Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 164 Shocking changes on the island!

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,! Get into the water!

Colonel Hans looked at the hands of his pocket watch and gave an order.


Captain Conard drove the helicopter and flew into the storm area.

Behind the helicopter, three mechas entered the water at the same time.



With several huge roars, three huge mechas broke through the water one after another and headed towards the storm area.

Huh? Why is there no movement from the island nation's mechas?

On the ship, all the soldiers looked at the island nation's Phoenix Gundam.

Is there going to be no problem?

Someone whispered.

At this moment, boom!

At the tail of the Phoenix Gundam, white tail flames suddenly ignited.

next moment!


The golden fuselage of the Phoenix Gundam soared into the sky, speeding away into the storm!

Oh my God! The mechas from the island country can actually fly in the air?

Everyone was surprised.

it's beautiful!

Colonel Tomino looked at the Phoenix Gundam that had transformed into a bird form, with an intoxicated smile on his face.

This is the most satisfying work of his entire life.

After approaching the helicopter, the Phoenix Gundam hovered for an instant.

This scene made everyone's eyes brighten. Such amazing mecha driving skills shocked everyone present.

After a while, the mechas entered the storm one after another.

Now is the storm window period, and compared with the usual storm, it will be much weaker.

However, even so, inside the storm, there was also a lot of fog, lightning and thunder.

What a bad weather!

In the polar bear mecha, Troff, the pilot from the polar bear country, said.

Yeah! I don't know what the scene is like on Skull Island!

Co-pilot Loban also sighed with emotion.

We are a fighting nation, fearless!

Troff said with a determined expression.

This is the first time a polar bear has participated in a mission, so we must perform well!

Co-pilot Loban nodded in agreement.

In the storm, the three black girls from Country M also felt extremely strenuous.

In the cockpit, there was violent shaking, and the three of them were shaken around, but they all gritted their teeth and persisted.

boom! boom!

Every time the mecha took a step, it set off a huge wave on the water.

After walking in the fog for several minutes, the view finally became wider.

Everyone looked and saw that they came to a body of water.

Huh? Why is this place like this?

After seeing the scene on Skull Island, Captain Conard first exclaimed.

Colonel Lin took out his telescope and began to observe the scene outside.

At this time, the place was completely in ruins.

The forest fire was raging, the smoke was billowing, and it was a smoky mess.

In the waters, various animal carcasses can be seen everywhere!

What exactly happened here?

Conard gasped.

Before I left last time, Skull Island was still beautiful.

Why, in just a few days, was it like hell?

Not only Captain Conrad was surprised, but below, in the Wanderer mecha, Brother Raleigh Yancy was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

On the contrary, the other mechas didn't feel anything.

It is indeed Skull Island, with corpses everywhere!

Mel, one of the Red Storm pilots said.

Sisters, please be careful!

Another driver, Dora, looked wary.

Oh my God! That body is moving!

Suddenly, a soldier on the helicopter pointed at a floating body in the water and said.

This corpse belongs to a wolf.

This wolf was rotten all over, but its body was still moving!

Especially its eyes, which seemed to be swollen with water.

This wolf has become a zombie wolf.

It noticed the movement in the water and immediately swam towards this side quickly.

Damn it! Do you want to try the power of Iron Fist?

North, the pilot of the Raider mecha, snorted coldly, raised his hands in the cockpit, and made fists.

In an instant, the Raider mecha immediately raised its right hand and made a fist.

North waved his hands down!


The raider mecha followed and smashed down its huge steel fist!


There was a loud bang.

The huge steel fist, like a meteorite, smashed into the water.

The zombie wolf was instantly hit and lost its whereabouts.

Look! I smashed that disgusting guy to pieces!

There was a proud look in North's blue eyes.

Inside the Wanderer mecha, Yang Xi turned his head and warned: Raider, the situation is unknown now, don't attack rashly!

As he spoke, he looked at Raleigh and then sent a message to the command center through the communicator.

Command! Command! This is the Wanderer! I am Yang Xi!

Wanderer, command has heard!

Colonel Hans replied through the communicator, and at the same time, he waited quietly.

Command, the situation on Skull Island is not right. It is completely different from a few days ago. The environment has been greatly damaged, fires are burning in the forest, and the bodies of dead animals are floating on the water!

Yang Xi truthfully reported what he saw in front of him.


When Colonel Hans heard this, he was immediately surprised.

Last time, the Wanderer brought back scenes of Skull Island, which looked like a paradise with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Why did Skull Island undergo such big changes in just a few days?

Thinking of this, Colonel Hans immediately said: I order you to find out the situation on Skull Island! Please pay attention to safety! Over!

Yes! Commander!

Yang Xi then hung up the communication.

In the Raider, North was still dissatisfied with Yang Xi scolding him, and complained to the co-pilot: Isn't it just a few dead animals? What's so big about it?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a huge monster rising from the water.

This monster looks like a buffalo, with a pair of sharp and long horns.

Oh my God! Is this a cow?

North was a little speechless.

Because this cow is too big, more than 20 meters long and more than five meters high.

Especially on its back, it seems to be carrying a small island, and there are actually vegetation growing on it!

Everyone, be careful!

Inside the Wanderer, Yang Xi said in a condensed voice.

He noticed that the giant bull's eyes were blood red.

He was looking at them fiercely.

On the plane, Colonel Lin saw this giant bull and immediately asked Captain Conard, who was piloting the plane: Captain, did you see this thing last time you came here?

Captain Conard immediately shook his head, and then said in a solemn tone: I haven't seen you for a few days, and this place seems to have changed into a different place!

Is it getting better or worse?

Colonel Lin asked.

It's gone bad! It's like a real hell here!

Captain Conard halted his advance and remained hovering over the water.

Below, several mechas were confronting the giant bull like the island.


The giant bull raised its head, looked up to the sky and howled, and smoke came out of its mouth!

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