not good!

Seeing this scene, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

A soldier couldn't help but look up to the sky.

In the sky, a huge colorful spider appeared with eight compound eyes, staring at him strangely.


The soldier couldn't help but exclaimed.


Something like a bamboo stick was inserted into his mouth instantly.


A scream echoed in the bamboo forest, and a ball of plasma suddenly burst out from the back of the soldier's head.

This is his brain, penetrated!

Then, the soldier was pulled up to the bamboo forest.

Damn it! It's a spider!

A spider bigger than several people put together!

The others saw this scene clearly and couldn't help but shout loudly.

Captain Conard reacted the fastest. He picked up his submachine gun and fired wildly at the top of the bamboo forest.

Da da da!

The burning heat was in the bullet, making the bamboo leaves fall down with a clatter.

The few remaining soldiers also opened fire wildly.


The giant spider was in pain and began to use its long and thick legs to thrust wildly into the bamboo forest.


Everyone dodges like crazy.

Because they knew very well what happened to their companions just now.

Once you are pierced by a spider's leg, it will definitely be a double penetration!

Cut its legs! Everyone, chop its legs!

Captain Conard instantly pulled out his military spur and cut off a spider leg next to him with a clatter of his knife.

Other soldiers and maintenance personnel followed suit.



After a while, several spider legs were chopped off.


There was a loud noise, and the spider's huge body fell from the sky.

Everyone, get out of the way!

Dr. Worshoe yelled when he saw this.

The soldiers dispersed.


There was a loud noise, and the huge spider crashed into the middle of everyone.

Without saying a word, Captain Conrad picked up his submachine gun and started shooting wildly.


The bullets hit the spider and sent slime flying everywhere.

How disgusting!

Everyone couldn't help but pinch their noses.

Several soldiers kept firing wildly, beating the giant spider until it stopped moving.

Captain Conrad stopped him: Okay! It's dead! Save your bullets, everyone!

What the hell is this place? Even spiders can grow so big!

Dr. Worshoe took one look at the giant spider's body and couldn't help but say.

Everyone, hurry up! There have been gun battles here, and other predators will definitely be attracted here!

Captain Conard advised.


Dr. Worshoe nodded immediately.

He couldn't help but ask Captain Conard: Captain, how long until we arrive?

Go through this bamboo forest and we're almost there!

Captain Conrad looked at the direction and then said.

Everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief. This ghost place is really too dangerous!

If you wait a moment longer, you may die!

After everyone had experienced the shock just now, they no longer dared to take the bamboo forest lightly.

In a tense atmosphere, everyone quickly passed through the bamboo forest.

After passing through the bamboo forest, everyone entered a forest of dead trees.

It's very strange here. One moment, all the vegetation was green, and the next moment, it was all dead trees.

All of these big trees have lost their leaves and look bare, giving people a lifeless feeling.

Conard sniffed slightly and stopped everyone with his hands: There is something weird in this forest!

What's wrong?

Dr. Worshoe asked immediately.

Now, he did not dare to underestimate Captain Conrad's opinion.

After all, he is the expert in the jungle!

There is a very strong corrosive smell!

Captain Conard said.

Everyone looked carefully, but found nothing unusual.

At this time, a maintenance team member said: Let's take a rest here first!

Captain Conrad was originally prepared to object, but he took a look at the team and saw that they had experienced two crises in succession, and many people had been injured.

So, he nodded: Okay! Everyone will repair on the spot for five minutes!

With that said, Conrad picked up the spur and began to patrol around.

The soldiers escorted the maintenance team members to rest on a large tree that fell on the ground.

The medical staff in the team immediately opened the medical box, took out the medical equipment, and began to disinfect and apply medicine to everyone.

Because the conditions here are so bad, no one knows whether they will be infected.

What's going on? Is there an earthquake? Why do I feel that the wood I'm sitting on is moving?

Dr. Worshoe took a sip of water and said with some confusion.

Really? There's no earthquake!

A soldier standing nearby shook his head.

Then, he looked at the wood that Dr. Worshoe was sitting on, and was stunned: Oh my God! Dr. Worshoe! The wood you are sitting on, it, it has come alive!


Worsch was shocked when he heard what the soldier said.

Then, he instantly felt like he was being pushed up.

Then, everyone saw an extremely terrifying scene.

The log that Dr. Worshoe was sitting on actually sprouted limbs and climbed up!

In the surprised eyes of everyone, he ran towards the depths of the woods!

Quick! Save the doctor!

The soldiers immediately chased after him while shouting loudly.

What's wrong, Doctor?

Captain Conard, who was on patrol, ran back quickly.

Doctor, doctor him! He ran away hunched over a piece of wood!

A maintenance team member pointed deep into the woods and said.


Captain Conrad felt extremely ridiculous for a moment.

A piece of wood actually carried Dr. Worshoe away?

Can wood come alive?

Thinking of this, Dr. Conrad pointed his gun at another piece of wood lying on the ground.

Bang bang!

Two gunshots were fired.

The piece of wood lying on the ground suddenly came to life.

It sprouted limbs and ran quickly.

Damn it! This is a mutated arthropod!

Captain Conard said angrily.

As he spoke, he immediately ordered everyone to take equipment and chase deep into the woods.

After a while, they saw blood stains along the way.

There were also the soldiers' torn clothes and weapons scattered on the ground.

not good!

Everyone's hearts suddenly sank.

Doctor and the others encountered an accident!

A maintenance team member said.

Dr. Conard knelt down to check, and soon found a pile of dead bones among the pieces of clothing.

Among the dead bones, there is a nameplate.

The nameplate read: Kay Knapman.

Obviously, a soldier who was chasing Dr. Worshoe died here!

Captain Conard observed the surroundings and found that the soldier did not even offer the slightest resistance before he died!

There were no signs of struggle and no bullet casings!

This shows that this soldier died without any resistance!

I suggest everyone turn around and leave!

Captain Conard said solemnly.

No! Dr. Worshoe is the core of this mission. Without him, we have no way to guarantee that we can repair the Wanderer!

The deputy leader of the maintenance team said firmly.

Okay! Then let's catch up!

Captain Conard sighed.

He knew that this would be a road leading to death!

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