Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 134 A group of pterosaurs in the sky!

Raleigh! It's dead!

Seeing that the skeleton lizard leader had no signs of life, Yang Xi said.

Disarm the plasma cannon!

Raleigh pressed the button and the Wanderer's left arm returned to its original shape.

The two of them lay in the cockpit, looking at the dead skeletal lizard leader with lingering fear.

Perhaps we underestimated the giant beast!

After a while, Yang Xi said with lingering fear.

The scene just now made him feel very thrilling.

Yes! The enemy is more difficult than we thought!

Raleigh nodded too.

Just now, this nasty big lizard was able to throw them away with its tail!

This was really beyond their expectations.

The Wanderer! The Wanderer! Do you hear that?

At this time, the call from Colonel Hans came from the warship.

Yang Xi has heard it! Yang Xi has heard it!

Yang Xi heard the call and responded immediately.

Check cockpit damage!

Colonel Hans said immediately.

Yes, sir!

Yang Xi immediately used the equipment in the cockpit to check the damage to the cockpit.

Soon, he reported: Avoid damage to the right cockpit!

You need to wait for the maintenance personnel! Please wait where you are!

When Colonel Hans heard this, he immediately said.

Afterwards, he immediately urgently deployed personnel who threatened the mecha to enter Skull Island.

At the same time, he reported the situation to the headquarters.

Colonel Kosk frowned when he heard this: This is indeed a design flaw! I didn't expect that even though the steel on the chest has been reinforced, it still cannot protect the safety of the driver. It seems that special materials must be replaced!

Immediately afterwards, he arranged for the crew to repair the Rover to go to the Western Pacific.

Inside Skull Island.

Yang Xi asked Luo Li: Brother, are you okay?

I'm okay!

Raleigh nodded.

Okay! Let's try to get up!

Yang Xi said.


Raleigh immediately cooperated.

Soon, the huge body of the Wanderer stood up from the ground.

The body of the skeleton lizard leader fell to the side.

Send the terrain here to Colonel Pabo!

Yang Xi said.

Subsequently, the two used the equipment in the mecha to map the terrain and sent it to Colonel Pabo.

Fox No. 1 has been received!

Colonel Paabo received the message and responded immediately.

He looked at the terrain mapped by the Wanderer and immediately judged that this was a place 5.3 kilometers away from him.

A big battle actually lasted 5 kilometers. It's incredible!

The soldiers on the plane were amazed.

However, this is also very normal, after all, both sides of the battle are moving too fast!

We send the location of the Rover to the maintenance team!

Colonel Pabo shouted.

Soon, the maintenance team, escorted by armed helicopters, entered Skull Island.

Their job is to repair the hole in the Wanderer's chest.

This time, the team responsible for the repairs was led by Dr. Waltho, a mechanical doctor.

This is Fox 1! Maintenance team, please follow me!

Colonel Pabo waited for the maintenance team and spoke loudly through the communicator.

Okay! Colonel Laupabo will lead the way!

exclaimed Dr. Worshoe.


Colonel Pabo ordered the helicopter to fly towards where the Wanderer was.

At this moment, a dark flock of birds flew from the sky.

Oh my God! What kind of bird is this? Why is it so big?

Colonel Pabo was shocked when he saw a group of giant birds flying towards this direction.

Colonel! This is not a bird! This is a pterosaur! The pterosaurs are going to attack our helicopter formation!

On the helicopter, the pilot yelled.

What? A pterosaur? Isn't this damn thing supposed to be extinct?

Colonel Pabo was shocked.

As he flew closer, he could see clearly that this was indeed no ordinary bird.

Because this big thing flying in the air is no smaller than a helicopter!

The wingspan is twenty meters, while their helicopter is only 15 or 6 meters.

Fire quickly!

Colonel Pabo immediately shouted loudly.

Yes! Colonel!

The pilot immediately responded loudly.

Then, the cannon on Fox 1 began to roar wildly.

Da da da!

Tongues of fire spurted out.

The first few pterosaurs were shot and knocked out of the air.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The body of the pterosaur fell from the sky.

However, some pterosaurs avoided the range of the cannon attack and tried to attack from other directions.

Upon seeing this, Colonel Pabo immediately shouted an order: Give the maintenance team an order to make an emergency landing!

Yes! Colonel!

The correspondent immediately relayed the message to the maintenance crew.


The maintenance team's helicopter immediately descended quickly, looking for a flat place to land.

Fox 1, on the other hand, attracted firepower in the air to buy time for the maintenance team.


A pterosaur struck the Fox One from the flank.


The helicopter shook violently.

Colonel! No! We are under attack!

the pilot shouted.

Keep stalling for the maintenance team!

Colonel Pabo looked determined.

Yes! Colonel!

The pilot concentrates on driving.


Continuous vibrations came.

This is where different pterosaurs start attacking the helicopter.


A pterosaur smashed the helicopter's glass with its sharp claws.

Then, it used its head to squeeze inside.

Go to hell!

Colonel Pabo took out his pistol and pointed it at the pterosaur's head, bang bang! Fired twice.


The pterosaur neighed and then fell from the sky.

Soon, other pterosaurs filled in.

Bang bang!

Colonel Pabo kept firing.

Suddenly, there was a violent vibration on the tail wing.

The pilot exclaimed: No! Our tail has suffered a violent impact! We are about to fall!

It turned out that a pterosaur had just been flying at high speed, and then hit the tail of Fox 1, directly destroying the tail!

Headquarters! Headquarters! This is Fox No. 1! Fox No. 1 has successfully completed its cover mission!

Colonel Pabo calmly delivered the message.


Boom! Boom!

Several pterosaurs collided one after another.

Immediately afterwards, a pterosaur hit the fuel tank.


A violent explosion occurred on Fox 1.

Listening to the violent explosion coming from the communicator.

On the warship, Colonel Hans was silent for a while.

He understood that Colonel Pabo had died in the line of duty!


Colonel Hans shouted loudly.

In the command room, all the soldiers saluted together!

After a while, Colonel Hans asked Dr. Worshoe of the maintenance team: How far is the location of your emergency landing from the Wanderer?

There are still three kilometers! Sir! We need to cross a swamp and get to the other side of the mountain!

Dr. Worshoe looked at the map and then said.

Go to the mission immediately!

Colonel Hans ordered loudly.

Yes, sir!

exclaimed Dr. Worshoe.

Afterwards, he led the maintenance team and rushed towards the destination quickly.

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