Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 105 Eat aliens and become stronger!

Huh! Humans are such hypocritical creatures! They say no, but their bodies are honest!

The symbiote scoffed mercilessly.

Do you really want to eat this kind of thing? Its blood seems to be very corrosive. Will I get diarrhea if I eat it?

Liu Xuanfeng said hesitantly.

Believe me! This is definitely the most delicious food in the world!

The symbiote laughed.

All right!

Liu Xuanfeng could already feel his stomach cramping.

At the same time, his open mouth began to secrete saliva like crazy. Even if he said he didn't want to eat, no one would believe it.

Then let's try it!

Previously, after the symbiote killed the alien, it directly absorbed the life force.

At this time, Liu Xuanfeng became a complete state, and the symbiote turned into a black film covering his body, looking like a black giant.

Liu Xuanfeng stretched out his strong arms, whoosh!

His arms instantly lengthened, and he grabbed the alien on the ground and lifted it up.

Eat it quickly! Crack its head first and suck out the brain inside. That is the most delicious food!

A thunderous sound came from Liu Xuanfeng's abdomen.

Liu Xuanfeng hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand, and the black substance instantly condensed into a sharp claw.

He inserted his sharp claws into the hard shell of the alien head and cracked it slightly.

Click! A clicking sound was heard.

The next moment, Liu Xuanfeng opened his mouth and stuck out his long and big tongue.


Liu Xuanfeng held the alien's head and began to absorb the brain inside.


Dr. Jones, who was watching outside the stone chamber, couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach when he saw this scene.


Seeing Liu Xuanfeng brutally killing his own kind, the aliens began to roar angrily.

They disturb us from eating, go and squash them!

A dull voice sounded in the stone room.

Liu Xuanfeng had sucked out the brain of the alien, and suddenly felt that his body was full of power.

He knew that this was because the symbiote had replenished its energy and became more powerful.


Liu Xuanfeng was also full of energy. He wanted to vent the powerful power in his body.

Liu Xuanfeng felt his right hand sink.

Immediately, he saw his right hand lengthen and turn into a huge sledgehammer covered with spikes.

Choking, Liu Xuanfeng found that his left hand had turned into a sharp long knife!

Left sword, right hammer, domineering!

Liu Xuanfeng was extremely satisfied with the weapons transformed from the symbiote's venom.

Boom boom boom!

He took heavy steps and rushed towards one of the aliens.


When the alien saw the enemy rushing toward him, he opened his bloody mouth and exposed his sharp fangs.


The alien roared loudly, kicked its hind feet on the ground, and rushed towards Liu Xuanfeng quickly.

It wanted to disembowel him with its sharp claws.

The black substance in Liu Xuanfeng's right hand seemed to turn into an iron chain, and he swung the giant hammer.


The giant hammer danced and whined.


The meteor hammer penetrated the void and crashed down towards the alien.


With a huge sound, the alien was hit by the giant hammer, and its entire body flew out!

Boom! Boom!

The alien body smashed into two stone platforms one after another, the sound was terrifying!


Liu Xuanfeng shouted loudly.

This is a man's fight!

The other two aliens immediately ran quickly and attacked from both sides.

Liu Xuanfeng immediately ran quickly. At the same time, the black substance in his hand grew longer and instantly stuck to the roof of the stone chamber.

The next moment, he was caught between two aliens and flew away instantly like a swing.


The two aliens jumped into the air, collided with each other, and fell to the ground instantly.

At this time, Liu Xuanfeng had already landed next to the injured alien. He raised the long knife in his hand and chopped it off cleanly!


The alien was cut into two pieces!

Waste! This is a waste!

The symbiote's protest came from Liu Xuanfeng's body.

Don't worry! I'm careful to control my strength! I won't die! It will still be fresh in a while!

Liu Xuanfeng stared at the injured alien who was not completely dead and said.

You are indeed being harsh! You obviously like to eat, but you insist on blaming it on me!

The symbiote chuckled.

Liu Xuanfeng didn't reply. He turned around and knocked away the attacking alien with one hammer!

Pegasus Meteor Hammer!

Liu Xuanfeng danced the chain made of black material, and danced the giant hammer in his hand so loudly that the wind roared.

The ferocious aliens all took a step back at this time.

Even though they are ferocious by nature, they are still a little scared at this time.

Look! I'm right! We are the best combination!

The symbiote made an excited sound.

He was very satisfied with this host.

Not only is he the strongest one he has ever held, but he is also very violent, which is in line with his taste.

If you can get rid of the bad habit of eating people, we will be the best partners!

Liu Xuanfeng said with a serious face.

No matter what he eats, he won't eat people, that's the bottom line!

Okay! You humans don't taste good! If it wasn't to restore energy, I would eat it!

The symbiote said rather disgustedly.

Host! Kill these aliens quickly! The more you eat, the stronger I will become!

The symbiote said impatiently.

This kind of alien creature is completely dependent on its host.

It can even draw abilities from the host.


Liu Xuanfeng ran quickly and took the initiative to attack the remaining aliens.


Seeing that the battle was inevitable, several aliens roared in the sky, and then rushed towards Liu Xuanfeng together.



A big war started again.


Violent crashes and alien screams rang out.

It seems that Assistant Liu has reached a consensus with the mysterious alien creature!

Thinking of this, Dr. Jones identified the direction and walked towards the other side.

This passage is the stone chamber where the alien creatures dragged humans after they captured them.

At this time, the alien creatures ran out and they were besieging Liu Xuanfeng.

Stepping into the stone chamber, Dr. Jones immediately used a flashlight to search inside the stone chamber.

First, he saw corpses lying on the stone platform.

These corpses were wearing camouflage uniforms, some of which were organized by poisonous spider mercenaries.

The other part are people sent by the military to protect them.

Could it be that these people are being used as food?

Dr. Jones looked at it for a while and then came to a chilling conclusion.

At this moment, a slight voice sounded from the other side: Dr. Jones...

Dr. Jones immediately looked over there and saw Sam.

At this time, he was lying on a stone platform, his body covered with a web of mucus.

Already dying, almost expiring!

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