Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 123 Planet X’s plan!

After becoming a black major, the X-planet people immediately changed their orders.

He immediately sent an order to the armed helicopter behind through the communicator: Eagle cubs! I want to capture this giant alive! At any cost!

Falcon 4 got the order!

Falcon 5 got the order!

Falcon 6 got the order!

The remaining three armed helicopters immediately caught up.


On the helicopter, a round of cannon attacks suddenly made small craters in the desert, and dust flew up.

Falcon 5 goes to the front and covers him, block him!

The black major gave the order with a cold look.

Yes, sir!


Falcon 5 flew forward quickly, blocking the giant's way.

However, the giant did not stop.

The pilot on the Falcon 5 immediately lowered its altitude, then aimed its cannon and began to fire wildly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dense shells exploded around the giant.

Due to the major's order, Falcon 5 did not dare to attack the fatal part of the giant.


Although the giant was severely injured, his speed did not slow down and he rushed directly towards the Falcon 5.

No! He's coming!

the soldiers on Falcon 5 exclaimed.

The pilot immediately raised the altitude of the helicopter.

At this time, the giant leaped high.

In an instant, he crossed a distance of more than 10 meters and hit the Falcon 5!

Boom! There was a loud noise, and the windshield of Falcon 5 was directly smashed by the giant's blow.


The Falcon 5 was instantly destroyed and fell downwards.

Falcon 5 has crashed!

Falcon 5 has crashed!

In the communication channel, the pilots of Falcon 4 and 6 immediately started emergency warning.

If it was a normal command, personnel would definitely be arranged to rescue the Falcon 5 where it crashed.

However, the black major is now a member of Planet X, and he doesn't care about the life or death of other people at all.

So, he gave the order again: Surround him! He can't escape!

At this time, the giant had rushed to the wreckage of Falcon 5.

There are still soldiers on Falcon 5 who are not completely dead.

They climbed out of the wreckage, covered in blood.

At this moment, boom!

A huge foot fell from the sky!

Boom! A seriously injured and dying soldier was directly trampled to death!


The giant opened his mouth and roared angrily.

He raised his huge fist, like a whack-a-mole, and smashed all the soldiers crawling out of the wreckage to death!

This brutal scene made the other soldiers feel terrified.

They wanted to kill the giant immediately, but the major issued an order to capture him alive!

The giant quickly dismantled the helicopter wreckage with three strikes and five strikes.

He found several weapons, one of which was an airplane propeller.

The other one is the helicopter fuselage.


The giant raised his arms and threw the helicopter wreckage into the air.


Falcon 6 was hit directly.

In an instant, it exploded into a burst of fire.

At this time, of the 6 helicopters, only the last two were left!


The muscles of the giant's arms swelled and he threw the helicopter propeller with all his strength.


The helicopter propeller hit the Falcon 4 helicopter directly.

In the end, only the armed helicopter on which the X-Stars were riding was left in the sky.

He drove the helicopter directly and crashed into the direction of the giant.


The giant was so angry that he didn't want to avoid it and hit him directly.


With a loud noise, the giant hit the helicopter and instantly shattered the windshield in front of it.


At this moment, a silver sword light bloomed from the helicopter!


The silver long knife struck directly on the giant's arm, cutting off one of his thick arms!


The giant took the knife and began to scream.

Where his arm was broken, blood began to spurt out.

Who are you?

The giant looked at the X-planet people who rushed out of the helicopter.

Someone interested in you!

The X-planet man still looks like a black major.

As he spoke, his body turned into a shadow.

The next moment, the giant's legs were cut off directly with a knife!

So fast!

The giant said in extreme horror as he collapsed to the ground.

He thought he had become a superman after his mutation.

Unexpectedly, he was still vulnerable in front of his captor!

At this time, the X-planet man took out a strange-shaped pistol and shot the giant in the chest.


The giant fainted instantly.

M Corps Headquarters.

We lost Falcon's signal!

An information officer suddenly said.


A man who looked like a general was greatly surprised.

He is responsible for this operation.

Compared with the golden flying dragon, Godzilla, and Muto, the giant that appeared this time is just a child.

Even so, he also dispatched a team of more than 20 people to perform this task.

Unexpectedly, after arriving at the destination, the Falcon team lost contact.

What's their life situation like?

the general asked immediately.

Report to your Excellency General! Everyone has lost signs of life!

said the person responsible for monitoring information.

In the command room, everyone was silent for a while.

Obviously, during this operation, the Falcon Team encountered unexpected changes.

What happened?

The general frowned deeply.

Then, he ordered: Collect the satellite images above the target location!

Soon, the information personnel discovered that the satellite signal was blocked!

Could it be that some big country did it?

The general was puzzled.

He thought of the strange appearance of the giant this time, and could not rule out that it was a top-secret research being conducted by a certain country.

Send a team to the destination immediately to check the situation!

After thinking for a while, the general gave the order decisively.

After the X-Star people captured the giant, they immediately took him to an inaccessible place.

This place used to be a village, but due to some mysterious reasons, there was no one in the village at this time.

The X-planet people took out their instruments and began to test the giant's condition.

After monitoring all the data, his hand instantly turned into a long knife.


The X-planet man broke open the giant's head with one knife.

Then, he saw that a piece of white gel material had formed inside the giant's head.

What pure life energy!

The X-planet people were amazed.

Immediately, the X-planet man opened his mouth and instantly became the boss.

He swallowed the gel substance into his mouth in one gulp and smacked his mouth with satisfaction.

It tastes so good! My strength has improved again, and I will soon be able to reach the eighth level!

Planet X people are very satisfied.

If he could be promoted to the eighth level, then he would be considered a master among the people of Planet X!

Thinking of this, a plan suddenly emerged in his mind!

A harvest plan!

Use this method of mutating humans on earth and planet to produce a large amount of evolutionary materials!

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