Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 143 Skeleton Lizard King!

call! call!

A huge golden flying dragon appeared in Death Valley.

The huge silver wings flapped, forming a hurricane, and the yellow mist that filled the valley was blown away.

Two huge skeletons were lined up in the middle of the valley.


A huge skeletal lizard roared into the air.

Good guy! This skeletal lizard is over forty meters tall, right?

Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised when he saw the skeleton lizard appearing below the valley.

The forty-meter-long skeletal lizard has almost reached the limit for this race.

Because adult skeleton lizards generally grow up to 18 meters, which is almost half as long!

This skeleton lizard should be at the king level among the skeleton lizards!

Lin Feng looked carefully at the skeletal lizard king. It had gray skin, red pupils, and was filled with a ferocious and cruel aura.

He tried to communicate with his mind, but found that the skull lizard king was very resistant, and the message it conveyed was very dangerous.

Strange! Could it be that these creatures are born to destroy?

Lin Feng was very shocked.

Because this skeletal lizard king is completely unable to communicate. In its consciousness, it only wants to kill!

This seems to be its only mission when it was created by the Creator!

In that case, let's just kill him!

Lin Feng sighed.

Originally, his intention was to use his mind to communicate with the skull lizard king and find out what was in the underground cave.

Because this skull lizard king came out of the ground.

However, this result made Lin Feng very disappointed.

He decided to kill the skeleton lizard king directly.

Lin Feng flapped his wings and released blue lightning from his tail, instantly releasing an electromagnetic pulse.


The invisible shock wave rushed downwards instantly!

However, something happened that surprised Lin Feng.

The Skeleton Lizard King was not affected by the electromagnetic pulse attack!

Not completely unaffected.

As Lin Feng used his telepathy to observe, the skeleton lizard king froze slightly for a moment.

However, it recovered instantly!

My electromagnetic pulse seems to have little effect on it!

Lin Feng was quite shocked.

There is only one reason for this result, and that is that the skeleton lizard king is too strong and can resist electromagnetic pulses!


The Skeleton Lizard King was completely angered by Lin Feng's attack. It propped its thick forelimbs on the ground, raised its head, looked at Lin Feng in the air with cold eyes, opened its mouth, exposed its sharp teeth, and let out an angry roar.

Lin Feng asked the smart assistant: Is this skeleton lizard king almost at the ninth level?

Yes! Master, the strength of this skeleton lizard king has reached the limit of the eighth level. However, due to racial restrictions, its strength is still incomparable to the master!

The smart assistant responded.

So, it has no superpowers?

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

This skeleton lizard king is basically twice his size. If he still has superpowers, it will be very difficult to fight!


Lin Feng used his mind to control it, and a barrel appeared at his tail.


A blue light beam blasted towards the Skeleton Lizard King on the ground!


The Skeleton Lizard King was attacked by a pulse cannon and sent flying dozens of meters away.

However, under the attack of Blue Pulse, he did not suffer any damage.

The defense of this Skeleton Lizard King is higher than that of the Skeleton Lizard Leader!

Under a test attack, Lin Feng discovered that the Transformers' pulse cannon was unable to destroy the Skeleton Lizard's defense.

Then, he flapped his wings and dived towards the Skeleton Lizard King.


The huge wind blew up the dust on the ground, and Lin Li used his thick legs to grab the Skeleton Lizard King.


With a loud noise, the Skeleton Lizard King was knocked back again.


The Skeleton Lizard King roared angrily.

Lin Feng rushed over again.


The Skeleton Lizard King's thick forelimbs rested on the ground and flew up instantly.

It opened its mouth and bit Lin Feng's neck with its sharp teeth.


Lin Feng's giant tail swept.


The silver tail, carrying huge power, whipped hard on the neck of the skeleton lizard.


The skeleton lizard leader suffered a heavy blow and fell towards the ground.


There was a loud noise, and a deep pit was opened in the valley.

The huge movement here also attracted the attention of the Island Wanderer.

In the cockpit, Yang Xi said solemnly: In the valley not far ahead, there is a battle between some giant beasts!

Brother, could it be King Kong?

Raleigh asked in a low voice.

Their main target this time is King Kong, but since entering Skull Island, they haven't even seen the shadow of King Kong.

Shall we go take a look?

Yang Xi asked his brother's opinion.


Raleigh is also very conative.

Because this is their main mission this time.

If King Kong is really discovered and killed.

Then, this mission is successfully completed!

Dr. Waltho saw that the Wanderer was not going in the direction of the medical team, but was heading to the other side. He immediately sent a message to the Wanderer: Wanderer, you have deviated from the course!

Dr. Worshoe! We may have discovered King Kong and are on our way to check it out!

Yang Xi responded.

What? King Kong?

Dr. Worshoe was shocked when he heard Yang Xi's words.

On Skull Island, the most well-known behemoth is King Kong.

And their first mission on coming to Skull Island this time is to hunt King Kong.

Not only Dr. Worshoe was shocked, but Captain Conrad and others beside him were also shocked.

Could it be that the Wanderer is about to fight the giant beast King Kong?

boom! boom!

Brothers Yang Xi and Luo Li ran quickly in the cockpit.

The Wanderer mecha synchronized its movements and moved forward quickly.

Its tall body is dozens of meters away with every step it takes.

Soon, brothers Yang Xi and Luo Li had arrived outside the valley.

In the valley, the visibility was very low, so Yang Xi turned on the lights above the Wanderer.

In an instant, the scene in the valley appeared in their eyes.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the huge skeleton.

Oh my God! What kind of creature's skeleton is this? It's so big, it's like a hill!

After seeing the huge skeleton clearly, Yang Xi was shocked.

This may be King Kong's skeleton!

Raleigh guessed.

Could this canyon be King Kong's cemetery? Isn't King Kong the overlord of Skull Island? What kind of creature killed them?

Yang Xi was very shocked.

They discover that Skull Island is not what the commander told them.

Let's go! Let's go to the battlefield!

Raleigh said impatiently when he heard the huge roar coming from the front.

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