Catch these scorpions first!

Santang said, pointing to some scorpions.

These scorpions are more than one meter long and have reddish-brown skin.

As soon as they sense an intruder, they immediately become alert.

Each scorpion crawled up quickly, holding up a pair of claws, waiting for an opportunity to attack the temple and others who entered.

The church immediately stopped.

Behind him, a group of staff wearing gas masks and protective clothing immediately stepped forward.

They were wearing white gloves and holding a can like a fire extinguisher, which contained an anesthetic developed by Energy Gene Company.

These anesthetics are so powerful that even creatures injected with violent genetic agents can be temporarily anesthetized.


These workers spray the anesthetic in the form of a spray.

In an instant, all these huge scorpions fell to the ground.

Then, the temple directed the staff to move the fainted scorpions out of the valley.

At this time, Eunice had ordered her subordinates to set up tents outside the valley and built a temporary base.

I want to know their genetic sequences immediately!

Eunice crossed her arms and said indifferently.


A team of researchers immediately began collecting specimens to study these giant scorpions.

The temple, on the other hand, led the team deeper into the temple.

After walking along the valley for a while, a cave appeared in front of us.

Go in as a team and take a look inside the cave!

Dressed in a neat suit, bald Cheng Liang's eyes lit up.

As for himself, he stayed outside the cave.

Soon, a scream came from inside.

The church immediately took out the communicator and asked: What's going on inside?

Report! There are a lot of giant worms inside!

There were panicked sounds inside.

Worm? Worm scared you like this?

Shengtang frowned.

He felt that the efficiency of these subordinates was too low!

Soon, screams came one after another.

After a while, the voice was completely silent.

The entire team that entered was wiped out!

Damn! What kind of creature is inside?

Shengtang's face looked a little ugly.

He pointed to a person next to him and said: Give me the protective clothing!


The man immediately said respectfully, and then neatly took off his protective clothing.

Santang took it with disgust and put on the protective clothing.

Then, he held a flashlight and slowly walked inside.

The inside of the cave is very dark, and there are many stalactites on the cave walls, forming various shapes.

The ground was very wet, and in the middle was a swamp filled with blue mud.

The entire cave was filled with the stench of rotting animals.

Soon, the temple was shocked, because there was no one in the cave!


To be precise, there wasn't even a corpse!

Could it be that those people just now were eaten alive?

Such an idea came to Shengtang's mind.

Soon, the water surface rippled.


The church and everyone else were shocked and shined their flashlights into the water.

They were shocked to find a worm two to three meters long, as thick as an adult's waist, emerging from the mud in the water.

This worm looks very disgusting and resembles an earthworm.

Its skin is black, and it squirms in the mire, making people's hair stand on end.

Quick! Spray anesthetic!

Beside the church, a man in protective clothing immediately carried the can and pressed the valve.


The anesthetic spray was sprayed towards the disgusting worm.

After a while, the worm became silent and seemed to be burrowing into the mud.

Quick! Catch it! Don't let it escape!

The church immediately ordered.

This is a swamp, and it would be very troublesome if the worm got into the mud.


One of his men immediately came out of the crowd. He squatted down and grabbed the worm with his hands wearing rubber gloves.

At this moment, a horrifying scene happened.

The top of the black worm suddenly cracked open, and a bright red straw popped out from the middle.

This straw is hollow with an opening at the top and long teeth inside.


As soon as the straw was stretched out, it immediately pounced on the man's head.


The Holy Church saw that his men's whole heads had been swallowed!

Ah! Ah!

The man immediately screamed.

The scream didn't last long, and he stopped moving completely within a few seconds!

What the hell is this?

Santang couldn't help but say.

Fire! Fire now!

he shouted.

The people behind the church immediately put down their anesthetic cans and took off the submachine guns they were carrying.

Da da da!

There was a burst of shooting, and in an instant, the worm was beaten into black pulp and splashed everywhere.

As its body was smashed, streams of black smoke spurted out from its body.

Go away! It's poisonous!

Santang immediately shouted loudly.

Everyone had to exit the cave immediately.

Not long after they left, more than a dozen worms of similar size emerged from the swamp.

Like cats smelling something fishy, ​​they surrounded the dead worm and began to devour it.

After Santang returned to the station, he immediately reported the situation to Eunice.

Eunice listened expressionlessly, and when she heard that one of her subordinates was eaten by that strange insect, there was not even the slightest emotion on her face.

Instead, there was a hint of silver in his eyes.

You guys wait here! I'll go take a look!

Eunice said.

The Holy Church immediately stopped him and said, Boss! It's too dangerous inside! I think we should use the crazy gene potion!

This time when we entered Skull Island, the Energy Gene Company also brought some of the madness gene potions.

After using these potions, the creatures will instantly become huge and crazy!

Eunice glanced at the church with an evil look: Get out of the way!

The nearly two-meter tall man in the temple immediately dwindled down.

Eunice walked quickly into the cave wearing a silver tights.

As if sensing the movement, the worms in the swamp emerged from the mud again.

There are a dozen of these giant worms.



Disgusting tentacles extend from the top of each giant worm.

They swam towards Eunice quickly, as if they wanted to use her as food.

court death!

An evil look flashed in Eunice's eyes.

Then, choke!

Eunice's hands turned into silver double blades!

In an instant, her body turned into a phantom.

The next moment, all the worms that just tried to attack Eunice had their straws cut off!

After dealing with these giant worms, Eunice walked quickly into the cave.

Her real purpose is not these disgusting bugs, but to know what is causing these bugs to mutate!

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