its huge claws opened and grabbed Lin Feng directly.

Obviously, this mutated eagle king mistook Lin Feng for a pterosaur!


Flying closer, huge wind pressure hit him. Lin Feng's golden eyes narrowed slightly and he used his telekinesis to the extreme.

The speed of this mutant eagle king instantly slowed down in his eyes.


Lin Feng swept his giant tail, a silver tail, like a whip, whipping towards the Mutated Eagle King!


With a loud noise, the Mutated Eagle King was directly hit by Lin Feng's giant tail whip.

However, the feathers on the mutant Eagle King seemed to have turned into metal.

Lin Feng's unparalleled whip blow swept the mutant eagle king away, but it did not cause much damage to it.

However, this made the mutant eagle king furious, and its dark eyes flashed with cold murderous intent!

The next moment, at the same time, an extremely high-pitched cry came from the mouth of the mutant eagle king. The terrifying sound wave actually produced a shock wave visible to the naked eye, attacking Lin Feng below!

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