Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 101 Defeat the Transformers!

At the critical moment, Lin Feng did something that surprised everyone.

Seeing the Silver Transformer swinging the energy knife towards his tail, he not only did not let go of it, but stretched his neck as if to attack the Silver Transformer's chest.

What? The golden flying dragon is still reluctant to let go?

Everyone was extremely surprised when they saw this scene.

Because, if the golden flying dragon doesn't let go of the silver Transformer, its tail will be cut off!


A crisp sound came out, and in the eyes of everyone, the energy knife of the silver Transformer was indestructible, and it cut off the tail of the golden flying dragon that bound it.

Some M troops showed contempt in their eyes: The golden flying dragon has limited intelligence, and the steel fuselage of Patriot 1 has amazing defense. Its idea of ​​​​exchanging a tail for attacking the vital points of Patriot 1 is doomed to fail!

At this time, Lin Feng had also attacked!

He opened his mouth and inspired a golden lightning from his mouth!


A bolt of golden lightning accurately hit the silver Transformer's chest!


The golden lightning was indestructible and instantly penetrated the silver Transformer's chest, leaving a terrifying hole!

So cruel! It turns out that this is a lose-lose strategy!

We all underestimated the Golden Flying Dragon! It actually has one trump card that it hasn't used yet!

Everyone watching this battle was surprised.

Especially the people in the M Army naval base looked at the Patriot One that crashed to the ground with great worry.

Get up quickly!

You can definitely do it!

They refuse to accept this fact!

Inside the Imperial Organization Base.

Dr. Mark was also surprised when he saw the golden flying dragon releasing golden lightning.

This, this is exactly the same as the picture taken by Dr. Chen of the Chinese dragon killing the giant octopus monster!

This scene made him even more certain that this golden flying dragon was closely related to the Chinese dragon.

Of course, Dr. Mark did not expect that these were the same head.

Because, only ten days have passed, and Lin Feng has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Not only does it have golden scales, but it also has a tail and a pair of wings!

Even this body shape is twice as big!

As everyone stared in surprise, Lin Feng's broken tail gradually grew back!

Oh my God! This golden beast has the ability to regenerate!

Seeing this scene, Colonel Rampling exclaimed.

Since the golden flying dragon's tail has the ability to regenerate, then other parts of its body must also have the ability to regenerate.

How can we kill such a monster completely?

In the M Army naval base, the soldiers felt deep despair when they saw this scene.

Because, as long as this golden flying dragon cannot be completely killed, it can recover.

Even a severed tail can be reborn.

They had no idea that Lin Feng could not only be reborn if his tail was severed, but he could even be reborn if his head was severed!

Just when Lin Feng grew his tail again, the silver Transformer that fell on the ground also moved.

What? Patriot One can still fight again?

In the M Army naval base, the soldiers saw the Patriot 1 gradually moving in the screen and exclaimed.

The next moment, woo!

The silver robot restarted its engine and its arms began to move. It wanted to get up from the desert again!

Everyone noticed that there was a terrifyingly large hole passing through its chest.

In the hole, there is liquid metal trying to repair it.

What is this? Liquid metal?

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Inside the body of Patriot 1, there is actually liquid metal!

This liquid metal is also silver, similar to mercury. It seems to have the ability to repair and is constantly repairing its body.

However, Lin Feng's destructive ray was very terrifying, and the trauma caused by it was irreversible, making recovery extremely difficult.

How is this going?

Lin Feng was also a little surprised.

Master, this robot has a very restorative substance in its body and is trying to repair it!

Lin Feng would not give his opponent time.

So, he quickly stepped forward and raised his Optimus Prime-like right leg.


Step down hard!


The exo-metal skeleton of the silver Transformer's chest where it was severely injured made a breaking sound.

Lin Feng was worried and aimed at the silver Transformer's head and fired another golden lightning bolt.


The silver Transformer's head was completely destroyed by golden lightning!


Lin Feng swung his tail and hit the Transformer's body hard.

one time! Twice!

Lin Feng was extremely violent!

It seemed as if this silver Transformer was going to be completely blown to pieces!

At a certain moment, Lin Feng directly blasted the Transformers into two pieces!


At this moment, the engine inside the Silver Transformer started.

Then, it actually deformed again. Its original legs turned directly into spiral spines. It quickly dug a hole out of the desert and half of its body got under the desert!

Is there another trick?

Lin Feng was surprised.

The tenacity of this silver Transformer exceeded his expectations.

In the end, he was left with only the upper half of the Silver Transformer's body.

call! call!

Lin Feng held half of the silver Transformer in his mouth, flapped his wings, and flew away from the battlefield.

M Army Naval Base.

Colonel Caplin immediately ordered: Track this golden flying dragon for me! The headquarters will definitely send reinforcements again!


Ground radar personnel immediately took orders.

At the same time, Caplin ordered a special operations team to search for the wreckage of Patriot 1.

After all, they saw half of Patriot 1 go underground!

At this moment, the information personnel reported: Report to the colonel! We have lost sight of the golden dragon!


Caplin was shocked.

Relevant experts said in disbelief: Just now, our satellite was attacked mysteriously, which made it impossible to accurately track it!

That golden flying dragon can actually block satellite tracking?

Colonel Caplin looked sad.

At this time, the military command center of country M.

Colonel Kosk also received battle reports from the front line.

Patriot One actually failed!

The President of Country M asked: Colonel Kosk, do you have any better ideas?

Colonel Kosk stared at the battle video, and then said: This golden flying dragon is very intelligent, and the golden lightning it just released has a very strong penetrating power. Patriot One, which uses the most advanced metal at present, actually has Easily melted!

Your Excellency, my advice to you is not to provoke it for the time being!

After thinking for a moment, Colonel Kosk said.


The president of country M was shocked.

He did not expect that Colonel Kosk would persuade him like this.

Because Colonel Kosk is a militant.

Moreover, sitting in Area 51, I don’t know how many advanced weapons have been developed.

Could it be that, even after exhausting Area 51, I still can't find a weapon that can kill the golden flying dragon?

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