Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 121 King Kong surrenders!


The huge wind force set off a huge wave in the stream.

Lin Feng spit a beam of destruction directly at the tentacles of the giant octopus strangling King Kong's neck.


A golden lightning flashed out, and the extremely tough tentacle broke into two pieces.

At the critical moment, King Kong felt the long-lost breath.

If it slows down for a moment longer, it will die of suffocation!

What's even more terrifying is that there are sharp thorns on the tentacles. These sharp thorns pierce into King Kong's body and suck the blood from his body!

The originally white tentacles turned red due to absorbing King Kong's blood.

Huh? How come this giant octopus is so similar to the one I met in the Pacific Ocean?

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

Roar! Roar!

After King Kong broke free from his restraints, he opened his huge mouth and began to breathe desperately.

Then, its broad palms each grabbed a tentacle and pulled desperately, trying to tear it off.

However, this is in vain, the tentacles of this giant octopus are very tough.

There was a hint of edge in Lin Feng's golden eyes.

The next moment, his tail shone with blue light and his wings fluttered.

An invisible shock wave spread out.

This is Lin Feng launching an electromagnetic pulse!


One of the tentacles was cut off by Lin Feng, and he was hit with an electromagnetic pulse. The giant octopus was in pain, and all its tentacles were weakly released.

Its huge head suddenly emerged from the water.

This giant octopus was larger than the one Lin Feng encountered in the Pacific Ocean.

After emerging from the water, it looks like a small island!

As soon as King Kong saw the body of the giant octopus, a fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

It kicked its feet in the water.


He suddenly landed next to the giant octopus and used his fists to smash the hard shell of the octopus.

Bang! Bang!

King Kong punched several times in succession, making the shell of the giant octopus rumble, but it could not break the defense at all!

Instead, red blood flowed from its fist.

King Kong was not convinced, so he lifted a huge boulder from the water, boom!

Slam it hard on the giant octopus!


The boulder instantly shattered into pieces.

However, the giant octopus is still safe and sound!

The electromagnetic pulse only affected the giant octopus for a moment.

It quickly regained consciousness, opened its huge eyes, and saw King Kong in front of it.

The remaining tentacles of the giant octopus swept across.


King Kong was hit instantly, flew several hundred meters away, and hit a cliff directly.

The entire cliff was shaken violently.

Card wipe!

The rocks on the cliff broke and collapsed.

The animals and birds on this mountain all fled into the distance.

If there are humans here, they will definitely be stunned by the battle between King Kong and the giant octopus.

Lin Feng did not intervene immediately. He was observing the ultimate combat power of King Kong and the giant octopus.

From his perspective, the giant octopus has greater advantages.

Firstly, its body's defense is very high, even if it withstands the explosion of a torpedo, it can still survive unharmed.

The second point is that the giant octopus has 8 tentacles and is very flexible.

It can not only entangle King Kong's body, but also attack it.

There are even sharp thorns on the tentacles of the giant octopus, which can pierce King Kong's skin and draw the blood from the body.

It can be said that if Lin Feng had not taken action, King Kong would definitely not be a match for this giant octopus!

King Kong looked down at the giant octopus writhing in the water. It stood on the cliff and beat its chest with its fists.

Boom! Boom!

King Kong hammered his chest so loudly that water splashed.

The next moment, it lifted a huge boulder from the cliff, and then jumped down from the cliff.


The boulder hit the giant octopus' shell, knocking it unconscious.

The next moment, the giant octopus opened its mouth and spurted black liquid from inside.


The black liquid poured all over King Kong.


King Kong roared in pain.

These black liquids sprayed on King Kong's body, corroding a piece of its hair, and the flesh and blood inside began to fester.


King Kong collapsed into the lake and began to roll around in the lake desperately, trying to suck away the corrosive liquid from his body.

Contaminated by this corrosive liquid, the fish in the lake surfaced one after another, and they all died!

The giant octopus regained its composure, stretched out seven tentacles, and wrapped around King Kong.

King Kong struggled hard, and the water surface churned like a strong tsunami.

That's it!

Lin Feng felt that King Kong's winning rate was almost zero.

So, he flapped his wings and flew quickly, releasing an electromagnetic pulse first.


The giant octopus was instantly shocked and all its tentacles became stiff.

The next moment, Lin Feng flew over the giant octopus, and a golden lightning was released.


A huge hole soon appeared in the giant octopus's hard shell.


The giant octopus was in pain and began to open its mouth and scream loudly.

Lin Feng didn't intend to let it catch his breath, and released another golden lightning bolt.

This time, the position is from the left eye.


The huge eyes of the giant octopus exploded.


Subsequently, the giant octopus lost its vitality and sank to the bottom of the water.

The life energy of this octopus is very impressive!

The smart assistant scanned it and commented.

How much life energy can it bring to me?

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Fifteen percent!

The smart assistant replied.

That is indeed very good!

When Lin Feng heard this, he smiled with satisfaction.

Then, he used his claws to drag one of the giant octopus's tentacles toward the shore.


The giant octopus had a huge body, and Lin Feng dragged it along. In an instant, the water surface rose several meters, forming a huge wave.

King Kong reacted and immediately used all four limbs to run towards Lin Feng.

It made a few gestures at Lin Feng, and then looked at him inquiringly with its big eyes.

Lin Feng understood King Kong's intention and actually wanted to help him drag the giant octopus.

Thinking of free labor, Lin Feng nodded.

King Kong quickly ran to the side, grabbed a tentacle with a giant hand, and dragged it towards the shore.

Soon, Lin Feng and King Kong dragged the giant octopus to the shore.

King Kong stood aside honestly, wanting to see what Lin Feng planned to do.

Lin Feng did not shy away and directly began to absorb the life energy of the giant octopus.

After about half an hour, all that was left of the giant octopus was a huge shell.

This shell is very hard and very useful for Lin Feng.

After absorbing it, it can greatly increase its own weight and defense.

As a result, Lin Feng began to absorb it on the spot.

After about two hours, he completely absorbed the shell of the giant octopus.

At this time, Lin Feng's size had increased by about five meters, and his weight had increased by one-third!

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