Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 111 Capture the M Army’s defense line!

Woo! Woo!

In the naval base of country M, the sirens kept ringing.

The soldiers inside the base were carrying weapons and equipment urgently.

In addition to the USS George aircraft carrier, Fleet 11 also has four anti-missile cruisers and a large number of nuclear submarines.

Seeing the aircraft carrier battle group dispatched from the M Army base, the whole world was shocked.

Country E.

The news came back through satellites that the aircraft carrier USS George of the 11th Fleet of the M Army was dispatched. This is not an exercise, this is a real battle!

The newscaster urgently broke in for such an advertisement.

What is Country M planning to do? The location of Fleet 11 is in Asia. Could it be that they want to demonstrate against us?

Too arrogant!

People in E country were shocked after reading the news.

In order to prevent a sudden attack by Country E, the military bases near Fleet 11 have increased their vigilance.

Because the surrounding countries don't quite believe that the M Army is launching a massive fleet for a giant beast.

Colonel Caplin immediately arranged for ground troops to be deployed.

Armored cars and tanks drove out one by one.

In the air, armed helicopters and fighter jets are all ready.

After the Mechanical Alien Mother Queen ran on the ground for a certain distance, it did something that surprised everyone.

I saw it shrinking its tail, retracting its limbs, jets appeared at its tail, and it actually began to transform!

In an instant, it transformed into a disc-shaped aircraft.


Under the aircraft, blue flames were sprayed out, and it instantly rose into the sky!

Look! That silver giant beast is starting to transform!

Oh my God! How did he become another monster and turn into an aircraft?

Seeing this scene, everyone in the military base was extremely surprised.

The speed of this silver aircraft was very fast, and it quickly approached the M Army's defense line.

The ground commander of M Army immediately issued combat orders.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Tanks and howitzers on armored vehicles began firing.

Countless cannonballs attacked the approaching silver aircraft.


A blue shock wave was released from the silver aircraft.

The next moment, all the tanks and armored vehicles on the ground were destroyed!

This firepower is simply incredible!

In just a few minutes, the mechanical alien mother queen destroyed the M Army's ground defense line.

In one go, it invaded the military stronghold of the M Army.

At this point, the mechanical alien queen once again transformed into an alien form.

Da da da!

The soldiers who were still in the stronghold immediately opened fire on the mechanical alien queen.

The bullet hit its body, causing sparks to fly. It couldn't even break through its defense!

Withdraw! Withdraw!

A commander who was left behind shouted loudly.


A blue light struck down.

The ceiling of the headquarters was directly destroyed by a shock wave.

Stab! Stab!

In the command room, all the electrical appliances began to spark.

Boom! Boom!

Heavy steps sounded, accompanied by a strong vibration.

The mechanical alien mother queen approached the M Army command post one step at a time.


A tentacle stretched out from the mechanical alien queen.

Later, the tentacle was held on the computer host in the command room.


In the command room, all the computers began to flash.

From the tentacles of the Mechanical Alien Mother Queen, signals are constantly being transmitted, and the military secrets in the command post have begun to be stolen!

Turn off the power! Turn off the power! This monster is stealing our military secrets!

a military expert yelled.

Immediately, a soldier quickly rushed to the power hub and cut off the power supply with great energy.

A red light flashed in the eyes of the mechanical alien queen, and the next moment, it fired a cluster cannon.


Intensive firepower covered the entire command room.

The next moment, the command room of M Army completely turned into dust!

Lin Feng couldn't help being dumbfounded, and then he thought of a possibility: This guy can't be a Transformer, right?

However, Lin Feng also had some confusion: Aren't Transformers combat robots sent by the M Army?

The smart assistant immediately started detecting.

After a while, it said: Yes! Master! I felt a familiar aura from it. The reason why it became like this is that it merged with an alien queen!

The smart assistant has almost guessed the truth of the matter.

Then things are getting serious now!

Lin Feng looked like he was watching a good show.

Because this Transformer was originally sent by the M Army to deal with him.

In the end, he was beaten into two pieces with the destruction ray, and one part ran away.

Now, the part that escaped actually started to fight against the M Army after merging with the Alien Queen!

Pictures from the front line were quickly transmitted back to the M Army command center.

General, mysterious monsters have begun to attack our fleet No. 11!

The adjutant reported the situation to the commander anxiously.

The commander took a look and saw that the one attacking the M Army military base looked so like an alien spacecraft.

He thought of the seriousness of the matter and immediately reported it to the upper levels.

Soon, the president of Country M also learned about this.

He came to Area 51 again and found Colonel Kosk.

When Colonel Kosk saw the President of Country M coming here again, he couldn't help but issue an expulsion order: Your Excellency, if you want to deal with that golden flying dragon, I'm sorry that I can't do anything!

The President of Country M said solemnly: Colonel Kosk, I think you will be interested in this matter! We named the mysterious creature that appeared this time 'Destroyer'.

Later, he showed the scene of the transformation of the mechanical alien queen to Colonel Kosk.

This this……

Colonel Kosk's face suddenly showed a look of extreme surprise.

He said after a while: Is this another alien spacecraft that crashed on the earth?

The President of Country M nodded: It's possible! This thing was drilled out from the Egyptian Sun Temple! Previously, satellites detected a surge of heat sources underneath...

The strength displayed by this silver aircraft is more powerful than Patriot 1!

Colonel Kosk frowned.

If he knew that this was the evolution of Patriot One, he would probably be shocked.

The President of Country M said again: Colonel Kosk, this mysterious alien visitor has strong hostility towards Country M. It is attacking Fleet 11 at this time!

Your Excellency, President! In this case, we can only use a weapon that Area 51 has not yet completely perfected!

Colonel Kosk was silent for a moment, then said.

Colonel, are you talking about Red Storm?

The president of Country M asked expectantly.

No! This is another mecha!

Colonel Kosk shook his head.

Another one?

The president of country M is quite curious.

Since there is another mecha, why didn't he let him visit last time?

Colonel Kosk said: This mecha has been developed since the Boston incident in 2014, and it has now reached the testing stage!

As he spoke, he said to the President of Country M: Your Excellency, please come with me!

As he spoke, Colonel Kosk led the way.

Soon, the two came to a large command room.

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